
Module of Numba’d functions for the calculation of the unnormalized Fermi-Dirac integrals of half integer order p = -9/2,(1),21/2 and integer order p = 0,(1),10 via piecewise minimax rational approximation.

The Numba’d is not necessary for a one time calculation, however, we decided to add the Numba functionality so that future users can use them in Numba’d functions.

The functions contained here are a Python translation of the code xfdh.txt [Fukushima, 2015].

All the credits go to Fukushima, T. email: Toshio.Fukushima at

It was easier than using other packages and/or write our own.




fermidirac_integral(p, eta)

Wrapper function to calculate the Fermi-Dirac integral using approximation found in Ref.