Input File#

The first step in any MD simulation is the creation of an input file containing all the relevant parameters of our simulation. Take a look at the file yukawa_mks_p3m.yaml that can be found here.

It is very important to maintain the syntax shown in the example YAML files. This is because the content of the YAML file is returned as a dictionary of dictionaries.


The Particles block contains the attribute Species which defines the first type of particles, i.e. species, and their physical attributes.

    - Species:
        name: H                                     # REQUIRED
        num: 10000                                  # REQUIRED
        Z: 1.0                                      # REQUIRED/OVERWRITTEN if charge is used
        # charge: 1.602177e-19                      # REQUIRED unless Z is used.
        number_density: 1.62e+32                    # REQUIRED/OPTIONAL if mass_density is used
        mass: 1.673e-27                             # REQUIRED/OPTIONAL if mass_density is used
        # atomic_weight: 1.0                        # OPTIONAL/REQUIRED if mass_density is used
        # mass_density: 2.710260e+05
        temperature_eV: 0.5                         # REQUIRED/OPTIONAL if temperature is used
        # temperature:  5.802259e+03                # REQUIRED/OPTIONAL if temperature_eV is used
        initial_velocity_distribution: boltzmann    # OPTIONAL

In the case of a multi-component plasma we need only add another Species attribute with corresponding physical parameters, see the H-He mixture in the example page. The attributes of Species take only numerical values, apart from name, in the correct choice of units which is defined in the block Parameters, see below. Notice that in this section we also define the mass of the particles, mass, and their charge number Z. Future developments of Sarkas are aiming to automatically calculate the degree of ionization given by the density and temperature of the system, but for now we need to define it. The parameters given here are not the only options, more information of all the possible inputs can be found in the page sarkas.plasma.Species.

The initial velocity distribution can be set by initial_velocity_distribution and defaults to a boltzmann distribution but can also be set to monochromatic where a fixed energy is applied to the particles with a random distribution of the directions.


The next section of the input file defines our interaction potential’s parameters

    type: Yukawa                            # REQUIRED
    screening_length_type: "thomas-fermi"   # REQUIRED for screened potentials
    electron_temperature_eV: 1.25e+3        # REQUIRED if 'thomas-fermi' type
    method: pppm                            # REQUIRED
    rc: 6.2702e-11                          # REQUIRED
    pppm_mesh: [64, 64, 64]                 # REQUIRED
    pppm_aliases: [3,3,3]                   # REQUIRED
    pppm_cao: 6                             # REQUIRED
    pppm_alpha_ewald: 5.4659e+10            # REQUIRED

The instance type defines the interaction potential. Currently Sarkas supports the following interaction potentials: Coulomb, Yukawa, Exact-gradient corrected Yukawa, Quantum Statistical Potentials, Moliere, Lennard-Jones 6-12. More info on each of these potential can be found in Potentials. Next we define the type of screening we desire. The available choices are [kappa, thomas-fermi, debye-huckel, custom]. In our case we chose kappa which means that the screening length will be calculated from \(\lambda = a_{ws}/\kappa\) where \(a_{ws}\) is the Wigner-Seitz radius and \(kappa\) is the value of the next attribute kappa. Notice that this a non-dimensional parameter.

The following parameters refer to our choice of the interaction algorithm (method). Details on how to choose these parameters are given later in this page, but for now we limit to describing them. First, we find the cut-off radius, rc, for the Particle-Particle part of the PPPM algorithm. The pppm_mesh attribute is a list of three elements corresponding to the number of mesh points in each of the three cartesian coordinates, pppm_aliases indicates the number of aliases for anti-aliasing, pppm_cao stands for Charge Order Parameter and indicates the number of mesh points per direction on which the each particle’s charge is to be distributed and finally pppm_alpha_ewald refers to the \(\alpha\) parameter of the Gaussian charge cloud surrounding each particle.

To deal with diverging potentials a short-range cut-off radius, a_rs, can be specified. If specified, the potential \(U(r)\) will be cut to \(U(a_{rs})\) for interparticle distances below a_rs. This short-range cut-off is meant to suppress unphysical scenarios where fast particles emerge due to the potential going to infinity. However, this feature should be used with great care as is can also screen the short-range part of the interaction to unphysical values. That is why the default value is zero so that the short-range cut-off is not in use.


Notice that we have not defined our integrator yet. This is done in the section Integrator of the input file

    dt: 2.000e-18                       # REQUIRED
    equilibration_type: verlet          # REQUIRED
    production_type: verlet             # REQUIRED
    boundary_conditions: periodic       # REQUIRED
    thermalization: yes                 # OPTIONAL. Default = yes
    thermostat_type: Berendsen          # REQUIRED if thermalization is yes
    thermalization_timestep: 50         # REQUIRED if thermalization is yes
    berendsen_tau: 1.0                  # REQUIRED if thermostat: berendsen
    thermostate_temperatures_eV: 0.5    # OPTIONAL Default = Species.temperature_eV

The attribute dt indicates the timestep, in seconds, of our simulation. Next we find our choice of integrator. In this case we need not pass both equilibration_type and production_type and a simple type: verlet would suffice. However, we use both types here for educational purposes. It could be the case that you want to use different integrators for different simulation phases, e.g. a Langevin integrator for the equilibration phase and a verlet integrator for the production phase. verlet refers to the common Velocity Verlet algorithm in which particles velocities are updated first. This must not to be confused with the Position Verlet algorithm. The two algorithms are equivalent, however, Velocity Verlet is the most efficient and the preferred choice in most MD simulations.

Next we define the boundary_conditions of our simulation. At the moment Sarkas supports only periodic and absorbing boundary conditions. Future implementations of Sarkas accepting open and mixed boundary conditions will be available in the future. We accept pull request :) !

Next we find information for our thermostat. If we do not wish to thermalize our system with a bath we need set thermalization: no. The default value is yes and it could be omitted, however, we must define the thermostat_type and thermalization_timestep if we are using a thermostat. thermalization_timestep indicates the timestep number at which the Berendsen thermostat will be turned on and the instance berendsen_tau indicates the relaxation rate of the Berendsen thermostat, see ../theory/Berendsen_NB/Berendsen_Thermostat for more details. These last two instances have no default value and as such they must be defined. Currently Sarkas supports only the Berendsen thermostat.

The last instance defines the temperature at which the system is to be thermalized (be careful with units!) . Notice that this takes a single value in the case of a single species, while it takes is a list in the case of multicomponent plasmas. Note that these temperatures need not be the same as those defined in the Particles block as it might be the case that you want to study temperature relaxation.

equilibration_steps and production_steps are the number of timesteps of the equilibration and production phase, respectively. eq_dump_step and prod_dump_step are the interval timesteps over which Sarkas will save simulations data.

Further integrators scheme are under development: these include adaptive Runge-Kutta, symplectic high order integrators, multiple-timestep algorithms. The Murillo group is currently looking for students willing to explore all of the above.


The next section defines some general parameters

    units: mks                          # REQUIRED
    load_method: random_no_reject       # REQUIRED
    equilibration_steps: 5000           # REQUIRED
    production_steps: 5000              # REQUIRED
    eq_dump_step: 10                    # REQUIRED
    prod_dump_step: 10                  # REQUIRED

The first instance defines the choice of units (mks or cgs) which must be consistent with all the other dimensional parameters defined in previous sections. load_method defines the way particles positions are to be initialized. The options are

  • random_no_reject for a uniform spatial distribution

  • random_reject for a uniform spatial distribution but with a minimum distance between particles

  • halton

  • lattice either a 3D simple cubic or a 2D hexagonal

By specifying Lx, Ly and Lz the simulation box can be specified explicitly and expanded with respect to the initial particle distribution. This moves the walls where boundary conditions are applied away from the initial particle volume.


The next section defines some IO parameters

    verbose: yes                        # OPTIONAL. Default is yes
    simulations_dir: Simulations        # OPTIONAL. Default is Simulations
    job_dir: yocp_pppm                  # REQUIRED
    job_id: yocp                        # OPTIONAL. Default is the job_dir values

verbose is flag for printing progress to screen. This is useful in the initialization phase of an MD simulation. The next instances are not necessary, as there are default values for them, however, they are useful for organizing your work. simulations_dir is the directory where all the simulations will be stored. The default value is Simulations and this will be created in your current working directory. Next, job_dir is the name of the directory of this specific simulation which we chose to call yocp_pppm. This directory will contain pickle files storing all your simulations parameters and physical constants, a log file of your simulation, the Equilibration and Production directories containing simulations dumps, and PreProcessing and PostProcessing directories. Finally job_id is an appendix for all the file names identifing this specific run. This is useful when you have many runs that differ only in the choice of random_seed.

Post Processing#

The last two blocks are Observables and TransportCoefficientss. They indicate the quantities we want to calculate and their parameters.


The observables we want to calculate are

    - RadialDistributionFunction:
        no_bins: 500

    - Thermodynamics:
        phase: production

    - DynamicStructureFactor:
        no_slices: 1
        max_ka_value: 8

    - StaticStructureFactor:
        max_ka_value: 8

    - CurrentCorrelationFunction:
        max_ka_value: 8

    - VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction
        no_slices: 4

Note that Observables is again a list of dictionaries. This is because each observable is returned as an object in the simulation. The lines below the observables’ names are the parameters needed for the calculation. The parameters are different depending on the observable. We will discuss them in the next pages of this tutorial.

Transport Coefficients#

    - Diffusion:
        no_slices: 4

The available transport coefficients at this moment are: Diffusion, Interdiffusion, ElectricalConductivity, Viscosity. Note that Interdiffusion is supported only in the case of binary mixtures. Soon we will have support for any mixture.