Quantum Statistical Potential Simulation#

The YAML input file can be found at input_file and this notebook at notebook.

# Import the usual libraries
%matplotlib inline
import os

# Import sarkas
from sarkas.processes import Simulation, PostProcess, PreProcess

# Create the file path to the YAML input file
input_file_name = os.path.join('input_files',  'QSP_cgs.yaml')
Using matplotlib backend: Qt5Agg
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
# sim = PreProcess(input_file_name)
# sim.setup(read_yaml=True)
# sim.run(loops = 20,
#     pppm_estimate=True)
# sim = Simulation(input_file_name)
# sim.setup(read_yaml=True)
# sim.run()
postproc = PostProcess(input_file_name)
# Equilibration check
# postproc.therm.temp_energy_plot(postproc, phase='equilibration')
# Production check
postproc.therm.temp_energy_plot(postproc, phase='production')
# Radial Distribution Function
# Grab HNC data for comparison
hnc_r, hnc_gee, hnc_gei, hnc_gii = np.loadtxt('hnc_gall.out', unpack=True)

Radial Distribution Function Calculation Time: 0 sec 62 msec 25 usec 174 nsec
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,7))
ax.plot(hnc_r , hnc_gee, label = 'hnc e-e RDF')
ax.plot(hnc_r , hnc_gei, label = 'hnc e-p RDF')
ax.plot(hnc_r , hnc_gii, label = 'hnc p-p RDF')
postproc.rdf.plot(scaling = postproc.parameters.electron_WS_radius,
                  y = [('e-e RDF', "Mean"),
                       ('e-p RDF', "Mean"),
                       ('p-p RDF', "Mean")
                  ax = ax,
                  ls = '--')
ax.set(xlim = (-0.2, 6), xlabel = r'$r/a_e$', ylabel = r"$g(r)$")
[(-0.2, 6.0),
 Text(0.5, 135.8333333333334, '$r/a_e$'),
 Text(61.22856648763023, 0.5, '$g(r)$')]
from sarkas.tools.observables import ElectricCurrent
from sarkas.tools.transport import TransportCoefficients
ec = ElectricCurrent()
ec.setup(postproc.parameters, no_slices = 4)

Time e Electric Current p Electric Current Electric Current
NaN Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std Mean Std
0 0.000000e+00 -1.592979 4.266312 0.313781 4.696336 2.091885 4.912189 -0.000868 0.002324 0.000171 0.002558 0.001139 0.002675 -1.593846 4.268636 0.313952 4.698894 2.093025 4.914864
1 4.212480e-19 -1.556820 4.255951 0.261228 4.727619 2.129823 4.919757 -0.000848 0.002318 0.000142 0.002575 0.001160 0.002679 -1.557668 4.258269 0.261370 4.730193 2.130983 4.922436
2 8.424960e-19 -1.514293 4.250659 0.212417 4.757823 2.165856 4.927102 -0.000825 0.002315 0.000116 0.002591 0.001180 0.002683 -1.515118 4.252974 0.212533 4.760414 2.167036 4.929785
3 1.263744e-18 -1.470321 4.251131 0.169078 4.780538 2.200074 4.932380 -0.000801 0.002315 0.000092 0.002604 0.001198 0.002686 -1.471122 4.253446 0.169170 4.783142 2.201272 4.935066
4 1.684992e-18 -1.428866 4.254351 0.127651 4.795915 2.235364 4.932165 -0.000778 0.002317 0.000070 0.002612 0.001217 0.002686 -1.429644 4.256668 0.127721 4.798526 2.236581 4.934851
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
16661 7.018413e-15 -5.074025 6.949550 1.247491 4.710895 2.787523 4.774233 -0.002763 0.003785 0.000679 0.002566 0.001518 0.002600 -5.076789 6.953335 1.248170 4.713460 2.789041 4.776834
16662 7.018834e-15 -5.047354 6.958353 1.189807 4.720378 2.837681 4.749905 -0.002749 0.003790 0.000648 0.002571 0.001545 0.002587 -5.050103 6.962143 1.190455 4.722948 2.839226 4.752492
16663 7.019255e-15 -5.019247 6.964106 1.131542 4.733726 2.891892 4.732832 -0.002734 0.003793 0.000616 0.002578 0.001575 0.002578 -5.021981 6.967898 1.132158 4.736304 2.893467 4.735410
16664 7.019677e-15 -4.991651 6.969232 1.069791 4.753368 2.948593 4.725178 -0.002719 0.003796 0.000583 0.002589 0.001606 0.002573 -4.994370 6.973027 1.070374 4.755957 2.950199 4.727751
16665 7.020098e-15 -4.965582 6.977188 1.003926 4.777691 3.006825 4.728724 -0.002704 0.003800 0.000547 0.002602 0.001638 0.002575 -4.968286 6.980988 1.004473 4.780293 3.008462 4.731299

16666 rows × 19 columns

tc = TransportCoefficients(postproc.parameters)
tc.electrical_conductivity(ec, "ElectricalConductivity")

====================== Electrical Conductivity =======================

Data saved in:

No. of slices = 4
No. dumps per slice = 2777
Time interval of autocorrelation function = 7.0205e-15 [s] ~ 501 w_p T
Time Electrical Conductivity
NaN Mean Std
0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
1 4.212480e-19 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
2 8.424960e-19 5.412416e+14 9.348701e+13
3 1.263744e-18 1.082391e+15 1.869658e+14
4 1.684992e-18 1.623361e+15 2.804388e+14
... ... ... ...
16661 7.018413e-15 4.022931e+17 3.956391e+17
16662 7.018834e-15 4.022840e+17 3.957253e+17
16663 7.019255e-15 4.022752e+17 3.958105e+17
16664 7.019677e-15 4.022667e+17 3.958949e+17
16665 7.020098e-15 4.022586e+17 3.959783e+17

16666 rows × 3 columns

rescaling = 1.0/ec.total_plasma_frequency
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,7))
        tc.conductivity_df[("Electrical Conductivity", "Mean")] * rescaling,
       label = r'$\sigma$')

ax.plot(tc.conductivity_df["Time"].iloc[:,0]*1e15, tc.conductivity_df[("Electrical Conductivity", "Mean")].expanding().mean() * rescaling,
        ls = '--', label = r'Mov Avg')

ax.legend(ncol = 2)
ax.set(xlabel = r"$\tau$ [fs]",ylabel = r" $\sigma/\omega_p$")
[Text(0.5, 0, '$\\tau$ [fs]'), Text(0, 0.5, ' $\\sigma/\\omega_p$')]