One Component Plasma (OCP)
One Component Plasma (OCP)#
Oh the good ol’ OCP. The YAML input file can be found at input_file and this notebook at notebook.
# Import the usual libraries
%matplotlib inline
import os'MSUstyle')
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.max_columns = 15
# Import sarkas
from sarkas.processes import Simulation, PostProcess, PreProcess
# Create the file path to the YAML input file
input_file_name = os.path.join('input_files', 'coulomb_cgs.yaml')
Using matplotlib backend: Qt5Agg
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
The following code is commented out since the simulation has been run before. We leave it here so that it is easy to copy and paste in your notebook.
# preproc = PreProcess(input_file_name)
# preproc.setup(read_yaml=True)
The following code is commented out since the simulation has been run before. We leave it here so that it is easy to copy and paste in your notebook.
# sim = Simulation(input_file_name)
# sim.setup(read_yaml=True)
postproc = PostProcess(input_file_name)
Radial Distribution Function#
Radial Distribution Function Calculation Time: 0 sec 54 msec 472 usec 443 nsec
postproc.rdf.plot(scaling = postproc.rdf.a_ws,
y = ("H-H RDF", "Mean"),
xlabel = r'$r/a_{\rm ws}$')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='$r/a_{\\rm ws}$'>
Calculate the Pressure from the RDF
n_beta = postproc.therm.beta / ( postproc.parameters.total_num_ptcls)
nkT, u_h, u_c, p_h, p_c = postproc.therm.compute_from_rdf(postproc.rdf, postproc.potential)
print('The excess pressure is = {:.4e} / (n k_B T)'.format(u_c[0] * n_beta ))
The excess pressure is = -8.2438e+01 / (n k_B T)
Dynamic Structure Factor#
from import DynamicStructureFactor
dsf = DynamicStructureFactor()
dsf.max_ka_value = 10
dsf.angle_averaging = 'principal_axis'
dsf.no_slices = 4
====================== Dynamic Structure Factor ======================
k wavevector information saved in:
n(k,t) data saved in:
Data saved in:
Data accessible at: self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.ka_values, self.frequencies, self.dataframe
Frequency Space Parameters:
No. of slices = 1
No. dumps per slice = 50001
Frequency step dw = 2 pi (no_slices * prod_dump_step)/(production_steps * dt)
dw = 0.0031 w_p = 5.2642e+12 [rad/s]
Maximum Frequency w_max = 2 pi /(prod_dump_step * dt)
w_max = 78.5487 w_p = 1.3161e+17 [rad/s]
Wavevector parameters:
Smallest wavevector k_min = 2 pi / L = 3.9 / N^(1/3)
k_min = 0.1809 / a_ws = 3.4252e+07 [1/cm]
Angle averaging choice: principal_axis
Maximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = 55, 55, 55
Largest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x
k_max = 9.9505 / a_ws = 1.8839e+09 [1/cm]
Total number of k values to calculate = 165
No. of unique ka values to calculate = 55
H-H | |||||||||||||||
Mean | ... | Std | |||||||||||||
Frequencies | ka1 = 0.1809 | ka2 = 0.3618 | ka3 = 0.5428 | ka4 = 0.7237 | ka5 = 0.9046 | ka6 = 1.0855 | ... | ka49 = 8.8650 | ka50 = 9.0459 | ka51 = 9.2269 | ka52 = 9.4078 | ka53 = 9.5887 | ka54 = 9.7696 | ka55 = 9.9505 | |
0 | -1.316086e+17 | 4.879578e-25 | 1.472862e-25 | 2.390647e-25 | 2.450585e-25 | 7.464846e-25 | 1.143595e-24 | ... | 3.108407e-22 | 2.788587e-22 | 1.524755e-22 | 2.245008e-22 | 5.311622e-23 | 2.032679e-22 | 1.299485e-22 |
1 | -1.315876e+17 | 4.879578e-25 | 1.472866e-25 | 2.390647e-25 | 2.450578e-25 | 7.464843e-25 | 1.143596e-24 | ... | 3.108408e-22 | 2.788584e-22 | 1.524759e-22 | 2.245011e-22 | 5.311582e-23 | 2.032684e-22 | 1.299482e-22 |
2 | -1.315665e+17 | 4.879578e-25 | 1.472870e-25 | 2.390648e-25 | 2.450572e-25 | 7.464841e-25 | 1.143597e-24 | ... | 3.108409e-22 | 2.788580e-22 | 1.524764e-22 | 2.245014e-22 | 5.311542e-23 | 2.032690e-22 | 1.299479e-22 |
3 | -1.315455e+17 | 4.879579e-25 | 1.472874e-25 | 2.390650e-25 | 2.450566e-25 | 7.464840e-25 | 1.143599e-24 | ... | 3.108411e-22 | 2.788577e-22 | 1.524769e-22 | 2.245017e-22 | 5.311503e-23 | 2.032697e-22 | 1.299476e-22 |
4 | -1.315244e+17 | 4.879581e-25 | 1.472878e-25 | 2.390651e-25 | 2.450560e-25 | 7.464840e-25 | 1.143600e-24 | ... | 3.108413e-22 | 2.788575e-22 | 1.524774e-22 | 2.245021e-22 | 5.311465e-23 | 2.032703e-22 | 1.299474e-22 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12495 | 1.315033e+17 | 4.879589e-25 | 1.472846e-25 | 2.390648e-25 | 2.450623e-25 | 7.464874e-25 | 1.143593e-24 | ... | 3.108409e-22 | 2.788611e-22 | 1.524735e-22 | 2.245000e-22 | 5.311834e-23 | 2.032654e-22 | 1.299503e-22 |
12496 | 1.315244e+17 | 4.879585e-25 | 1.472849e-25 | 2.390647e-25 | 2.450615e-25 | 7.464866e-25 | 1.143593e-24 | ... | 3.108408e-22 | 2.788606e-22 | 1.524738e-22 | 2.245001e-22 | 5.311790e-23 | 2.032658e-22 | 1.299499e-22 |
12497 | 1.315455e+17 | 4.879583e-25 | 1.472852e-25 | 2.390646e-25 | 2.450607e-25 | 7.464860e-25 | 1.143593e-24 | ... | 3.108407e-22 | 2.788601e-22 | 1.524742e-22 | 2.245002e-22 | 5.311747e-23 | 2.032663e-22 | 1.299495e-22 |
12498 | 1.315665e+17 | 4.879581e-25 | 1.472855e-25 | 2.390646e-25 | 2.450599e-25 | 7.464854e-25 | 1.143594e-24 | ... | 3.108406e-22 | 2.788596e-22 | 1.524746e-22 | 2.245004e-22 | 5.311705e-23 | 2.032668e-22 | 1.299492e-22 |
12499 | 1.315876e+17 | 4.879579e-25 | 1.472859e-25 | 2.390646e-25 | 2.450592e-25 | 7.464850e-25 | 1.143595e-24 | ... | 3.108407e-22 | 2.788591e-22 | 1.524750e-22 | 2.245006e-22 | 5.311663e-23 | 2.032673e-22 | 1.299488e-22 |
12500 rows × 111 columns
ax = dsf.plot(scaling = dsf.total_plasma_frequency,
y = [("H-H","Mean", "ka1 = 0.1809"), ("H-H","Mean", "ka3 = 0.5428"), ("H-H","Mean", "ka5 = 0.9046")],
xlabel = r'$\omega/\omega_p$',
xlim = (-2.5, 2.5),
logy = True)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fdb2adc8d90>
Collective Mode Dispersion#
w = dsf.dataframe[(" "," ","Frequencies")]/ dsf.total_plasma_frequency
ka_mesh, w_mesh = np.meshgrid(dsf.ka_values, w)
Skw = dsf.dataframe[("H-H", "Mean")]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
pc = ax.pcolormesh(ka_mesh, w_mesh, Skw,
shading = 'auto',
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin = 1e-22, vmax = 1e-15),
ax.set(ylim = (0,3),
xlim = (0,8),
xlabel = r'$ka$',
ylabel = r'$\omega/\omega_p$')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fdb2b62e490>
from import CurrentCorrelationFunction
ccf = CurrentCorrelationFunction()
ccf.max_ka_value = 10
ccf.angle_averaging = 'principal_axis'
ccf.no_slices = 4
==================== Current Correlation Function ====================
k wavevector information saved in:
v(k,t) data saved in:
Data saved in:
Data accessible at: self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.ka_values, self.frequencies,
Frequency Space Parameters:
No. of slices = 4
No. dumps per slice = 12500
Frequency step dw = 2 pi (no_slices * prod_dump_step)/(production_steps * dt)
dw = 0.0126 w_p = 2.1057e+13 [rad/s]
Maximum Frequency w_max = 2 pi /(prod_dump_step * dt)
w_max = 78.5487 w_p = 1.3161e+17 [rad/s]
Wavevector parameters:
Smallest wavevector k_min = 2 pi / L = 3.9 / N^(1/3)
k_min = 0.1809 / a_ws = 3.4252e+07 [1/cm]
Angle averaging choice: principal_axis
Maximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = 55, 55, 55
Largest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x
k_max = 9.9505 / a_ws = 1.8839e+09 [1/cm]
Total number of k values to calculate = 165
No. of unique ka values to calculate = 55
# ccf.compute()
Longitudinal | ... | Transverse | |||||||||||||
H-H | ... | H-H | |||||||||||||
Mean | ... | Std | |||||||||||||
ka1 = 0.1809 | ka2 = 0.3618 | ka3 = 0.5428 | ka4 = 0.7237 | ka5 = 0.9046 | ka6 = 1.0855 | ... | ka49 = 8.8650 | ka50 = 9.0459 | ka51 = 9.2269 | ka52 = 9.4078 | ka53 = 9.5887 | ka54 = 9.7696 | ka55 = 9.9505 | ||
Frequencies | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
0 | -1.316086e+17 | 297360.958948 | 550841.305756 | 741502.511222 | 1.016348e+06 | 1.514701e+06 | 2.271082e+06 | ... | 7.750616e+07 | 5.889132e+07 | 9.418742e+07 | 5.108627e+07 | 7.961882e+07 | 1.341673e+08 | 2.069157e+08 |
1 | -1.315876e+17 | 297360.776416 | 550842.124002 | 741502.375627 | 1.016346e+06 | 1.514700e+06 | 2.271084e+06 | ... | 7.750625e+07 | 5.889105e+07 | 9.418693e+07 | 5.108631e+07 | 7.961854e+07 | 1.341673e+08 | 2.069154e+08 |
2 | -1.315665e+17 | 297360.647363 | 550843.139040 | 741502.337668 | 1.016345e+06 | 1.514699e+06 | 2.271087e+06 | ... | 7.750636e+07 | 5.889082e+07 | 9.418642e+07 | 5.108637e+07 | 7.961826e+07 | 1.341674e+08 | 2.069150e+08 |
3 | -1.315455e+17 | 297360.545013 | 550844.190843 | 741502.511066 | 1.016343e+06 | 1.514697e+06 | 2.271090e+06 | ... | 7.750648e+07 | 5.889055e+07 | 9.418595e+07 | 5.108642e+07 | 7.961800e+07 | 1.341674e+08 | 2.069148e+08 |
4 | -1.315244e+17 | 297360.479300 | 550845.235350 | 741502.714944 | 1.016342e+06 | 1.514696e+06 | 2.271093e+06 | ... | 7.750661e+07 | 5.889032e+07 | 9.418548e+07 | 5.108648e+07 | 7.961773e+07 | 1.341676e+08 | 2.069145e+08 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12495 | 1.315033e+17 | 297362.379926 | 550837.777453 | 741504.525321 | 1.016359e+06 | 1.514712e+06 | 2.271074e+06 | ... | 7.750583e+07 | 5.889277e+07 | 9.419012e+07 | 5.108613e+07 | 7.962035e+07 | 1.341672e+08 | 2.069178e+08 |
12496 | 1.315244e+17 | 297362.038693 | 550838.295542 | 741504.077521 | 1.016357e+06 | 1.514710e+06 | 2.271075e+06 | ... | 7.750587e+07 | 5.889246e+07 | 9.418956e+07 | 5.108616e+07 | 7.962006e+07 | 1.341671e+08 | 2.069173e+08 |
12497 | 1.315455e+17 | 297361.694330 | 550838.950322 | 741503.502435 | 1.016354e+06 | 1.514707e+06 | 2.271076e+06 | ... | 7.750592e+07 | 5.889217e+07 | 9.418901e+07 | 5.108617e+07 | 7.961974e+07 | 1.341672e+08 | 2.069169e+08 |
12498 | 1.315665e+17 | 297361.427877 | 550839.707170 | 741503.103073 | 1.016352e+06 | 1.514705e+06 | 2.271078e+06 | ... | 7.750600e+07 | 5.889188e+07 | 9.418847e+07 | 5.108619e+07 | 7.961942e+07 | 1.341672e+08 | 2.069165e+08 |
12499 | 1.315876e+17 | 297361.173344 | 550840.413166 | 741502.795738 | 1.016350e+06 | 1.514703e+06 | 2.271080e+06 | ... | 7.750607e+07 | 5.889160e+07 | 9.418794e+07 | 5.108622e+07 | 7.961910e+07 | 1.341672e+08 | 2.069160e+08 |
12500 rows × 221 columns
w = dsf.dataframe[(" "," ","Frequencies")]/ ccf.total_plasma_frequency
ka_mesh, w_mesh = np.meshgrid(dsf.ka_values, w)
Lkw = ccf.dataframe[("Longitudinal", "H-H", "Mean")]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
pc = ax.pcolormesh(ka_mesh, w_mesh, Lkw,
shading = 'auto',
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin = 0.5e10, vmax = 0.5e15),
ax.set(ylim = (0,3),
xlim = (0,8),
xlabel = r'$ka$',
ylabel = r'$\omega/\omega_p$')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fdb2f889610>
w = dsf.dataframe[(" "," ","Frequencies")]/ ccf.total_plasma_frequency
ka_mesh, w_mesh = np.meshgrid(dsf.ka_values, w)
Lkw = ccf.dataframe[("Transverse", "H-H", "Mean")]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
pc = ax.pcolormesh(ka_mesh, w_mesh, Lkw,
shading = 'auto',
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin = 3e9, vmax = 3e14),
ax.set(ylim = (0,3),
xlim = (0,8),
xlabel = r'$ka$',
ylabel = r'$\omega/\omega_p$')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fdb2ae4f290>
Diffusion is calculated from the integral of the velocity autocorrelation function, \(\left \langle \bar{\mathbf v} (t) \cdot \bar{\mathbf v}(0) \right \rangle\),
\begin{equation} D = \frac{1}{3} \int_0^{\tau} dt \, \left \langle \bar{\mathbf v} (t) \cdot \bar{\mathbf v}(0) \right \rangle \end{equation}
where \(\bar{\mathbf v}\) is the particle-averaged velocity.
from import VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction
from import TransportCoefficients
vacf = VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction()
vacf.setup(postproc.parameters, no_slices=4)
tc = TransportCoefficients(postproc.parameters, no_slices = 4)
tc.diffusion(vacf, plot=True)
======================= Diffusion Coefficient ========================
Data saved in:
No. of slices = 4
No. dumps per slice = 6250
Time interval of autocorrelation function = 2.9838e-13 [s] ~ 499 w_p T
rescaling = 1.0/vacf.total_plasma_frequency/vacf.a_ws**2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,7))
tc.diffusion_df[("H Diffusion","Mean")] * rescaling,
label = r'Diffusion')
tc.diffusion_df[("H Diffusion","Mean")].expanding().mean() * rescaling,
ls = '--', label = r'Mov Avg')
ax.legend(ncol = 2)
ax.set(xlabel = r"$\tau \omega_p$",ylabel = r" $D/a^2 \omega_p$")
[Text(0.5, 0, '$\\tau \\omega_p$'), Text(0, 0.5, ' $D/a^2 \\omega_p$')]
[ ]: