Source code for

Module handling the I/O for an MD run.
import csv
import pickle
import re
import sys
import yaml
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from IPython import get_ipython
from numpy import float64
from numpy import load as np_load
from numpy import savetxt, savez, zeros
from numpy.random import randint
from os import listdir, mkdir
from os.path import basename, exists, join
from pyfiglet import Figlet, print_figlet
from warnings import warn

if get_ipython().__class__.__name__ == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
    # If you are using Jupyter Notebook
    from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
    # If you are using IPython or Python kernel
    from tqdm import tqdm

FONTS = ["speed", "starwars", "graffiti", "chunky", "epic", "larry3d", "ogre"]

# Light Colors.

# Dark Colors.
DARK_COLORS = ["24;69;49", "0;129;131", "83;80;84", "110;0;95"]

[docs]class InputOutput: """ Class handling the input and output functions of the MD run. Parameters ---------- process : str Name of the process class containing MD run info. """ electrostatic_equilibration: bool = False eq_dump_dir: str = "dumps" equilibration_dir: str = "Equilibration" input_file: str = None # MD run input file. job_dir: str = None job_id: str = None log_file: str = None mag_dump_dir: str = "dumps" magnetization_dir: str = "Magnetization" magnetized: bool = False preprocess_file: str = None preprocessing: bool = False preprocessing_dir: str = "PreProcessing" process: str = "preprocessing" processes_dir: str = None prod_dump_dir: str = "dumps" production_dir: str = "Production" postprocessing_dir: str = "PostProcessing" simulations_dir: str = "Simulations" simulation_dir: str = "Simulation" verbose: bool = False xyz_dir: str = None xyz_filename: str = None
[docs] def __init__(self, process: str = "preprocess"): self.process = process
def __repr__(self): sortedDict = dict(sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())) disp = "InputOuput( \n" for key, value in sortedDict.items(): disp += "\t{} : {}\n".format(key, value) disp += ")" return disp def __copy__(self): """Make a shallow copy of the object using copy by creating a new instance of the object and copying its __dict__.""" # Create a new object _copy = type(self)() # copy the dictionary _copy.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return _copy
[docs] def from_dict(self, input_dict: dict): """ Update attributes from input dictionary. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Dictionary to be copied. """ self.__dict__.update(input_dict)
[docs] def setup(self): """Create file paths and directories for the simulation.""" self.create_file_paths() self.make_directories() self.file_header()
[docs] def from_yaml(self, filename: str): """ Parse inputs from YAML file. Parameters ---------- filename: str Input YAML file. Returns ------- dics : dict Content of YAML file parsed in a nested dictionary """ self.input_file = filename with open(filename, "r") as stream: dics = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self.__dict__.update(dics["IO"]) if "Parameters" in dics.keys(): keyed = "Parameters" for key, value in dics[keyed].items(): if key == "verbose": self.verbose = value if key == "magnetized": self.magnetized = value if key == "load_method": self.load_method = value if value[-7:] == "restart": self.restart = True else: self.restart = False if key == "preprocessing": self.preprocessing = value if "Integrator" in dics.keys(): keyed = "Integrator" for key, value in dics[keyed].items(): if key == "electrostatic_equilibration": self.electrostatic_equilibration = value # rdf_nbins can be defined in either Parameters or Postprocessing. However, Postprocessing will always # supersede Parameters choice. if "Observables" in dics.keys(): for i in dics["Observables"]: if "RadialDistributionFunction" in i.keys(): dics["Parameters"]["rdf_nbins"] = i["RadialDistributionFunction"]["no_bins"] return dics
[docs] def create_file_paths(self): """Create all directories', subdirectories', and files' paths.""" if self.job_dir is None: self.job_dir = basename(self.input_file).split(".")[0] if self.job_id is None: self.job_id = self.job_dir self.job_dir = join(self.simulations_dir, self.job_dir) # Create Processes directories self.processes_dir = [ join(self.job_dir, self.preprocessing_dir), join(self.job_dir, self.simulation_dir), join(self.job_dir, self.postprocessing_dir), ] # Redundancy self.preprocessing_dir = self.processes_dir[0] self.simulation_dir = self.processes_dir[1] self.postprocessing_dir = self.processes_dir[2] # Redirect to the correct process folder if self.process == "preprocessing": indx = 0 else: # Note that Postprocessing needs the link to simulation's folder # because that is where I look for energy files and pickle files indx = 1 # Equilibration directory and sub_dir self.equilibration_dir = join(self.processes_dir[indx], self.equilibration_dir) self.eq_dump_dir = join(self.equilibration_dir, "dumps") # Production dir and sub_dir self.production_dir = join(self.processes_dir[indx], self.production_dir) self.prod_dump_dir = join(self.production_dir, "dumps") # Production phase filenames self.prod_energy_filename = join(self.production_dir, "ProductionEnergy_" + self.job_id + ".csv") self.prod_ptcls_filename = join(self.prod_dump_dir, "checkpoint_") # Equilibration phase filenames self.eq_energy_filename = join(self.equilibration_dir, "EquilibrationEnergy_" + self.job_id + ".csv") self.eq_ptcls_filename = join(self.eq_dump_dir, "checkpoint_") # Magnetic dir if self.electrostatic_equilibration: self.magnetization_dir = join(self.processes_dir[indx], self.magnetization_dir) self.mag_dump_dir = join(self.magnetization_dir, "dumps") # Magnetization phase filenames self.mag_energy_filename = join(self.magnetization_dir, "MagnetizationEnergy_" + self.job_id + ".csv") self.mag_ptcls_filename = join(self.mag_dump_dir, "checkpoint_") if self.process == "postprocessing": indx = 2 # Redirect to the correct folder # Log File if self.log_file is None: self.log_file = join(self.processes_dir[indx], "log_" + self.job_id + ".out") else: self.log_file = join(self.processes_dir[indx], self.log_file)
[docs] def make_directories(self): """Create directories where to store MD results.""" # Check if the directories exist if not exists(self.simulations_dir): mkdir(self.simulations_dir) if not exists(self.job_dir): mkdir(self.job_dir) # Create Process' directories and their subdir for i in self.processes_dir: if not exists(i): mkdir(i) # The following automatically create directories in the correct Process if not exists(self.equilibration_dir): mkdir(self.equilibration_dir) if not exists(self.eq_dump_dir): mkdir(self.eq_dump_dir) if not exists(self.production_dir): mkdir(self.production_dir) if not exists(self.prod_dump_dir): mkdir(self.prod_dump_dir) if self.electrostatic_equilibration: if not exists(self.magnetization_dir): mkdir(self.magnetization_dir) if not exists(self.mag_dump_dir): mkdir(self.mag_dump_dir) if self.preprocessing: if not exists(self.preprocessing_dir): mkdir(self.preprocessing_dir) if not exists(self.postprocessing_dir): mkdir(self.postprocessing_dir)
[docs] def file_header(self): """Create the log file and print the figlet if not a restart run.""" if not self.restart: with open(self.log_file, "w+") as f_log: figlet_obj = Figlet(font="starwars") print(figlet_obj.renderText("Sarkas"), file=f_log) print("An open-source pure-Python molecular dynamics suite for non-ideal plasmas.", file=f_log) # Print figlet to screen if verbose if self.verbose: self.screen_figlet()
[docs] def simulation_summary(self, simulation): """ Print out to file a summary of simulation's parameters. If verbose output then it will print twice: the first time to file and second time to screen. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Simulation's parameters """ screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log # Print to file first then to screen if repeat == 2 while repeat > 0: if simulation.parameters.load_method in ["production_restart", "prod_restart"]: print("\n\n--------------------------- Production Restart -------------------------------------") self.time_info(simulation) elif simulation.parameters.load_method in ["equilibration_restart", "eq_restart"]: print("\n\n------------------------ Equilibration Restart ----------------------------------") self.time_info(simulation) elif simulation.parameters.load_method in ["magnetization_restart", "mag_restart"]: print("\n\n------------------------ Magnetization Restart ----------------------------------") self.time_info(simulation) elif self.process == "postprocessing": # Header of process process_title = "{:^80}".format(self.process.capitalize()) print("\n\n") print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) print(process_title) print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) print(f"\nJob ID: {self.job_id}") print(f"Job directory: {self.job_dir}") print(f"PostProcessing directory: \n{self.postprocessing_dir}") print(f"\nEquilibration dumps directory: {self.eq_dump_dir}") print(f"Production dumps directory: \n{self.prod_dump_dir}") print(f"\nEquilibration Thermodynamics file: \n{self.eq_energy_filename}") print(f"Production Thermodynamics file: \n{self.prod_energy_filename}") else: # Header of process process_title = "{:^80}".format(self.process.capitalize()) print("\n\n") print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) print(process_title) print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) print(f"\nJob ID: {self.job_id}") print(f"Job directory: {self.job_dir}") print(f"\nEquilibration dumps directory: \n", {self.eq_dump_dir}) print(f"Production dumps directory: \n", {self.prod_dump_dir}) print(f"\nEquilibration Thermodynamics file: \n{self.eq_energy_filename}") print(f"Production Thermodynamics file: \n{self.prod_energy_filename}") print("\nPARTICLES:") print(f"Total No. of particles = {simulation.parameters.total_num_ptcls}") print(f"No. of species = {len(simulation.parameters.species_num)}") for isp, sp in enumerate(simulation.species): if != "electron_background": print("Species ID: {}".format(isp)) sp.pretty_print(simulation.potential.type, simulation.parameters.units) # Parameters Info simulation.parameters.pretty_print() # Potential Info simulation.potential.pretty_print() # Integrator simulation.integrator.pretty_print() repeat -= 1 sys.stdout = screen # Restore the original sys.stdout f_log.close()
[docs] def time_stamp(self, time_stamp, t): """ Print out to screen elapsed times. If verbose output, print to file first and then to screen. Parameters ---------- time_stamp : str Array of time stamps. t : float Elapsed time. """ screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 t_hrs, t_min, t_sec, t_msec, t_usec, t_nsec = t # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log while repeat > 0: if "Potential Initialization" in time_stamp: print("\n\n{:-^70} \n".format("Initialization Times")) if t_hrs == 0 and t_min == 0 and t_sec <= 2: print(f"\n{time_stamp} Time: {int(t_sec)} sec {int(t_msec)} msec {int(t_usec)} usec {int(t_nsec)} nsec") else: print(f"\n{time_stamp} Time: {int(t_hrs)} hrs {int(t_min)} min {int(t_sec)} sec") repeat -= 1 sys.stdout = screen f_log.close()
[docs] def timing_study(self, simulation): """ Info specific for timing study. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing the info to print. """ screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log # Print to file first then to screen if repeat == 2 while repeat > 0: print("\n\n------------ Conclusion ------------\n") print("Suggested Mesh = [ {} , {} , {} ]".format(*simulation.potential.pppm_mesh)) print( "Suggested Ewald parameter alpha = {:2.4f} / a_ws = {:1.6e} ".format( simulation.potential.pppm_alpha_ewald * simulation.parameters.a_ws, simulation.potential.pppm_alpha_ewald, ), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if simulation.parameters.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print( "Suggested rcut = {:2.4f} a_ws = {:.6e} ".format( simulation.potential.rc / simulation.parameters.a_ws, simulation.potential.rc ), end="", ) print("[cm]" if simulation.parameters.units == "cgs" else "[m]") self.algorithm_info(simulation) repeat -= 1 sys.stdout = screen # Restore the original sys.stdout f_log.close()
[docs] def preprocess_sizing(self, sizes): """Print the estimated file sizes.""" screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log while repeat > 0: print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" Filesize Estimates ")) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[0, 0]) print("\nEquilibration:\n") print( "Checkpoint filesize: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[0, 1]) print( "Checkpoint folder size: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) if self.magnetized and self.electrostatic_equilibration: print("\nMagnetization:\n") size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[2, 0]) print( "Checkpoint filesize: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[2, 1]) print( "Checkpoint folder size: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[1, 0]) print("\nProduction:\n") print( "Checkpoint filesize: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[1, 1]) print( "Checkpoint folder size: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) size_GB, size_MB, size_KB, rem = convert_bytes(sizes[:, 1].sum()) print( "\nTotal minimum needed space: {} GB {} MB {} KB {} bytes".format( int(size_GB), int(size_MB), int(size_KB), int(rem) ) ) repeat -= 1 sys.stdout = screen f_log.close()
[docs] def preprocess_timing(self, str_id, t, loops): """Print times estimates of simulation to file first and then to screen if verbose.""" screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 t_hrs, t_min, t_sec, t_msec, t_usec, t_nsec = t # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log while repeat > 0: if str_id == "header": print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" Times Estimates ")) elif str_id == "GF": print( "Optimal Green's Function Time: \n" "{} min {} sec {} msec {} usec {} nsec \n".format( int(t_min), int(t_sec), int(t_msec), int(t_usec), int(t_nsec) ) ) elif str_id in ["PP", "PM", "FMM"]: print(f"Time of {str_id} acceleration calculation averaged over {loops - 1} steps:") print(f"{int(t_min)} min {int(t_sec)} sec {int(t_msec)} msec {int(t_usec)} usec {int(t_nsec)} nsec \n") elif str_id in ["Equilibration", "Magnetization", "Production"]: print(f"Time of a single {str_id} step averaged over {loops - 1} steps:") print(f"{int(t_min)} min {int(t_sec)} sec {int(t_msec)} msec {int(t_usec)} usec {int(t_nsec)} nsec \n") if str_id == "Production": print("\n\n{:-^70} \n".format(" Total Estimated Times ")) repeat -= 1 sys.stdout = screen f_log.close()
[docs] def postprocess_info(self, simulation, write_to_file=False, observable=None): """ Print Post-processing info to file and/or screen in a reader-friendly format. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.PostProcess` PostProcess class. write_to_file : bool Flag for printing info also to file. Default= False. observable : str Observable whose info to print. Default = None. Choices = ['header','rdf', 'ccf', 'dsf', 'ssf', 'vm'] """ choices = ["header", "rdf", "ccf", "dsf", "ssf", "vd"] msg = ( "Observable not defined. \n " "Please choose an observable from this list \n" "'rdf' = Radial Distribution Function, \n" "'ccf' = Current Correlation Function, \n" "'dsf' = Dynamic Structure Function, \n" "'ssf' = Static Structure Factor, \n" "'vd' = Velocity Distribution" ) if observable is None: raise ValueError(msg) if observable not in choices: raise ValueError(msg) if write_to_file: screen = sys.stdout f_log = open(self.log_file, "a+") repeat = 2 if self.verbose else 1 # redirect printing to file sys.stdout = f_log else: repeat = 1 while repeat > 0: if observable == "header": # Header of process process_title = "{:^80}".format(self.process.capitalize()) print("\n\n") print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) print(process_title) print(*["*" for i in range(50)]) elif observable == "rdf": simulation.rdf.pretty_print() elif observable == "ssf": simulation.ssf.pretty_print() elif observable == "dsf": simulation.dsf.pretty_print() elif observable == "ccf": simulation.ccf.pretty_print() elif observable == "vd": simulation.vm.setup(simulation.parameters) print("\nVelocity Moments:") print("Maximum no. of moments = {}".format(simulation.vm.max_no_moment)) print("Maximum velocity moment = {}".format(int(2 * simulation.vm.max_no_moment))) repeat -= 1 if write_to_file: sys.stdout = screen if write_to_file: f_log.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def screen_figlet(): """ Print a colored figlet of Sarkas to screen. """ if get_ipython().__class__.__name__ == "ZMQInteractiveShell": # Assume white background in Jupyter Notebook clr = DARK_COLORS[randint(0, len(DARK_COLORS))] else: # Assume dark background in IPython/Python Kernel clr = LIGHT_COLORS[randint(0, len(LIGHT_COLORS))] fnt = FONTS[randint(0, len(FONTS))] print_figlet("\nSarkas\n", font=fnt, colors=clr) print("\nAn open-source pure-python molecular dynamics suite for non-ideal plasmas.\n\n")
[docs] @staticmethod def time_info(simulation): """ Print time simulation's parameters. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing the timing info and other parameters. """ warn( "Deprecated feature. It will be removed in the v2.0.0 release.\n" "Use Integrator.pretty_print()", category=DeprecationWarning, ) simulation.integrator.pretty_print()
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithm_info(simulation): """ Print algorithm information. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing the algorithm info and other parameters. """ warn( "Deprecated feature. It will be removed in the v2.0.0 release. Use potential.method_pretty_print()", category=DeprecationWarning, ) simulation.potential.method_pretty_print()
[docs] @staticmethod def potential_info(simulation): """ Print potential information. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing the potential info and other parameters. """ warn( "Deprecated feature. It will be removed in the v2.0.0 release. Use potential.pot_pretty_print()", category=DeprecationWarning, ) simulation.potential.pot_pretty_print(simulation.potential)
[docs] def copy_params(self, params): """ Copy necessary parameters. Parameters ---------- params: :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` Simulation's parameters. """ self.dt = params.dt self.a_ws = params.a_ws self.total_num_ptcls = params.total_num_ptcls self.total_plasma_frequency = params.total_plasma_frequency self.species_names = params.species_names.copy() self.coupling = params.coupling_constant * params.T_desired
[docs] def setup_checkpoint(self, params): """ Assign attributes needed for saving dumps. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` General simulation parameters. species : :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species` List of Species classes. """ self.copy_params(params) # Check whether energy files exist already if not exists(self.prod_energy_filename): # Create the Energy file dkeys = ["Time", "Total Energy", "Total Kinetic Energy", "Potential Energy", "Temperature"] if len(self.species_names) > 1: for i, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): dkeys.append("{} Kinetic Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Potential Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Temperature".format(sp_name)) data = dict.fromkeys(dkeys) with open(self.prod_energy_filename, "w+") as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(data.keys()) if not exists(self.eq_energy_filename) and not params.load_method[-7:] == "restart": # Create the Energy file dkeys = ["Time", "Total Energy", "Total Kinetic Energy", "Potential Energy", "Temperature"] if len(self.species_names) > 1: for i, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): dkeys.append("{} Kinetic Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Potential Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Temperature".format(sp_name)) data = dict.fromkeys(dkeys) with open(self.eq_energy_filename, "w+") as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(data.keys()) if self.electrostatic_equilibration: if not exists(self.mag_energy_filename) and not params.load_method[-7:] == "restart": # Create the Energy file dkeys = ["Time", "Total Energy", "Total Kinetic Energy", "Potential Energy", "Temperature"] if len(self.species_names) > 1: for i, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): dkeys.append("{} Kinetic Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Potential Energy".format(sp_name)) dkeys.append("{} Temperature".format(sp_name)) data = dict.fromkeys(dkeys) with open(self.mag_energy_filename, "w+") as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(data.keys())
[docs] def save_pickle(self, simulation): """ Save all simulations parameters in pickle files. Parameters ---------- simulation : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing MD run info to save. """ file_list = ["parameters", "integrator", "potential", "species"] # Redirect to the correct process folder if self.process == "preprocessing": indx = 0 else: # Note that Postprocessing needs the link to simulation's folder # because that is where I look for energy files and pickle files indx = 1 for fl in file_list: filename = join(self.processes_dir[indx], fl + ".pickle") with open(filename, "wb") as pickle_file: pickle.dump(simulation.__dict__[fl], pickle_file) pickle_file.close()
[docs] def read_pickle(self, process): """ Read pickle files containing all the simulation information. Parameters ---------- process : :class:`sarkas.processes.Process` Process class containing MD run info to save. """ file_list = ["parameters", "integrator", "potential"] # Redirect to the correct process folder if self.process == "preprocessing": indx = 0 else: # Note that Postprocessing needs the link to simulation's folder # because that is where I look for energy files and pickle files indx = 1 for fl in file_list: filename = join(self.processes_dir[indx], fl + ".pickle") with open(filename, "rb") as handle: data = pickle.load(handle) process.__dict__[fl] = copy(data) # Read species filename = join(self.processes_dir[indx], "species.pickle") process.species = [] with open(filename, "rb") as handle: data = pickle.load(handle) process.species = copy(data)
[docs] def read_pickle_single(self, class_to_read: str): """ Read the desired pickle file. Parameters ---------- class_to_read : str Name of the class to read. Returns ------- _copy : cls Copy of desired class. """ # Redirect to the correct process folder if self.process == "preprocessing": indx = 0 else: # Note that Postprocessing needs the link to simulation's folder # because that is where I look for energy files and pickle files indx = 1 filename = join(self.processes_dir[indx], class_to_read + ".pickle") with open(filename, "rb") as pickle_file: data = pickle.load(pickle_file) _copy = deepcopy(data) return _copy
[docs] def dump(self, phase, ptcls, it): """ Save particles' data to binary file for future restart. Parameters ---------- phase : str Simulation phase. ptcls : :class:`sarkas.particles.Particles` Particles data. it : int Timestep number. """ if phase == "production": ptcls_file = self.prod_ptcls_filename + str(it) tme = it * self.dt savez( ptcls_file,, names=ptcls.names, pos=ptcls.pos, vel=ptcls.vel, acc=ptcls.acc, cntr=ptcls.pbc_cntr, rdf_hist=ptcls.rdf_hist, virial=ptcls.virial, time=tme, ) energy_file = self.prod_energy_filename elif phase == "equilibration": ptcls_file = self.eq_ptcls_filename + str(it) tme = it * self.dt savez( ptcls_file,, names=ptcls.names, pos=ptcls.pos, vel=ptcls.vel, acc=ptcls.acc, virial=ptcls.virial, time=tme, ) energy_file = self.eq_energy_filename elif phase == "magnetization": ptcls_file = self.mag_ptcls_filename + str(it) tme = it * self.dt savez( ptcls_file,, names=ptcls.names, pos=ptcls.pos, vel=ptcls.vel, acc=ptcls.acc, virial=ptcls.virial, time=tme, ) energy_file = self.mag_energy_filename kinetic_energies, temperatures = ptcls.kinetic_temperature() potential_energies = ptcls.potential_energies() # Save Energy data data = { "Time": it * self.dt, "Total Energy": kinetic_energies.sum() + ptcls.potential_energy, "Total Kinetic Energy": kinetic_energies.sum(), "Potential Energy": ptcls.potential_energy, "Total Temperature": ptcls.species_num.transpose() @ temperatures / ptcls.total_num_ptcls, } if len(temperatures) > 1: for sp, kin in enumerate(kinetic_energies): data[f"{self.species_names[sp]} Kinetic Energy"] = kin data[f"{self.species_names[sp]} Potential Energy"] = potential_energies[sp] data[f"{self.species_names[sp]} Temperature"] = temperatures[sp] with open(energy_file, "a") as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(data.values())
[docs] def dump_xyz(self, phase: str = "production"): """ Save the XYZ file by reading Sarkas dumps. Parameters ---------- phase : str Phase from which to read dumps. 'equilibration' or 'production'. dump_skip : int Interval of dumps to skip. Default = 1 """ if phase == "equilibration": self.xyz_filename = join(self.equilibration_dir, "pva_" + self.job_id + ".xyz") dump_dir = self.eq_dump_dir else: self.xyz_filename = join(self.production_dir, "pva_" + self.job_id + ".xyz") dump_dir = self.prod_dump_dir f_xyz = open(self.xyz_filename, "w+") if not hasattr(self, "a_ws"): params = self.read_pickle_single("parameters") self.a_ws = params.a_ws self.total_num_ptcls = params.total_num_ptcls self.total_plasma_frequency = params.total_plasma_frequency # Rescale constants. This is needed since OVITO has a small number limit. pscale = 1.0 / self.a_ws vscale = 1.0 / (self.a_ws * self.total_plasma_frequency) ascale = 1.0 / (self.a_ws * self.total_plasma_frequency**2) # Read the list of dumps and sort them in the correct (natural) order dumps = listdir(dump_dir) dumps.sort(key=num_sort) for dump in tqdm(dumps, disable=not self.verbose): data = self.read_npz(dump_dir, dump) data["pos_x"] *= pscale data["pos_y"] *= pscale data["pos_z"] *= pscale data["vel_x"] *= vscale data["vel_y"] *= vscale data["vel_z"] *= vscale data["acc_x"] *= ascale data["acc_y"] *= ascale data["acc_z"] *= ascale f_xyz.writelines("{0:d}\n".format(self.total_num_ptcls)) f_xyz.writelines("name x y z vx vy vz ax ay az\n") savetxt(f_xyz, data, fmt="%s %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e") f_xyz.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def read_npz(fldr: str, filename: str): """ Load particles' data from dumps. Parameters ---------- fldr : str Folder containing dumps. filename: str Name of the dump file to load. Returns ------- struct_array : numpy.ndarray Structured data array. """ file_name = join(fldr, filename) data = np_load(file_name, allow_pickle=True) # Dev Notes: the old way of saving the xyz file by # savetxt(f_xyz, np.c_[data["names"],data["pos"] ....] # , fmt="%10s %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e") # was not working, because the columns of np.c_[] all have the same data type <U32 # which is in conflict with the desired fmt. i.e. data["names"] was not recognized as a string. # So I have to create a new structured array and pass this. I could not think of a more Pythonic way. struct_array = zeros( data["names"].size, dtype=[ ("names", "U6"), ("pos_x", float64), ("pos_y", float64), ("pos_z", float64), ("vel_x", float64), ("vel_y", float64), ("vel_z", float64), ("acc_x", float64), ("acc_y", float64), ("acc_z", float64), ], ) struct_array["names"] = data["names"] struct_array["pos_x"] = data["pos"][:, 0] struct_array["pos_y"] = data["pos"][:, 1] struct_array["pos_z"] = data["pos"][:, 2] struct_array["vel_x"] = data["vel"][:, 0] struct_array["vel_y"] = data["vel"][:, 1] struct_array["vel_z"] = data["vel"][:, 2] struct_array["acc_x"] = data["acc"][:, 0] struct_array["acc_y"] = data["acc"][:, 1] struct_array["acc_z"] = data["acc"][:, 2] return struct_array
[docs]def alpha_to_int(text): """Convert strings of numbers into integers. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be converted into an int, if `text` is a number. Returns ------- _ : int, str Integral number otherwise returns a string. """ return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
[docs]def num_sort(text): """ Sort strings with numbers inside. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be split into str and int Returns ------- : list List containing text and integers Notes ----- Function copied from Originally from (See Toothy's implementation in the comments) """ return [alpha_to_int(c) for c in re.split(r"(\d+)", text)]
[docs]def convert_bytes(tot_bytes): """Convert bytes to human-readable GB, MB, KB. Parameters ---------- tot_bytes : int Total number of bytes. Returns ------- [GB, MB, KB, rem] : list Bytes divided into Giga, Mega, Kilo bytes. """ GB, rem = divmod(tot_bytes, 1024 * 1024 * 1024) MB, rem = divmod(rem, 1024 * 1024) KB, rem = divmod(rem, 1024) return [GB, MB, KB, rem]