Source code for

Module for calculating physical quantities from Sarkas checkpoints.
from IPython import get_ipython

if get_ipython().__class__.__name__ == "ZMQInteractiveShell":
    from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
    from tqdm import tqdm

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as scp_stats
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from numba import njit
from numpy import append as np_append
from numpy import (
from numpy.polynomial import hermite_e
from os import listdir, mkdir
from os import remove as os_remove
from os.path import exists as os_path_exists
from os.path import join as os_path_join
from pandas import concat, DataFrame, HDFStore, MultiIndex, read_csv, read_hdf, Series
from pickle import dump
from pickle import load as pickle_load
from scipy.fft import fft, fftfreq, fftshift
from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy.special import factorial
from seaborn import histplot as sns_histplot

from ..utilities.maths import correlationfunction
from ..utilities.timing import SarkasTimer

    # MKS Units
        "Energy": "J",
        "Time": "s",
        "Length": "m",
        "Charge": "C",
        "Temperature": "K",
        "ElectronVolt": "eV",
        "Mass": "kg",
        "Magnetic Field": "T",
        "Current": "A",
        "Power": "erg/s",
        "Pressure": "Pa",
        "Electrical Conductivity": "S/m",
        "Diffusion": r"m$^2$/s",
        "Bulk Viscosity": r"kg/m s",
        "Shear Viscosity": r"kg/m s",
        "none": "",
    # CGS Units
        "Energy": "erg",
        "Time": "s",
        "Length": "m",
        "Charge": "esu",
        "Temperature": "K",
        "ElectronVolt": "eV",
        "Mass": "g",
        "Magnetic Field": "G",
        "Current": "esu/s",
        "Power": "erg/s",
        "Pressure": "Ba",
        "Electrical Conductivity": "mho/m",
        "Diffusion": r"m$^2$/s",
        "Bulk Viscosity": r"g/ cm s",
        "Shear Viscosity": r"g/ cm s",
        "none": "",

    "y": 1.0e-24,  # yocto
    "z": 1.0e-21,  # zepto
    "a": 1.0e-18,  # atto
    "f": 1.0e-15,  # femto
    "p": 1.0e-12,  # pico
    "n": 1.0e-9,  # nano
    r"$\mu$": 1.0e-6,  # micro
    "m": 1.0e-3,  # milli
    "c": 1.0e-2,  # centi
    "": 1.0,
    "k": 1e3,  # kilo
    "M": 1e6,  # mega
    "G": 1e9,  # giga
    "T": 1e12,  # tera
    "P": 1e15,  # peta
    "E": 1e18,  # exa
    "Z": 1e21,  # zetta
    "Y": 1e24,  # yotta

[docs]def compute_doc(func): func.__doc__ = """ Calculate the observable (and its autocorrelation function). See class doc for exact quantities. \n The data of each slice is saved in hierarchical dataframes, :py:attr:`~.dataframe_slices` (:py:attr:`~.dataframe_acf_slices`). \n The sliced averaged data is saved in other hierarchical dataframes, :py:attr:`~.dataframe` (:py:attr:`~.dataframe_acf_slices`). """ return func
[docs]def setup_doc(func): func.__doc__ = """ Assign attributes from simulation's parameters. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` Simulation's parameters. phase : str, optional Phase to compute. Default = 'production'. no_slices : int, optional Number of independent runs inside a long simulation. Default = 1. **kwargs : These will overwrite any :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` or default :class:`` attributes and/or add new ones. """ return func
[docs]def arg_update_doc(func): func.__doc__ = """Update observable specific attributes and call :meth:`~.update_finish` to save info.""" return func
[docs]class Observable: """ Parent class of all the observables. Attributes ---------- dataframe : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the observable's data averaged over the number of slices. dataframe_acf : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the observable's autocorrelation function data averaged over the number of slices. dataframe_acf_slices : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the observable's autocorrelation data for each slice. dataframe_slices : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the observable's data for each slice. max_k_harmonics : list Maximum number of :math:`\\mathbf{k}` harmonics to calculate along each dimension. phase : str Phase to analyze. prod_no_dumps : int Number of production phase checkpoints. Calculated from the number of files in the Production directory. eq_no_dumps : int Number of equilibration phase checkpoints. Calculated from the number of files in the Equilibration directory. no_dumps : int Number of simulation's checkpoints. Calculated from the number of files in the phase folder. dump_dir : str Path to correct dump directory. dump_step : int Correct step interval. It is either :py:attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.prod_dump_step` or :py:attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.eq_dump_step`. no_obs : int Number of independent binary observable quantities. It is calculated as :math:`N_s (N_s + 1) / 2` where :math:`N_s` is the number of species. k_file : str Path to the npz file storing the :math:`k` vector values. nkt_hdf_file : str Path to the npy file containing the Fourier transform of density fluctuations. :math:`n(\\mathbf k, t)`. vkt_file : str Path to the npz file containing the Fourier transform of velocity fluctuations. :math:`\\mathbf v(\\mathbf k, t)`. k_space_dir : str Directory where :math:`\\mathbf {k}` data is stored. saving_dir : str Path to the directory where computed data is stored. slice_steps : int Number of steps per slice. dimensional_average: bool Flag for averaging over all dimensions. Default = False. runs: int Number of independent MD runs. Default = 1. multi_run_average: bool Flag for averaging over multiple runs. Default = False. If True, `runs` needs be specified. It will collect data from all runs and stored them in a large ndarray to be averaged over. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.postprocessing_dir = None self.mag_no_dumps = None self.eq_no_dumps = None self.prod_no_dumps = None self.no_obs = None self.filename_hdf_acf = None self.species_index_start = None self.filename_hdf_acf_slices = None self.filename_hdf_slices = None self.filename_hdf = None self.__long_name__ = None self.__name__ = None self.saving_dir = None self.phase = "production" self.multi_run_average = False self.dimensional_average = False self.runs = 1 self.no_slices = 1 self.slice_steps = None self.screen_output = True self.timer = SarkasTimer() # k observable attributes self.k_observable = False self.max_aa_harmonics = None self.angle_averaging = "principal_axis" self.max_k_harmonics = None self.max_aa_ka_value = None self.kw_observable = False self.dim_labels = ["X", "Y", "Z"] self.acf_observable = False self.dataframe = None self.dataframe_slices = None self.dataframe_acf = None self.dataframe_acf_slices = None
def __repr__(self): sortedDict = dict(sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())) disp = "Observable( " + self.__class__.__name__ + "\n" exclude_list = ["dataframe", "dataframe_slices", "dataframe_acf", "dataframe_acf_slices"] for key, value in sortedDict.items(): if not key in exclude_list: disp += "\t{} : {}\n".format(key, value) disp += ")" return disp def __getstate__(self): """Copy the object's state from self.__dict__ which contains all our instance attributes. Always use the dict.copy() method to avoid modifying the original state. Reference: """ state = self.__dict__.copy() # Remove the data that is stored already del state["dataframe"] del state["dataframe_slices"] del state["dataframe_acf"] del state["dataframe_acf_slices"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore instance attributes. self.__dict__.update(state) # Restore the previously deleted dataframes. self.parse()
[docs] def from_dict(self, input_dict: dict): """ Update attributes from input dictionary. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Dictionary to be copied. """ self.__dict__.update(input_dict)
[docs] def setup_multirun_dirs(self): """Set the attributes postprocessing_dir and dump_dirs_list. The attribute postprocessing_dir refers to the location where to store postprocessing results. If the attribute :py:attr:`` is set to `True` then the postprocessing data will be saved in the :py:attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.simulations_dir` directory, i.e. where all the runs are. Otherwise :py:attr:`` will be in the :py:attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.job_dir`. The attribute :py:attr:`` is a list of the refers to the locations of the production (or other phases) dumps. If :py:attr:`` is `False` then the list will contain only one path, namely :py:attr:``. """ self.dump_dirs_list = [] if self.multi_run_average: for r in range(self.runs): # Direct to the correct dumps directory dump_dir = os_path_join( f"run{r}", os_path_join("Simulation", os_path_join(self.phase.capitalize(), "dumps")) ) dump_dir = os_path_join(self.simulations_dir, dump_dir) self.dump_dirs_list.append(dump_dir) # Re-path the saving directory. # Data is saved in Simulations/PostProcessing/Observable/Phase/ self.postprocessing_dir = os_path_join(self.simulations_dir, "PostProcessing") if not os_path_exists(self.postprocessing_dir): mkdir(self.postprocessing_dir) else: self.dump_dirs_list = [self.dump_dir]
[docs] def setup_init( self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, multi_run_average: bool = None, runs: int = None ): """ Assign Observables attributes and copy the simulation's parameters. Parameters ---------- params : sarkas.core.Parameters Simulation's parameters. phase : str, optional Phase to compute. Default = 'production'. no_slices : int, optional Number of independent runs inside a long simulation. Default = 1. """ if phase: self.phase = phase.lower() if no_slices: self.no_slices = no_slices if multi_run_average: self.multi_run_average = multi_run_average if runs: self.runs = 1 # The dict update could overwrite the names name = self.__name__ long_name = self.__long_name__ self.__dict__.update(params.__dict__) # Restore the correct names self.__name__ = name self.__long_name__ = long_name if self.k_observable: # Check for k space information. if self.angle_averaging in ["full", "principal_axis"]: if self.max_k_harmonics is None and self.max_ka_value is None: raise AttributeError("max_ka_value and max_k_harmonics not defined.") elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": # if custom i expect that there is a portion that must be angle averaged. # Therefore check for those values. if self.max_aa_ka_value is None and self.max_aa_harmonics is None: raise AttributeError("max_aa_harmonics and max_aa_ka_value not defined.") # More checks on k attributes and initialization of k vectors if self.max_k_harmonics is not None: # Update angle averaged attributes depending on the choice of angle_averaging # Convert max_k_harmonics to a numpy array. YAML reads in a list. if not isinstance(self.max_k_harmonics, ndarray): self.max_k_harmonics = array(self.max_k_harmonics) # Calculate max_aa_harmonics based on the choice of angle averaging and inputs if self.angle_averaging == "full": self.max_aa_harmonics = self.max_k_harmonics.copy() elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": # Check if the user has defined the max_aa_harmonics if self.max_aa_ka_value: nx = int(self.max_aa_ka_value * self.box_lengths[0] / (2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * sqrt(3.0))) self.max_aa_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) # else max_aa_harmonics is user defined elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": self.max_aa_harmonics = array([0, 0, 0]) # max_ka_value is still None elif self.max_ka_value is not None: # Update max_k_harmonics and angle average attributes based on the choice of angle_averaging # Calculate max_k_harmonics from max_ka_value # Check for angle_averaging choice if self.angle_averaging == "full": # The maximum value is calculated assuming that max nx = max ny = max nz # ka_max = 2pi a/L sqrt( nx^2 + ny^2 + nz^2) = 2pi a/L nx sqrt(3) nx = int(self.max_ka_value * self.box_lengths[0] / (2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * sqrt(3.0))) self.max_k_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) self.max_aa_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": # ka_max = 2pi a/L sqrt( nx^2 + 0 + 0) = 2pi a/L nx nx = int(self.max_ka_value * self.box_lengths[0] / (2.0 * pi * self.a_ws)) self.max_k_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) # Check if the user has defined the max_aa_harmonics if self.max_aa_ka_value: nx = int(self.max_aa_ka_value * self.box_lengths[0] / (2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * sqrt(3.0))) self.max_aa_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) # else max_aa_harmonics is user defined elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": # ka_max = 2pi a/L sqrt( nx^2 + 0 + 0) = 2pi a/L nx nx = int(self.max_ka_value * self.box_lengths[0] / (2.0 * pi * self.a_ws)) self.max_k_harmonics = array([nx, nx, nx]) self.max_aa_harmonics = array([0, 0, 0]) # Calculate the maximum ka value based on user's choice of angle_averaging # Dev notes: Make sure max_ka_value, max_aa_ka_value are defined when this if is done if self.angle_averaging == "full": self.max_ka_value = 2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * norm(self.max_k_harmonics / self.box_lengths) self.max_aa_ka_value = 2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * norm(self.max_k_harmonics / self.box_lengths) elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": self.max_ka_value = 2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * self.max_k_harmonics[0] / self.box_lengths[0] self.max_aa_ka_value = 0.0 elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": self.max_aa_ka_value = 2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * norm(self.max_aa_harmonics / self.box_lengths) self.max_ka_value = 2.0 * pi * self.a_ws * self.max_k_harmonics[0] / self.box_lengths[0] # Create paths for files self.k_space_dir = os_path_join(self.postprocessing_dir, "k_space_data") self.k_file = os_path_join(self.k_space_dir, "k_arrays.npz") self.nkt_hdf_file = os_path_join(self.k_space_dir, "nkt.h5") self.vkt_hdf_file = os_path_join(self.k_space_dir, "vkt.h5") # Get the number of independent observables if multi-species self.no_obs = int(self.num_species * (self.num_species + 1) / 2) # Get the total number of dumps by looking at the files in the directory self.prod_no_dumps = len(listdir(self.prod_dump_dir)) self.eq_no_dumps = len(listdir(self.eq_dump_dir)) # Check for magnetized plasma options if self.magnetized and self.electrostatic_equilibration: self.mag_no_dumps = len(listdir(self.mag_dump_dir)) # Assign dumps variables based on the choice of phase if self.phase == "equilibration": self.no_dumps = self.eq_no_dumps self.dump_step = self.eq_dump_step self.no_steps = self.equilibration_steps self.dump_dir = self.eq_dump_dir elif self.phase == "production": self.no_dumps = self.prod_no_dumps self.dump_step = self.prod_dump_step self.no_steps = self.production_steps self.dump_dir = self.prod_dump_dir elif self.phase == "magnetization": self.no_dumps = self.mag_no_dumps self.dump_step = self.mag_dump_step self.no_steps = self.magnetization_steps self.dump_dir = self.mag_dump_dir # Needed for preprocessing pretty print self.slice_steps = ( int(self.no_steps / self.dump_step / self.no_slices) if self.no_dumps < self.no_slices else int(self.no_dumps / self.no_slices) ) # Array containing the start index of each species. self.species_index_start = array([0, *self.species_num.cumsum()], dtype=int)
[docs] def create_dirs_filenames(self): # Saving Directory self.setup_multirun_dirs() # If multi_run_average self.postprocessing_dir is Simulations/Postprocessing else Job_dir/Postprocessing saving_dir = os_path_join(self.postprocessing_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "")) if not os_path_exists(saving_dir): mkdir(saving_dir) self.saving_dir = os_path_join(saving_dir, self.phase.capitalize()) if not os_path_exists(self.saving_dir): mkdir(self.saving_dir) # Filenames and strings self.filename_hdf = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + "_" + self.job_id + ".h5") self.filename_hdf_slices = os_path_join( self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + "_slices_" + self.job_id + ".h5" ) if self.acf_observable: self.filename_hdf_acf = os_path_join( self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + "ACF_" + self.job_id + ".h5" ) self.filename_hdf_acf_slices = os_path_join( self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + "ACF_slices_" + self.job_id + ".h5" )
[docs] def grab_sim_data(self, pva: str = None): """Read in particles data""" # Velocity array for storing simulation data data_all = zeros((self.no_dumps, self.dim, self.runs * self.inv_dim * self.total_num_ptcls)) time = zeros(self.no_dumps) print("\nCollecting data from snapshots ...") if self.dimensional_average: # Loop over the runs for r, dump_dir_r in enumerate(tqdm(self.dump_dirs_list, disable=(not self.verbose), desc="Runs Loop")): # Loop over the timesteps for it in tqdm(range(self.no_dumps), disable=(not self.verbose), desc="Timestep Loop"): # Read data from file dump = int(it * self.dump_step) datap = load_from_restart(dump_dir_r, dump) # Loop over the particles' species for sp_indx, (sp_name, sp_num) in enumerate(zip(self.species_names, self.species_num)): # Calculate the correct start and end index for storage start_indx = self.species_index_start[sp_indx] + self.inv_dim * sp_num * r end_indx = self.species_index_start[sp_indx] + self.inv_dim * sp_num * (r + 1) # Use a mask to grab only the selected species and flatten along the first axis # data = ( v1_x, v1_y, v1_z, # v2_x, v2_y, v2_z, # v3_x, v3_y, v3_z, # ...) # The flatten array would like this # flattened = ( v1_x, v2_x, v3_x, ..., v1_y, v2_y, v3_y, ..., v1_z, v2_z, v3_z, ...) mask = datap["names"] == sp_name data_all[it, 0, start_indx:end_indx] = datap[pva][mask].flatten("F") time[it] = datap["time"] else: # Dimensional Average = False # Loop over the runs for r, dump_dir_r in enumerate(tqdm(self.dump_dirs_list, disable=(not self.verbose), desc="Runs Loop")): # Loop over the timesteps for it in tqdm(range(self.no_dumps), disable=(not self.verbose), desc="Timestep Loop"): # Read data from file dump = int(it * self.dump_step) datap = load_from_restart(dump_dir_r, dump) # Loop over the particles' species for sp_indx, (sp_name, sp_num) in enumerate(zip(self.species_names, self.species_num)): # Calculate the correct start and end index for storage start_indx = self.species_index_start[sp_indx] + self.inv_dim * sp_num * r end_indx = self.species_index_start[sp_indx] + self.inv_dim * sp_num * (r + 1) # Use a mask to grab only the selected species and transpose the array to put dimensions first for d in range(self.dimensions): mask = datap["names"] == sp_name data_all[it, d, start_indx:end_indx] = datap[pva][mask][:, d] time[it] = datap["time"] return time, data_all
[docs] def parse(self): """ Grab the pandas dataframe from the saved csv file. If file does not exist call ``compute``. """ if self.k_observable: try: self.dataframe = read_hdf(self.filename_hdf, mode="r", index_col=False) k_data = load(self.k_file) self.k_list = k_data["k_list"] self.k_counts = k_data["k_counts"] self.ka_values = k_data["ka_values"] except FileNotFoundError: print("\nFile {} not found!".format(self.filename_hdf)) print("\nComputing Observable now ...") self.compute() else: try: if hasattr(self, "filename_csv"): self.dataframe = read_csv(self.filename_csv, index_col=False) else: self.dataframe = read_hdf(self.filename_hdf, mode="r", index_col=False) except FileNotFoundError: if hasattr(self, "filename_csv"): data_file = self.filename_csv else: data_file = self.filename_hdf print("\nData file not found! \n {}".format(data_file)) print("\nComputing Observable now ...") self.compute() if hasattr(self, "dataframe_slices"): self.dataframe_slices = read_hdf(self.filename_hdf_slices, mode="r", index_col=False) if self.acf_observable: self.dataframe_acf = read_hdf(self.filename_hdf_acf, mode="r", index_col=False) self.dataframe_acf_slices = read_hdf(self.filename_hdf_acf_slices, mode="r", index_col=False)
[docs] def parse_k_data(self): """Read in the precomputed Fourier space data. Recalculate if not correct.""" try: k_data = load(self.k_file) # Check for the correct number of k values if self.angle_averaging == k_data["angle_averaging"]: # Check for the correct max harmonics comp = self.max_k_harmonics == k_data["max_k_harmonics"] if comp.all(): self.k_list = k_data["k_list"] self.k_harmonics = k_data["k_harmonics"] self.k_counts = k_data["k_counts"] self.k_values = k_data["k_values"] self.ka_values = k_data["ka_values"] self.no_ka_values = len(self.ka_values) else: self.calc_k_data() else: self.calc_k_data() except FileNotFoundError: self.calc_k_data()
[docs] def calc_k_data(self): """Calculate and save Fourier space data.""" # Do some checks if not isinstance(self.angle_averaging, str): raise TypeError("angle_averaging not a string. " "Choose from ['full', 'custom', 'principal_axis']") elif self.angle_averaging not in ["full", "custom", "principal_axis"]: raise ValueError( "Option not available. " "Choose from ['full', 'custom', 'principal_axis']" "Note case sensitivity." ) assert self.max_k_harmonics.all(), "max_k_harmonics not defined." # Calculate the k arrays self.k_list, self.k_counts, k_unique, self.k_harmonics = kspace_setup( self.box_lengths, self.angle_averaging, self.max_k_harmonics, self.max_aa_harmonics ) # Save the ka values self.ka_values = 2.0 * pi * k_unique * self.a_ws self.k_values = 2.0 * pi * k_unique self.no_ka_values = len(self.ka_values) # Check if the writing folder exist if not (os_path_exists(self.k_space_dir)): mkdir(self.k_space_dir) # Write the npz file savez( self.k_file, k_list=self.k_list, k_harmonics=self.k_harmonics, k_counts=self.k_counts, k_values=self.k_values, ka_values=self.ka_values, angle_averaging=self.angle_averaging, max_k_harmonics=self.max_k_harmonics, max_aa_harmonics=self.max_aa_harmonics, )
[docs] def parse_kt_data(self, nkt_flag: bool = False, vkt_flag: bool = False): """ Read in the precomputed time dependent Fourier space data. Recalculate if not. Parameters ---------- nkt_flag : bool Flag for reading microscopic density Fourier components :math:`n(\\mathbf k, t)`. \n Default = False. vkt_flag : bool Flag for reading microscopic velocity Fourier components, :math:`v(\\mathbf k, t)`. \n Default = False. """ if nkt_flag: try: # Check that what was already calculated is correct with HDFStore(self.nkt_hdf_file, mode="r") as nkt_hfile: metadata = nkt_hfile.get_storer("nkt").attrs.metadata if metadata["no_slices"] == self.no_slices: # Check for the correct number of k values if metadata["angle_averaging"] == self.angle_averaging: # Check for the correct max harmonics comp = self.max_k_harmonics == metadata["max_k_harmonics"] if not comp.all(): self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) else: self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) else: self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) # elif metadata['max_k_harmonics'] # # if self.angle_averaging == nkt_data["angle_averaging"]: # # comp = self.max_k_harmonics == nkt_data["max_harmonics"] # if not comp.all(): # self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) # else: # self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) except OSError: self.calc_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) if vkt_flag: try: # Check that what was already calculated is correct with HDFStore(self.vkt_hdf_file, mode="r") as vkt_hfile: metadata = vkt_hfile.get_storer("vkt").attrs.metadata if metadata["no_slices"] == self.no_slices: # Check for the correct number of k values if metadata["angle_averaging"] == self.angle_averaging: # Check for the correct max harmonics comp = self.max_k_harmonics == metadata["max_k_harmonics"] if not comp.all(): self.calc_kt_data(vkt_flag=True) else: self.calc_kt_data(vkt_flag=True) else: self.calc_kt_data(vkt_flag=True) except OSError: self.calc_kt_data(vkt_flag=True)
[docs] def calc_kt_data(self, nkt_flag: bool = False, vkt_flag: bool = False): """Calculate Time dependent Fourier space quantities. Parameters ---------- nkt_flag : bool Flag for calculating microscopic density Fourier components :math:`n(\\mathbf k, t)`. \n Default = False. vkt_flag : bool Flag for calculating microscopic velocity Fourier components, :math:`v(\\mathbf k, t)`. \n Default = False. """ start_slice = 0 end_slice = self.slice_steps * self.dump_step if nkt_flag: nkt_dataframe = DataFrame() tinit = self.timer.current() for isl in range(self.no_slices): print("\nCalculating n(k,t) for slice {}/{}.".format(isl + 1, self.no_slices)) nkt = calc_nkt( self.dump_dir, (start_slice, end_slice, self.slice_steps), self.dump_step, self.species_num, self.k_list, self.verbose, ) start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step # n(k,t).shape = [no_species, time, k vectors] slc_column = "slice {}".format(isl + 1) for isp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): df_columns = [ slc_column + "_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format(sp_name, *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int)) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] # df_columns = [time_column, *k_columns] nkt_dataframe = concat([nkt_dataframe, DataFrame(nkt[isp, :, :], columns=df_columns)], axis=1) tuples = [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in nkt_dataframe.columns] nkt_dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["slices", "species", "harmonics"]) # Sample nkt_dataframe # slices slice 1 # species H # harmonics k = [0, 0, 1] | k = [0, 1, 0] | ... # Save the data and append metadata if os_path_exists(self.nkt_hdf_file): os_remove(self.nkt_hdf_file) hfile = HDFStore(self.nkt_hdf_file, mode="w") hfile.put("nkt", nkt_dataframe) # This metadata is needed to check if I need to recalculate metadata = { "no_slices": self.no_slices, "max_k_harmonics": self.max_k_harmonics, "angle_averaging": self.angle_averaging, } hfile.get_storer("nkt").attrs.metadata = metadata hfile.close() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("n(k,t) Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit)) if vkt_flag: vkt_dataframe = DataFrame() tinit = self.timer.current() for isl in range(self.no_slices): print( "\nCalculating longitudinal and transverse " "velocity fluctuations v(k,t) for slice {}/{}.".format(isl + 1, self.no_slices) ) vkt, vkt_i, vkt_j, vkt_k = calc_vkt( self.dump_dir, (start_slice, end_slice, self.slice_steps), self.dump_step, self.species_num, self.k_list, self.verbose, ) start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step slc_column = "slice {}".format(isl + 1) for isp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): df_columns = [ slc_column + "_Longitudinal_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format(sp_name, *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int)) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] # df_columns = [time_column, *k_columns] vkt_dataframe = concat([vkt_dataframe, DataFrame(vkt[isp, :, :], columns=df_columns)], axis=1) df_columns = [ slc_column + "_Transverse i_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format(sp_name, *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int)) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] vkt_dataframe = concat([vkt_dataframe, DataFrame(vkt_i[isp, :, :], columns=df_columns)], axis=1) df_columns = [ slc_column + "_Transverse j_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format(sp_name, *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int)) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] vkt_dataframe = concat([vkt_dataframe, DataFrame(vkt_j[isp, :, :], columns=df_columns)], axis=1) df_columns = [ slc_column + "_Transverse k_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format(sp_name, *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int)) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] vkt_dataframe = concat([vkt_dataframe, DataFrame(vkt_k[isp, :, :], columns=df_columns)], axis=1) # Full string: slice 1_Longitudinal_He_k = [1, 0, 0] tuples = [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in vkt_dataframe.columns] vkt_dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["slices", "species", "direction", "harmonics"]) # Sample nkt_dataframe # slices slice 1 # species H # direction Longitudinal/Transverse # harmonics k = [0, 0, 1] | k = [0, 1, 0] | ... if os_path_exists(self.vkt_hdf_file): os_remove(self.vkt_hdf_file) # Save the data and append metadata hfile = HDFStore(self.vkt_hdf_file, mode="w") hfile.put("vkt", vkt_dataframe) # This metadata is needed to check if I need to recalculate metadata = { "no_slices": self.no_slices, "max_k_harmonics": self.max_k_harmonics, "angle_averaging": self.angle_averaging, } hfile.get_storer("vkt").attrs.metadata = metadata hfile.close() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("v(k,t) Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit))
# savez(self.vkt_file + '_slice_' + str(isl) + '.npz', # longitudinal=vkt, # transverse_i=vkt_i, # transverse_j=vkt_j, # transverse_k=vkt_k, # max_harmonics=self.max_k_harmonics, # angle_averaging=self.angle_averaging)
[docs] def plot(self, scaling: tuple = None, acf: bool = False, figname: str = None, show: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Plot the observable by calling the pandas.DataFrame.plot() function and save the figure. Parameters ---------- scaling : float, tuple Factor by which to rescale the x and y axis. acf : bool Flag for renormalizing the autocorrelation functions. Default= False figname : str Name with which to save the file. It automatically saves it in the correct directory. show : bool Flag for prompting the plot to screen. Default=False **kwargs : Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method. Returns ------- axes_handle : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes. See `pandas` documentation for more info """ # Grab the data # self.parse() # Make a copy of the dataframe for plotting plot_dataframe = self.dataframe.copy() if scaling: if isinstance(scaling, tuple): plot_dataframe.iloc[:, 0] /= scaling[0] plot_dataframe[kwargs["y"]] /= scaling[1] else: plot_dataframe.iloc[:, 0] /= scaling # Autocorrelation function renormalization if acf: plot_dataframe = self.dataframe_acf.copy() for i, col in enumerate(plot_dataframe.columns[1:], 1): plot_dataframe[col] /= plot_dataframe[col].iloc[0] kwargs["logx"] = True # kwargs['xlabel'] = 'Time difference' # if self.__class__.__name__ == 'StaticStructureFactor': # errorbars = plot_dataframe.copy() # for i, col in enumerate(self.dataframe.columns): # if col[-8:] == 'Errorbar': # errorbars.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True) # errorbars.rename({col: col[:-9]}, axis=1, inplace=True) # plot_dataframe.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True) # kwargs['yerr'] = errorbars # axes_handle = plot_dataframe.plot(x=plot_dataframe.columns[0], **kwargs) fig = axes_handle.figure fig.tight_layout() # Saving if figname: fig.savefig(os_path_join(self.saving_dir, figname + "_" + self.job_id + ".png")) else: fig.savefig(os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "Plot_" + self.__name__ + "_" + self.job_id + ".png")) if show: return axes_handle
[docs] def time_stamp(self, message: str, timing: tuple): """Print to screen the elapsed time of the calculation. Parameters ---------- message : str Message to print. timing : tuple Time in hrs, min, sec, msec, usec, nsec. """ t_hrs, t_min, t_sec, t_msec, t_usec, t_nsec = timing if t_hrs == 0 and t_min == 0 and t_sec <= 2: print_message = "\n{} Time: {} sec {} msec {} usec {} nsec".format( message, int(t_sec), int(t_msec), int(t_usec), int(t_nsec) ) else: print_message = "\n{} Time: {} hrs {} min {} sec".format(message, int(t_hrs), int(t_min), int(t_sec)) # print(print_message)
[docs] def save_hdf(self): # Create the columns for the HDF df if not self.k_observable: if not isinstance(self.dataframe_slices.columns, MultiIndex): self.dataframe_slices.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe_slices.columns] ) if not isinstance(self.dataframe.columns, MultiIndex): self.dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe.columns]) # Sort the index for speed # see self.dataframe = self.dataframe.sort_index() self.dataframe_slices = self.dataframe_slices.sort_index() # TODO: Fix this hack. We should be able to add data to HDF instead of removing it and rewriting it. # Save the data. if os_path_exists(self.filename_hdf_slices): os_remove(self.filename_hdf_slices) self.dataframe_slices.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf_slices, mode="w", key=self.__name__) if os_path_exists(self.filename_hdf): os_remove(self.filename_hdf) self.dataframe.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf, mode="w", key=self.__name__) if self.acf_observable: if not isinstance(self.dataframe_acf.columns, pd.MultiIndex): self.dataframe_acf.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe_acf.columns] ) if not isinstance(self.dataframe_acf_slices.columns, pd.MultiIndex): self.dataframe_acf_slices.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe_acf_slices.columns] ) self.dataframe_acf = self.dataframe_acf.sort_index() self.dataframe_acf_slices = self.dataframe_acf_slices.sort_index() if os_path_exists(self.filename_hdf_acf): os_remove(self.filename_hdf_acf) self.dataframe_acf.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf_acf, mode="w", key=self.__name__) if os_path_exists(self.filename_hdf_acf_slices): os_remove(self.filename_hdf_acf_slices) self.dataframe_acf_slices.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf_acf_slices, mode="w", key=self.__name__)
[docs] def save_pickle(self): """Save the observable's info into a pickle file.""" self.filename_pickle = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + ".pickle") with open(self.filename_pickle, "wb") as pickle_file: dump(self, pickle_file) pickle_file.close()
[docs] def read_pickle(self): """Read the observable's info from the pickle file.""" self.filename_pickle = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, self.__long_name__.replace(" ", "") + ".pickle") with open(self.filename_pickle, "rb") as pkl_data: data = pickle_load() self.from_dict(data.__dict__)
[docs] def update_finish(self): """Update the :py:attr:`~.slice_steps`, CCF's and DSF's attributes, and save pickle file with observable's info. Notes ----- The information is saved without the dataframe(s). """ # Needed if no_slices has been passed self.slice_steps = ( int(self.no_steps / self.dump_step / self.no_slices) if self.no_dumps < self.no_slices else int(self.no_dumps / self.no_slices) ) if self.k_observable: self.parse_k_data() if self.kw_observable: # These calculation are needed for the io.postprocess_info(). # This is a hack and we need to find a faster way to do it dt_r = self.dt * self.dump_step self.w_min = 2.0 * pi / (self.slice_steps * self.dt * self.dump_step) self.w_max = pi / dt_r # Half because fft calculates negative and positive frequencies self.frequencies = 2.0 * pi * fftfreq(self.slice_steps, self.dt * self.dump_step) self.frequencies = fftshift(self.frequencies) self.create_dirs_filenames() self.save_pickle() # This re-initialization of the dataframe is needed to avoid len mismatch conflicts when re-calculating self.dataframe = DataFrame() self.dataframe_slices = DataFrame() if self.acf_observable: self.dataframe_acf = DataFrame() self.dataframe_acf_slices = DataFrame()
[docs]class CurrentCorrelationFunction(Observable): """ Current Correlation Functions. \n The species dependent longitudinal ccf :math:`L_{AB}(\\mathbf k, \\omega)` is defined as .. math:: L_{AB}(\\mathbf k,\\omega) = \\int_0^\\infty dt \\, \\left \\langle \\left [\\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf v_{A} ( \\mathbf k, t) \\right ] \\left [ - \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf v_{B} ( -\\mathbf k, t) \\right \\rangle \\right ] e^{i \\omega t}, while the transverse are .. math:: T_{AB}(\\mathbf k,\\omega) = \\int_0^\\infty dt \\, \\left \\langle \\left [ \\mathbf k \\times \\mathbf v_{A} ( \\mathbf k, t) \\right ] \\cdot \\left [ -\\mathbf k \\times \\mathbf v_{A} ( -\\mathbf k, t) \\right \\rangle \\right ] e^{i \\omega t}, where the microscopic velocity of species :math:`A` with number of particles :math:`N_{A}` is given by .. math:: \\mathbf v_{A}(\\mathbf k,t) = \\sum^{N_{A}}_{j} \\mathbf v_j(t) e^{-i \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf r_j(t)} . Attributes ---------- k_list : list List of all possible :math:`k` vectors with their corresponding magnitudes and indexes. k_counts : numpy.ndarray Number of occurrences of each :math:`k` magnitude. ka_values : numpy.ndarray Magnitude of each allowed :math:`ka` vector. no_ka_values: int Length of :py:attr:`~.ka_values` array. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "ccf" self.__long_name__ = "Current Correlation Function" self.k_observable = True self.kw_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase=phase, no_slices=no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): self.parse_kt_data(nkt_flag=False, vkt_flag=True) tinit = self.timer.current() vkt_df = read_hdf(self.vkt_hdf_file, mode="r", key="vkt") # Containers vkt = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_i = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_j = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_k = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) for isl in range(self.no_slices): # Put data in the container to pass for sp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): vkt[sp] = array(vkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)]["Longitudinal"][sp_name]) vkt_i[sp] = array(vkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)]["Transverse i"][sp_name]) vkt_j[sp] = array(vkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)]["Transverse j"][sp_name]) vkt_k[sp] = array(vkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)]["Transverse k"][sp_name]) # Calculate Lkw and Tkw Lkw = calc_Skw(vkt, self.k_list, self.species_num, self.slice_steps, self.dt, self.dump_step) Tkw_i = calc_Skw(vkt_i, self.k_list, self.species_num, self.slice_steps, self.dt, self.dump_step) Tkw_j = calc_Skw(vkt_j, self.k_list, self.species_num, self.slice_steps, self.dt, self.dump_step) Tkw_k = calc_Skw(vkt_k, self.k_list, self.species_num, self.slice_steps, self.dt, self.dump_step) Tkw = (Tkw_i + Tkw_j + Tkw_k) / 3.0 # Lkw_tot += Lkw / self.no_slices # Tkw_tot += Tkw / self.no_slices # Create the dataframe's column names slc_column = "slice {}".format(isl + 1) ka_columns = ["ka = {:.6f}".format(ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values)] # Save the full Lkw into a Dataframe sp_indx = 0 for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:]): columns = [ "Longitudinal_{}-{}_".format(sp1, sp2) + slc_column + "_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format( ka_columns[int(self.k_harmonics[ik, -1])], *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int) ) # Final string : Longitudinal_H-He_slice 1_ka = 0.123456_k = [0, 0, 1] for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] self.dataframe_slices = concat( [self.dataframe_slices, DataFrame(Lkw[sp_indx, :, :].T, columns=columns)], axis=1 ) columns = [ "Transverse_{}-{}_".format(sp1, sp2) + slc_column + "_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format( ka_columns[int(self.k_harmonics[ik, -1])], *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int) ) # Final string : Transverse_H-He_slice 1_ka = 0.123456_k = [0, 0, 1] for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] self.dataframe_slices = concat( [self.dataframe_slices, DataFrame(Tkw[sp_indx, :, :].T, columns=columns)], axis=1 ) sp_indx += 1 # Create the MultiIndex tuples = [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe_slices.columns] self.dataframe_slices.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( tuples, names=["direction", "species", "slices", "ka_value", "k_harmonics"] ) # Now the actual dataframe self.dataframe[" _ _ _ _Frequencies"] = self.frequencies # Take the mean and std and store them into the dataframe to return for sp1, sp1_name in enumerate(self.species_names): for sp2, sp2_name in enumerate(self.species_names[sp1:], sp1): comp_name = "{}-{}".format(sp1_name, sp2_name) ### LONGITUDINAL # Rename the columns with values of ka ka_columns = [ "Longitudinal_" + comp_name + "_Mean_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values) ] # Mean: level = 1 corresponds to averaging all the k harmonics with the same magnitude df_mean = self.dataframe_slices["Longitudinal"][comp_name].mean(level=1, axis="columns") df_mean = df_mean.rename(col_mapper(df_mean.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) # Std ka_columns = [ "Longitudinal_" + comp_name + "_Std_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values) ] df_std = self.dataframe_slices["Longitudinal"][comp_name].std(level=1, axis="columns") df_std = df_std.rename(col_mapper(df_std.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) self.dataframe = concat([self.dataframe, df_mean, df_std], axis=1) ### Transverse # Rename the columns with values of ka ka_columns = [ "Transverse_" + comp_name + "_Mean_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values) ] # Mean: level = 1 corresponds to averaging all the k harmonics with the same magnitude tdf_mean = self.dataframe_slices["Transverse"][comp_name].mean(level=1, axis="columns") tdf_mean = tdf_mean.rename(col_mapper(tdf_mean.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) # Std ka_columns = [ "Transverse_" + comp_name + "_Std_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values) ] tdf_std = self.dataframe_slices["Transverse"][comp_name].std(level=1, axis="columns") tdf_std = tdf_std.rename(col_mapper(tdf_std.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) self.dataframe = concat([self.dataframe, tdf_mean, tdf_std], axis=1) # Create the MultiIndex columns: # Longitudinal_H-He_Mean_Frequencies | ka = 0.123456 # Longitudinal_H-He_Std_ka = 0.123456 tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp(self.__long_name__ + " Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit)) self.save_hdf()
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print current correlation function calculation parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("k wavevector information saved in: \n", self.k_file) print("v(k,t) data saved in: \n", self.vkt_hdf_file) print("Data saved in: \n{}".format(self.filename_hdf)) print("Data accessible at: self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.ka_values, self.frequencies," " \n\t self.dataframe") print("\nFrequency Space Parameters:") print("\tNo. of slices = {}".format(self.no_slices)) print("\tNo. dumps per slice = {}".format(self.slice_steps)) print("\tFrequency step dw = 2 pi (no_slices * prod_dump_step)/(production_steps * dt)") print("\tdw = {:1.4f} w_p = {:1.4e} [rad/s]".format(self.w_min / self.total_plasma_frequency, self.w_min)) print("\tMaximum Frequency w_max = 2 pi /(prod_dump_step * dt)") print("\tw_max = {:1.4f} w_p = {:1.4e} [rad/s]".format(self.w_max / self.total_plasma_frequency, self.w_max)) print("\n\nWavevector parameters:") print("Smallest wavevector k_min = 2 pi / L = 3.9 / N^(1/3)") print("k_min = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:.4e} ".format(self.ka_values[0], self.ka_values[0] / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nAngle averaging choice: {}".format(self.angle_averaging)) if self.angle_averaging == "full": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tAA k_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nTotal number of k values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.k_list))) print("No. of unique ka values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.ka_values)))
[docs]class DiffusionFlux(Observable): """Diffusion Fluxes and their Auto-correlation functions.\n The :math:`\\alpha` diffusion flux :math:`\\mathbf J_{\\alpha}(t)` is calculated from eq.~(3.5) in :cite:`Zhou1996` which reads .. math:: \\mathbf J_{\\alpha}(t) = \\frac{m_{\\alpha}}{m_{\\rm tot} } \\sum_{\\beta = 1}^{M} \\left ( m_{\\rm tot} \\delta_{\\alpha\\beta} - x_{\\alpha} m_{\\beta} \\right ) \\mathbf j_{\\beta} (t) where :math:`M` is the total number of species, :math:`m_{\\rm tot} = \\sum_{i}^M m_{i}` is the total mass of the system, :math:`x_{\\alpha} = N_{\\alpha} / N_{\\rm tot}` is the concentration of species :math:`\\alpha`, and .. math:: \\mathbf j_{\\alpha}(t) = \\sum_{i = 1}^{N_{\\alpha}} \\mathbf v_{i}(t) is the microscopic velocity field of species :math:`\\alpha`. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "diff_flux" self.__long_name__ = "Diffusion Flux" self.acf_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase, no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.no_fluxes = self.num_species - 1 self.no_fluxes_acf = int(self.no_fluxes * self.no_fluxes) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): start_slice = 0 end_slice = self.slice_steps * self.dump_step time = zeros(self.slice_steps) # Initialize timer t0 = self.timer.current() df_str = "Diffusion Flux" df_acf_str = "Diffusion Flux ACF" for isl in range(self.no_slices): print("\nCalculating diffusion flux and its acf for slice {}/{}.".format(isl + 1, self.no_slices)) # Parse the particles from the dump files vel = zeros((self.dimensions, self.slice_steps, self.total_num_ptcls)) # # print("\nParsing particles' velocities.") for it, dump in enumerate( tqdm(range(start_slice, end_slice, self.dump_step), desc="Read in data", disable=not self.verbose) ): datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, dump) time[it] = datap["time"] vel[0, it, :] = datap["vel"][:, 0] vel[1, it, :] = datap["vel"][:, 1] vel[2, it, :] = datap["vel"][:, 2] # if isl == 0: self.dataframe["Time"] = time self.dataframe_slices["Time"] = time self.dataframe_acf["Time"] = time self.dataframe_acf_slices["Time"] = time # This returns two arrays # diff_fluxes = array of shape (no_fluxes, no_dim, no_dumps_per_slice) # df_acf = array of shape (no_fluxes_acf, no_dim + 1, no_dumps_per_slice) diff_fluxes, df_acf = calc_diff_flux_acf( vel, self.species_num, self.species_concentrations, self.species_masses ) # # Store the data for i, flux in enumerate(diff_fluxes): self.dataframe_slices[df_str + " {}_X_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux[0, :] self.dataframe_slices[df_str + " {}_Y_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux[1, :] self.dataframe_slices[df_str + " {}_Z_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux[2, :] for i, flux_acf in enumerate(df_acf): self.dataframe_acf_slices[df_acf_str + " {}_X_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux_acf[0, :] self.dataframe_acf_slices[df_acf_str + " {}_Y_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux_acf[1, :] self.dataframe_acf_slices[df_acf_str + " {}_Z_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux_acf[2, :] self.dataframe_acf_slices[df_acf_str + " {}_Total_slice {}".format(i, isl)] = flux_acf[3, :] start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step # Average and std over the slices for i in range(self.no_fluxes): xcol_str = [df_str + " {}_X_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] ycol_str = [df_str + " {}_Y_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] zcol_str = [df_str + " {}_Z_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_X_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[xcol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_X_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[xcol_str].std(axis=1) self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_Y_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[ycol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_Y_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[ycol_str].std(axis=1) self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_Z_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[zcol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[df_str + " {}_Z_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_slices[zcol_str].std(axis=1) # Average and std over the slices for i in range(self.no_fluxes_acf): xcol_str = [df_acf_str + " {}_X_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] ycol_str = [df_acf_str + " {}_Y_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] zcol_str = [df_acf_str + " {}_Z_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] tot_col_str = [df_acf_str + " {}_Total_slice {}".format(i, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_X_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[xcol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_X_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[xcol_str].std(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Y_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ycol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Y_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ycol_str].std(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Z_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[zcol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Z_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[zcol_str].std(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Total_Mean".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].mean( axis=1 ) self.dataframe_acf[df_acf_str + " {}_Total_Std".format(i)] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].std( axis=1 ) self.save_hdf() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("Diffusion Flux and its ACF Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - t0))
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print observable parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.dataframe") print("\nNo. of slices = {}".format(self.no_slices)) print("No. dumps per slice = {}".format(int(self.slice_steps / self.dump_step))) print( "Time interval of autocorrelation function = {:.4e} [s] ~ {} w_p T".format( self.dt * self.slice_steps, int(self.dt * self.slice_steps * self.total_plasma_frequency) ) )
[docs]class DynamicStructureFactor(Observable): """Dynamic Structure factor. The species dependent DSF :math:`S_{AB}(k,\\omega)` is calculated from .. math:: S_{AB }(k,\\omega) = \\int_0^\\infty dt \\, \\left \\langle | n_{A}( \\mathbf k, t)n_{B}( -\\mathbf k, t) \\right \\rangle e^{i \\omega t}, where the microscopic density of species :math:`A` with number of particles :math:`N_{A}` is given by .. math:: n_{A}(\\mathbf k,t) = \\sum^{N_{A}}_{j} e^{-i \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf r_j(t)} . """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "dsf" self.__long_name__ = "Dynamic Structure Factor" self.kw_observable = True self.k_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = 1, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase, no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): # Parse nkt otherwise calculate it self.parse_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) tinit = self.timer.current() nkt_df = read_hdf(self.nkt_hdf_file, mode="r", key="nkt") for isl in range(0, self.no_slices): # Initialize container nkt = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) for sp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): nkt[sp] = array(nkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)][sp_name]) # Calculate Skw Skw_all = calc_Skw(nkt, self.k_list, self.species_num, self.slice_steps, self.dt, self.dump_step) # Create the dataframe's column names slc_column = "slice {}".format(isl + 1) ka_columns = ["ka = {:.8f}".format(ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values)] # Save the full Skw into a Dataframe sp_indx = 0 for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:]): columns = [ "{}-{}_".format(sp1, sp2) + slc_column + "_{}_k = [{}, {}, {}]".format( ka_columns[int(self.k_harmonics[ik, -1])], *self.k_harmonics[ik, :-2].astype(int) ) for ik in range(len(self.k_harmonics)) ] self.dataframe_slices = concat( [self.dataframe_slices, DataFrame(Skw_all[sp_indx, :, :].T, columns=columns)], axis=1 ) sp_indx += 1 # Create the MultiIndex tuples = [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.dataframe_slices.columns] self.dataframe_slices.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( tuples, names=["species", "slices", "k_index", "k_harmonics"] ) # Now for the actual df self.dataframe[" _ _Frequencies"] = self.frequencies # Take the mean and std and store them into the dataframe to return for sp1, sp1_name in enumerate(self.species_names): for sp2, sp2_name in enumerate(self.species_names[sp1:], sp1): skw_name = "{}-{}".format(sp1_name, sp2_name) # Rename the columns with values of ka ka_columns = [skw_name + "_Mean_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values)] # Mean: level = 1 corresponds to averaging all the k harmonics with the same magnitude df_mean = self.dataframe_slices[skw_name].mean(level=1, axis="columns") df_mean = df_mean.rename(col_mapper(df_mean.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) # Std ka_columns = [skw_name + "_Std_ka{} = {:.4f}".format(ik + 1, ka) for ik, ka in enumerate(self.ka_values)] df_std = self.dataframe_slices[skw_name].std(level=1, axis="columns") df_std = df_std.rename(col_mapper(df_std.columns, ka_columns), axis=1) self.dataframe = concat([self.dataframe, df_mean, df_std], axis=1) tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp(self.__long_name__ + " Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit)) self.save_hdf()
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print dynamic structure factor calculation parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("k wavevector information saved in: \n", self.k_file) print("n(k,t) data saved in: \n", self.nkt_hdf_file) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.ka_values, self.frequencies, self.dataframe") print("\nFrequency Space Parameters:") print("\tNo. of slices = {}".format(self.no_slices)) print("\tNo. dumps per slice = {}".format(self.slice_steps)) print("\tFrequency step dw = 2 pi (no_slices * prod_dump_step)/(production_steps * dt)") print("\tdw = {:1.4f} w_p = {:1.4e} [rad/s]".format(self.w_min / self.total_plasma_frequency, self.w_min)) print("\tMaximum Frequency w_max = 2 pi /(prod_dump_step * dt)") print("\tw_max = {:1.4f} w_p = {:1.4e} [rad/s]".format(self.w_max / self.total_plasma_frequency, self.w_max)) print("\n\nWavevector parameters:") print("Smallest wavevector k_min = 2 pi / L = 3.9 / N^(1/3)") print("k_min = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:.4e} ".format(self.ka_values[0], self.ka_values[0] / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nAngle averaging choice: {}".format(self.angle_averaging)) if self.angle_averaging == "full": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tAA k_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nTotal number of k values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.k_list))) print("No. of unique ka values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.ka_values)))
[docs]class ElectricCurrent(Observable): """Electric Current Auto-correlation function."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "ec" self.__long_name__ = "Electric Current" self.acf_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase, no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments. e.g time_averaging and timesteps_to_skip self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): # Initialize timer t0 = self.timer.current() self.calculate_run_slices_data() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("Electric Current Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - t0))
[docs] def calculate_run_slices_data(self): start_slice = 0 end_slice = self.slice_steps * self.dump_step time = zeros(self.slice_steps) # Loop over the slices of each run for isl in range(self.no_slices): print(f"\nCalculating electric current and its acf for slice {isl + 1}/{self.no_slices}.") # Parse the particles from the dump files vel = zeros((self.dimensions, self.slice_steps, self.total_num_ptcls)) # # print("\nParsing particles' velocities.") for it, dump in enumerate( tqdm(range(start_slice, end_slice, self.dump_step), desc="Read in data", disable=not self.verbose) ): datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, dump) time[it] = datap["time"] for d in range(self.dimensions): vel[d, it, :] = datap["vel"][:, d] # if isl == 0: self.dataframe["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_acf["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_slices["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_acf_slices["Time"] = time.copy() species_current, total_current = calc_elec_current(vel, self.species_charges, self.species_num) # Store species data for i, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): sp_col_str = f"{sp_name} " + self.__long_name__ sp_col_str_acf = f"{sp_name} " + self.__long_name__ + " ACF" sp_tot_acf = zeros(len(species_current)) for d in range(self.dimensions): dl = self.dim_labels[d] self.dataframe_slices[sp_col_str + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}"] = species_current[i, d, :] # Calculate ACF sp_acf_dim = correlationfunction(species_current[i, d, :], species_current[i, d, :]) self.dataframe_acf_slices[sp_col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}"] = sp_acf_dim sp_tot_acf += sp_acf_dim # Store ACF self.dataframe_acf_slices[sp_col_str_acf + f"_Total_slice {isl}"] = sp_tot_acf # Total current and its ACF tot_acf = zeros(len(total_current)) for d in range(self.dimensions): dl = self.dim_labels[d] col_str = self.__long_name__ + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}" col_str_acf = self.__long_name__ + f" ACF_{dl}_slice {isl}" self.dataframe_slices[col_str] = total_current[d, :] # Calculate ACF tot_acf_dim = correlationfunction(total_current[d, :], total_current[d, :]) tot_acf += tot_acf_dim self.dataframe_acf_slices[col_str_acf] = tot_acf_dim self.dataframe_acf_slices[self.__long_name__ + f"_Total_slice {isl}"] = tot_acf start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step self.average_slice_data() self.save_hdf()
[docs] def average_slices_data(self): """Average and std over the slices.""" # Species data for i, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): col_str = f"{sp_name} " + self.__long_name__ col_str_acf = f"{sp_name} " + self.__long_name__ + " ACF" for d in range(self.dimensions): dl = self.dim_labels[d] dim_col_str = [col_str + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[col_str + f"_{dl}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[dim_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[col_str + f"_{dl}_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[dim_col_str].std(axis=1) # ACF averages dim_col_str_acf = [col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dim_col_str_acf].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dim_col_str_acf].std(axis=1) tot_col_str = [col_str + f"_Total_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[col_str + "_Total_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[col_str + "_Total_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].std(axis=1) # Average and std over the slices # Total Current data for d in range(self.dimensions): dl = self.dim_labels[d] dim_col_str = [self.__long_name__ + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] dim_col_str_acf = [self.__long_name__ + f" ACF_{dl}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[dim_col_str + f"_{dl}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[dim_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[dim_col_str + f"_{dl}_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[dim_col_str].std(axis=1) # ACF self.dataframe_acf[dim_col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dim_col_str_acf].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[dim_col_str_acf + f"_{dl}_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dim_col_str_acf].std(axis=1) # Total ACF tot_col_str = [self.__long_name__ + f" ACF_Total_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[self.__long_name__ + f" ACF_Total_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[self.__long_name__ + f" ACF_Total_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].std(axis=1)
[docs]class PressureTensor(Observable): """Pressure Tensor."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "pressure_tensor" self.__long_name__ = "Pressure Tensor" self.acf_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase, no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) self.update_finish()
[docs] def df_column_names(self): # Dataframes' columns names pt_str_kin = "Pressure Tensor Kinetic" pt_str_pot = "Pressure Tensor Potential" pt_str = "Pressure Tensor" pt_acf_str_kin = "Pressure Tensor Kinetic ACF" pt_acf_str_pot = "Pressure Tensor Potential ACF" pt_acf_str_kinpot = "Pressure Tensor Kin-Pot ACF" pt_acf_str_potkin = "Pressure Tensor Pot-Kin ACF" pt_acf_str = "Pressure Tensor ACF" # Pre compute the number of columns in the dataframe and make the list of names if self.dimensions == 3: dim_lbl = ["x", "y", "z"] elif self.dimensions == 2: dim_lbl = ["x", "y"] # Slice Dataframe slice_df_column_names = ["Time"] for isl in range(self.no_slices): slice_df_column_names.append(f"Pressure_slice {isl}") slice_df_column_names.append(f"Delta Pressure_slice {isl}") for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): slice_df_column_names.append(pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}") slice_df_column_names.append(pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}") slice_df_column_names.append(pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}") # ACF Slice Dataframe acf_slice_df_column_names = ["Time"] for isl in range(self.no_slices): acf_slice_df_column_names.append(f"Pressure ACF_slice {isl}") acf_slice_df_column_names.append(f"Delta Pressure ACF_slice {isl}") for ax1 in dim_lbl: for ax2 in dim_lbl: for ax3 in dim_lbl: for ax4 in dim_lbl: acf_slice_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}") acf_slice_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}") acf_slice_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}") acf_slice_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}") acf_slice_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}") # Mean and std Dataframe df_column_names = ["Time", "Pressure_Mean", "Pressure_Std", "Delta Pressure_Mean", "Delta Pressure_Std"] for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): df_column_names.append(pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean") df_column_names.append(pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std") df_column_names.append(pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean") df_column_names.append(pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std") df_column_names.append(pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean") df_column_names.append(pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std") # Mean and std Dataframe acf_df_column_names = [ "Time", "Pressure ACF_Mean", "Pressure ACF_Std", "Delta Pressure ACF_Mean", "Delta Pressure ACF_Std", ] for ax1 in dim_lbl: for ax2 in dim_lbl: for ax3 in dim_lbl: for ax4 in dim_lbl: acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean") acf_df_column_names.append(pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std") self.dataframe = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_column_names) self.dataframe_slices = pd.DataFrame(columns=slice_df_column_names) self.dataframe_acf = pd.DataFrame(columns=acf_df_column_names) self.dataframe_acf_slices = pd.DataFrame(columns=acf_slice_df_column_names)
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): start_slice = 0 end_slice = self.slice_steps * self.dump_step time = zeros(self.slice_steps) # Initialize timer t0 = self.timer.current() # Dataframes' columns names pt_str_kin = "Pressure Tensor Kinetic" pt_str_pot = "Pressure Tensor Potential" pt_str = "Pressure Tensor" pt_acf_str_kin = "Pressure Tensor Kinetic ACF" pt_acf_str_pot = "Pressure Tensor Potential ACF" pt_acf_str_kinpot = "Pressure Tensor Kin-Pot ACF" pt_acf_str_potkin = "Pressure Tensor Pot-Kin ACF" pt_acf_str = "Pressure Tensor ACF" if self.dimensions == 3: dim_lbl = ["x", "y", "z"] elif self.dimensions == 2: dim_lbl = ["x", "y"] # Pre compute the number of columns in the dataframe and make the list of names self.df_column_names() # Initialize timer t0 = self.timer.current() # Let's compute for isl in range(self.no_slices): print("\nCalculating stress tensor and the acfs for slice {}/{}.".format(isl + 1, self.no_slices)) # Parse the particles from the dump files pressure = zeros(self.slice_steps) pt_kin_temp = zeros((self.dimensions, self.dimensions, self.slice_steps)) pt_pot_temp = zeros((self.dimensions, self.dimensions, self.slice_steps)) pt_temp = zeros((self.dimensions, self.dimensions, self.slice_steps)) for it, dump in enumerate( tqdm( range(start_slice, end_slice, self.dump_step), desc="Calculating Pressure Tensor", disable=not self.verbose, ) ): datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, dump) time[it] = datap["time"] pressure[it], pt_kin_temp[:, :, it], pt_pot_temp[:, :, it], pt_temp[:, :, it] = calc_pressure_tensor( datap["vel"], datap["virial"], self.species_masses, self.species_num, self.box_volume, self.dimensions ) if isl == 0: self.dataframe["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_acf["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_slices["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_acf_slices["Time"] = time.copy() self.dataframe_slices["Pressure_slice {}".format(isl)] = pressure self.dataframe_acf_slices["Pressure ACF_slice {}".format(isl)] = correlationfunction(pressure, pressure) # This is needed for the bulk viscosity delta_pressure = pressure - pressure.mean() self.dataframe_slices["Delta Pressure_slice {}".format(isl)] = delta_pressure self.dataframe_acf_slices["Delta Pressure ACF_slice {}".format(isl)] = correlationfunction( delta_pressure, delta_pressure ) for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): pt_temp[i, i, :] -= pressure.mean() # The reason for dividing these two loops is that I want a specific order in the dataframe. # Pressure, Stress Tensor, All for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): self.dataframe_slices[pt_str_kin + " {}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, isl)] = pt_kin_temp[i, j, :] self.dataframe_slices[pt_str_pot + " {}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, isl)] = pt_pot_temp[i, j, :] self.dataframe_slices[pt_str + " {}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, isl)] = pt_temp[i, j, :] # Calculate the ACF of the thermal fluctuations of the pressure tensor elements # Note: C_{abcd} = < sigma_{ab} sigma_{cd} > for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for k, ax3 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for l, ax4 in enumerate(dim_lbl): C_ijkl_kin = correlationfunction(pt_kin_temp[i, j, :], pt_kin_temp[k, l, :]) C_ijkl_pot = correlationfunction(pt_pot_temp[i, j, :], pt_pot_temp[k, l, :]) C_ijkl_kinpot = correlationfunction(pt_kin_temp[i, j, :], pt_pot_temp[k, l, :]) C_ijkl_potkin = correlationfunction(pt_pot_temp[i, j, :], pt_kin_temp[k, l, :]) C_ijkl = correlationfunction(pt_temp[i, j, :], pt_temp[k, l, :]) # Kinetic self.dataframe_acf_slices[ pt_acf_str_kin + " {}{}{}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, isl) ] = C_ijkl_kin # Potential self.dataframe_acf_slices[ pt_acf_str_pot + " {}{}{}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, isl) ] = C_ijkl_pot # Kin-Pot self.dataframe_acf_slices[ pt_acf_str_kinpot + " {}{}{}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, isl) ] = C_ijkl_kinpot # Pot-Kin self.dataframe_acf_slices[ pt_acf_str_potkin + " {}{}{}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, isl) ] = C_ijkl_potkin # Total self.dataframe_acf_slices[ pt_acf_str + " {}{}{}{}_slice {}".format(ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, isl) ] = C_ijkl start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step # end of slice loop # Average and std over the slices col_str = ["Pressure_slice {}".format(isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe["Pressure_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe["Pressure_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].std(axis=1) col_str = ["Pressure ACF_slice {}".format(isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf["Pressure ACF_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf["Pressure ACF_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[col_str].std(axis=1) col_str = ["Delta Pressure_slice {}".format(isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe["Delta Pressure_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe["Delta Pressure_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].std(axis=1) col_str = ["Delta Pressure ACF_slice {}".format(isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf["Delta Pressure ACF_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf["Delta Pressure ACF_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[col_str].std(axis=1) for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): # Kinetic Terms ij_col_str = [pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[pt_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].std(axis=1) # Potential Terms ij_col_str = [pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[pt_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].std(axis=1) # Full ij_col_str = [pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe[pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe[pt_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}_Std"] = self.dataframe_slices[ij_col_str].std(axis=1) for i, ax1 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for j, ax2 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for k, ax3 in enumerate(dim_lbl): for l, ax4 in enumerate(dim_lbl): # Kinetic Terms ij_col_acf_str = [ pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices) ] mean_column = pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean" std_column = pt_acf_str_kin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std" self.dataframe_acf[mean_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[std_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].std(axis=1) # Potential Terms ij_col_acf_str = [ pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices) ] mean_column = pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean" std_column = pt_acf_str_pot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std" self.dataframe_acf[mean_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[std_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].std(axis=1) # Kinetic-Potential Terms ij_col_acf_str = [ pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices) ] mean_column = pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean" std_column = pt_acf_str_kinpot + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std" self.dataframe_acf[mean_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[std_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].std(axis=1) # Potential-Kinetic Terms ij_col_acf_str = [ pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices) ] mean_column = pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean" std_column = pt_acf_str_potkin + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std" self.dataframe_acf[mean_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[std_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].std(axis=1) # Full ij_col_acf_str = [ pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices) ] mean_column = pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Mean" std_column = pt_acf_str + f" {ax1}{ax2}{ax3}{ax4}_Std" self.dataframe_acf[mean_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[std_column] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[ij_col_acf_str].std(axis=1) self.save_hdf() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("Stress Tensor and ACF Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - t0))
[docs] def sum_rule(self, beta, rdf, potential): r""" Calculate the sum rule integrals from the rdf. .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{eqnarray} \sigma_{zzzz} & = & \frac{n}{\beta^2} \left [ 3 + \frac{2\beta}{15} I^{(1)} + \frac{\beta}{5} I^{(2)} \right ] , \\ \sigma_{zzxx} & =& \frac{n}{\beta^2} \left [ 1 - \frac{2\beta}{5} I^{(1)} + \frac {\beta}{15} I^{(2)} \right ] , \\ \sigma_{xyxy} & = & \frac{n}{\beta^2} \left [ 1 + \frac{4\beta}{15} I^{(2)} + \frac {\beta}{15} I^{(2)} \right ] , \end{eqnarray} where :math:`I^{(k)} = \sum_{A} \sum_{B \geq A}I_{AB}^{(\rm {Hartree}, k)} + I_{AB}^{(\rm {Corr}, k)}` calculated from :meth:``. Parameters ---------- beta: float Inverse temperature factor. Grab it from :py:attr:``. rdf: Radial Distribution function object. potential : :class:`sarkas.potentials.core.Potential` Potential object. Returns ------- sigma_zzzz : float See above integral. sigma_zzxx : float See above integral. sigma_xyxy : float See above integral. """ hartrees, corrs = rdf.compute_sum_rule_integrals(potential) # Eq. 2.3.43 -44 in Boon and Yip I_1 = hartrees[:, 1].sum() + corrs[:, 1].sum() I_2 = hartrees[:, 2].sum() + corrs[:, 2].sum() nkT = self.total_num_density / beta sigma_zzzz = 3.0 * nkT + 2.0 / 15.0 * I_1 + I_2 / 5.0 sigma_zzxx = nkT - 2.0 / 5.0 * I_1 + I_2 / 15.0 sigma_xyxy = nkT + 4.0 / 15.0 * I_1 + I_2 / 15.0 return sigma_zzzz, sigma_zzxx, sigma_xyxy
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print observable parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.dataframe") print("\nNo. of slices = {}".format(self.no_slices)) print("No. dumps per slice = {}".format(int(self.slice_steps / self.dump_step))) print( "Time interval of autocorrelation function = {:.4e} [s] ~ {} w_p T".format( self.dt * self.slice_steps, int(self.dt * self.slice_steps * self.total_plasma_frequency) ) )
[docs]class RadialDistributionFunction(Observable): """ Radial Distribution Function. Attributes ---------- no_bins : int Number of bins. dr_rdf : float Size of each bin. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "rdf" self.__long_name__ = "Radial Distribution Function"
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase=phase, no_slices=no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) # These definitions are needed for the print out. self.rc = self.cutoff_radius self.no_bins = self.rdf_nbins self.dr_rdf = self.rc / self.no_bins self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): # initialize temporary arrays r_values = zeros(self.no_bins) bin_vol = zeros(self.no_bins) pair_density = zeros((self.num_species, self.num_species)) # This is needed to be certain the number of bins is the same. # if not isinstance(rdf_hist, ndarray): # # Find the last dump by looking for the largest number in the checkpoints filenames # dumps_list = listdir(self.dump_dir) # dumps_list.sort(key=num_sort) # name, ext = os.path.splitext(dumps_list[-1]) # _, number = name.split('_') datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, 0) # Make sure you are getting the right number of bins and redefine dr_rdf. self.no_bins = datap["rdf_hist"].shape[0] self.dr_rdf = self.rc / self.no_bins t0 = self.timer.current() # No. of pairs per volume for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_num): pair_density[i, i] = sp1 * (sp1 - 1) / self.box_volume if self.num_species > 1: for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_num[i + 1 :], i + 1): pair_density[i, j] = sp1 * sp2 / self.box_volume # Calculate the volume of each bin # The formula for the N-dimensional sphere is # pi^{N/2}/( factorial( N/2) ) # from,volume,-%2C%20in%20n%2Ddimensional sphere_shell_const = (pi ** (self.dimensions / 2.0)) / factorial(self.dimensions / 2.0) bin_vol[0] = sphere_shell_const * self.dr_rdf**self.dimensions for ir in range(1, self.no_bins): r1 = ir * self.dr_rdf r2 = (ir + 1) * self.dr_rdf bin_vol[ir] = sphere_shell_const * (r2**self.dimensions - r1**self.dimensions) r_values[ir] = (ir + 0.5) * self.dr_rdf # Save the ra values for simplicity self.ra_values = r_values / self.a_ws self.dataframe["Distance"] = r_values self.dataframe_slices["Distance"] = r_values for isl in tqdm(range(self.no_slices), disable=not self.verbose): # Grab the data from the dumps. The -1 is for '0'-indexing dump_no = (isl + 1) * (self.slice_steps - 1) * self.dump_step datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, int(dump_no)) for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:], i): denom_const = pair_density[i, j] * self.slice_steps * self.dump_step col_str = "{}-{} RDF_slice {}".format(sp1, sp2, isl) self.dataframe_slices[col_str] = ( (datap["rdf_hist"][:, i, j] + datap["rdf_hist"][:, j, i]) / denom_const / bin_vol ) for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:], i): col_str = ["{}-{} RDF_slice {}".format(sp1, sp2, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe["{}-{} RDF_Mean".format(sp1, sp2)] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe["{}-{} RDF_Std".format(sp1, sp2)] = self.dataframe_slices[col_str].std(axis=1) self.save_hdf() self.save_pickle() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp(self.__long_name__ + " Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - t0))
[docs] def compute_sum_rule_integrals(self, potential): """ Compute integrals of the RDF used in sum rules. \n The species dependent integrals are .. math:: I_{AB}^{\\rm (Hartree, k)} = 2^{D - 2} \\pi n_{A} n_{B} \\int_0^{\\infty} dr \\, r^{D - 1 + k} \\frac{d^k}{dr^k} \\phi_{AB}(r), .. math:: I_{AB}^{\\rm (Corr, k)} = 2^{D - 2} \\pi n_{A} n_{B} \\int_0^{\\infty} dr \\, r^{D - 1 + k} h_{AB} (r) \\frac{d^k}{dr^k} \\phi_{AB}(r), where :math:`D` is the number of dimensions, :math:`k = {0, 1, 2}`, and :math:`\\phi_{AB}(r)` is the potential between species :math:`A` and :math:`B`. \n Only Coulomb and Yukawa potentials are supported at the moment. Parameters ---------- potential : :class:`sarkas.potentials.core.Potential` Sarkas Potential object. Needed for all its attributes. Returns ------- hartrees : numpy.ndarray Hartree integrals with :math:`k = {0, 1, 2}`. \n Shape = ( :py:attr:``, 3). corrs : numpy.ndarray Correlational integrals with :math:`k = {0, 1, 2}`. \n Shape = ( :py:attr:``, 3). """ r = self.dataframe["Distance"].iloc[:, 0].to_numpy().copy() dims = self.dimensions dim_const = 2.0 ** (dims - 2) * pi if r[0] == 0.0: r[0] = r[1] r2 = r * r r3 = r2 * r corrs = zeros((self.no_obs, 3)) hartrees = zeros((self.no_obs, 3)) obs_indx = 0 for sp1, sp1_name in enumerate(self.species_names): for sp2, sp2_name in enumerate(self.species_names[sp1:], sp1): h_r = self.dataframe[(f"{sp1_name}-{sp2_name} RDF", "Mean")].to_numpy() - 1.0 if potential.type == "coulomb": u_r = potential.matrix[0, sp1, sp2] / r dv_dr = -potential.matrix[0, sp1, sp2] / r2 d2v_dr2 = 2.0 * potential.matrix[0, sp1, sp2] / r3 # Check for finiteness of first element when r[0] = 0.0 if not isfinite(dv_dr[0]): dv_dr[0] = dv_dr[1] d2v_dr2[0] = d2v_dr2[1] elif potential.type == "yukawa": kappa = potential.matrix[1, sp1, sp2] u_r = potential.matrix[0, sp1, sp2] * exp(-kappa * r) / r dv_dr = -(1.0 + kappa * r) * u_r / r d2v_dr2 = -u_r / r - (1.0 + kappa * r) ** 2 * u_r / r2 + (1.0 + kappa * r) * u_r / r2 # Check for finiteness of first element when r[0] = 0.0 if not isfinite(dv_dr[0]): dv_dr[0] = dv_dr[1] d2v_dr2[0] = d2v_dr2[1] elif potential.type == "lj": epsilon = potential.matrix[0, sp1, sp2] sigma = potential.matrix[1, sp1, sp2] s_over_r = sigma / r s_over_r_high = s_over_r ** potential.matrix[2, sp1, sp2] s_over_r_low = s_over_r ** potential.matrix[3, sp1, sp2] u_r = epsilon * (s_over_r_high - s_over_r_low) dv_dr = ( -epsilon * (potential.matrix[2, sp1, sp2] * s_over_r_high - potential.matrix[3, sp1, sp2] * s_over_r_low) / r ) d2v_dr2 = ( epsilon * ( potential.matrix[2, sp1, sp2] * (potential.matrix[2, sp1, sp2] + 1) * s_over_r_high - potential.matrix[3, sp1, sp2] * (potential.matrix[3, sp1, sp2] + 1) * s_over_r_low ) / r2 ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown potential") densities = self.species_num_dens[sp1] * self.species_num_dens[sp2] hartrees[obs_indx, 0] = dim_const * densities * trapz(u_r * r ** (dims - 1), x=r) corrs[obs_indx, 0] = dim_const * densities * trapz(u_r * h_r * r ** (dims - 1), x=r) hartrees[obs_indx, 1] = dim_const * densities * trapz(dv_dr * r**dims, x=r) corrs[obs_indx, 1] = dim_const * densities * trapz(dv_dr * h_r * r**dims, x=r) hartrees[obs_indx, 2] = dim_const * densities * trapz(d2v_dr2 * r ** (dims + 1), x=r) corrs[obs_indx, 2] = dim_const * densities * trapz(d2v_dr2 * h_r * r ** (dims + 1), x=r) obs_indx += 1 return hartrees, corrs
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print radial distribution function calculation parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.ra_values, self.dataframe") print("\nNo. bins = {}".format(self.no_bins)) print("dr = {:1.4f} a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.dr_rdf / self.a_ws, self.dr_rdf), end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print( "Maximum Distance (i.e. potential.rc)= {:1.4f} a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.rc / self.a_ws, self.rc), end="" ) print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]")
[docs]class StaticStructureFactor(Observable): """ Static Structure Factors. The species dependent SSF :math:`S_{AB}(\\mathbf k)` is calculated from .. math:: S_{AB }(\\mathbf k) = \\int_0^\\infty dt \\, \\left \\langle | n_{A}( \\mathbf k, t)n_{B}( -\\mathbf k, t) \\right \\rangle, where the microscopic density of species :math:`A` with number of particles :math:`N_{A}` is given by .. math:: n_{A}(\\mathbf k,t) = \\sum^{N_{A}}_{j} e^{-i \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf r_j(t)} . Attributes ---------- k_list : list List of all possible :math:`k` vectors with their corresponding magnitudes and indexes. k_counts : numpy.ndarray Number of occurrences of each :math:`k` magnitude. ka_values : numpy.ndarray Magnitude of each allowed :math:`ka` vector. no_ka_values: int Length of ``ka_values`` array. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "ssf" self.__long_name__ = "Static Structure Function" self.k_observable = True self.kw_observable = False
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase=phase, no_slices=no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): self.parse_kt_data(nkt_flag=True) no_dumps_calculated = self.slice_steps * self.no_slices Sk_avg = zeros((self.no_obs, len(self.k_counts), no_dumps_calculated)) print("\nCalculating S(k) ...") k_column = "Inverse Wavelength" self.dataframe_slices[k_column] = self.k_values self.dataframe[k_column] = self.k_values tinit = self.timer.current() nkt_df = read_hdf(self.nkt_hdf_file, mode="r", key="nkt") for isl in tqdm(range(self.no_slices)): # Initialize container nkt = zeros((self.num_species, self.slice_steps, len(self.k_list)), dtype=complex128) for sp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): nkt[sp] = array(nkt_df["slice {}".format(isl + 1)][sp_name]) init = isl * self.slice_steps fin = (isl + 1) * self.slice_steps Sk_avg[:, :, init:fin] = calc_Sk(nkt, self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.species_num, self.slice_steps) sp_indx = 0 for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:]): column = "{}-{} SSF_slice {}".format(sp1, sp2, isl) self.dataframe_slices[column] = Sk_avg[sp_indx, :, init:fin].mean(axis=-1) sp_indx += 1 for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): for j, sp2 in enumerate(self.species_names[i:]): column = ["{}-{} SSF_slice {}".format(sp1, sp2, isl) for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe["{}-{} SSF_Mean".format(sp1, sp2)] = self.dataframe_slices[column].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe["{}-{} SSF_Std".format(sp1, sp2)] = self.dataframe_slices[column].std(axis=1) self.save_hdf() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp(self.__long_name__ + " Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit))
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print static structure factor calculation parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("k wavevector information saved in: \n", self.k_file) print("n(k,t) Data saved in: \n", self.nkt_hdf_file) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.k_list, self.k_counts, self.ka_values, self.dataframe") print("\nSmallest wavevector k_min = 2 pi / L = 3.9 / N^(1/3)") print("k_min = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:.4e} ".format(self.ka_values[0], self.ka_values[0] / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nAngle averaging choice: {}".format(self.angle_averaging)) if self.angle_averaging == "full": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "custom": print("\tMaximum angle averaged k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_aa_harmonics)) print("\tLargest angle averaged k_max = k_min * sqrt( n_x^2 + n_y^2 + n_z^2)") print( "\tAA k_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_aa_ka_value, self.max_aa_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") elif self.angle_averaging == "principal_axis": print("\tMaximum k harmonics = n_x, n_y, n_z = {}, {}, {}".format(*self.max_k_harmonics)) print("\tLargest wavector k_max = k_min * n_x") print("\tk_max = {:.4f} / a_ws = {:1.4e} ".format(self.max_ka_value, self.max_ka_value / self.a_ws), end="") print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") print("\nTotal number of k values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.k_list))) print("No. of unique ka values to calculate = {}".format(len(self.ka_values)))
[docs]class Thermodynamics(Observable): """ Thermodynamic functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__name__ = "therm" self.__long_name__ = "Thermodynamics"
[docs] def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, **kwargs): """ Assign attributes from simulation's parameters. Parameters ---------- params : sarkas.core.Parameters Simulation's parameters. phase : str, optional Phase to compute. Default = 'production'. **kwargs : These will overwrite any :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` or default :class:`` attributes and/or add new ones. """ super().setup_init(params, phase) if params.load_method == "restart": self.restart_sim = True else: self.restart_sim = False self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): if self.phase.lower() == "production": self.saving_dir = self.production_dir elif self.phase.lower() == "equilibration": self.saving_dir = self.equilibration_dir elif self.phase.lower() == "magnetization": self.saving_dir = self.magnetization_dir # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy())
[docs] def compute_from_rdf(self, rdf, potential): """ Calculate the correlational energy and correlation pressure using :meth:`` method. The Hartree and correlational terms between species :math:`A` and :math:`B` are .. math:: U_{AB}^{\\rm hartree} = 2 \\pi \\frac{N_iN_j}{V} \\int_0^\\infty dr \\, \\phi_{AB}(r) r^2 dr, .. math:: U_{AB}^{\\rm corr} = 2 \\pi \\frac{N_iN_j}{V} \\int_0^\\infty dr \\, \\phi_{AB}(r) h(r) r^2 dr, .. math:: P_{AB}^{\\rm hartree} = - \\frac{2 \\pi}{3} \\frac{N_iN_j}{V^2} \\int_0^\\infty dr \\, \\frac{d\\phi_{AB}(r)}{dr} r^3 dr, .. math:: P_{AB}^{\\rm corr} = - \\frac{2 \\pi}{3} \\frac{N_iN_j}{V^2} \\int_0^\\infty dr \\, \\frac{d\\phi_{AB}(r)}{dr} h(r) r^3 dr, Parameters ---------- rdf: Radial Distribution Function object. potential : :class:`sarkas.potentials.core.Potential` Potential object. Returns ------- nkT : float Ideal term of the pressure :math:`nk_BT`. Where :math:`n` is the total density. u_hartree : numpy.ndarray Hartree energy calculated from the above formula for each :math:`g_{ab}(r)`. u_corr : numpy.ndarray Correlational energy calculated from the above formula for each :math:`g_{ab}(r)`. p_hartree : numpy.ndarray Hartree pressure calculated from the above formula for each :math:`g_{ab}(r)`. p_corr : numpy.ndarray Correlational pressure calculated from the above formula for each :math:`g_{ab}(r)`. """ hartrees, corrs = rdf.compute_sum_rule_integrals(potential) u_hartree = self.box_volume * hartrees[:, 0] u_corr = self.box_volume * corrs[:, 0] p_hartree = -hartrees[:, 1] / 3.0 p_corr = -corrs[:, 1] / 3.0 nkT = self.total_num_density / self.beta return nkT, u_hartree, u_corr, p_hartree, p_corr
[docs] def parse(self, phase=None): """ Grab the pandas dataframe from the saved csv file. """ if phase: self.phase = phase.lower() if self.phase == "equilibration": self.dataframe = read_csv(self.eq_energy_filename, index_col=False) self.fldr = self.equilibration_dir elif self.phase == "production": self.dataframe = read_csv(self.prod_energy_filename, index_col=False) self.fldr = self.production_dir elif self.phase == "magnetization": self.dataframe = read_csv(self.mag_energy_filename, index_col=False) self.fldr = self.magnetization_dir self.beta = 1.0 / (self.dataframe["Temperature"].mean() * self.kB)
[docs] def temp_energy_plot( self, process, info_list: list = None, phase: str = None, show: bool = False, publication: bool = False, figname: str = None, ): """ Plot Temperature and Energy as a function of time with their cumulative sum and average. Parameters ---------- process : sarkas.processes.Process Sarkas Process. info_list: list, optional List of strings to print next to the plots. phase: str, optional Phase to plot. "equilibration" or "production". show: bool, optional Flag for displaying the figure. publication: bool, optional Flag for publication style plotting. figname: str, optional Name with which to save the plot. """ if phase: phase = phase.lower() self.phase = phase if self.phase == "equilibration": self.no_dumps = self.eq_no_dumps self.dump_dir = self.eq_dump_dir self.dump_step = self.eq_dump_step self.saving_dir = self.equilibration_dir self.no_steps = self.equilibration_steps self.parse(self.phase) self.dataframe = self.dataframe.iloc[1:, :] elif self.phase == "production": self.no_dumps = self.prod_no_dumps self.dump_dir = self.prod_dump_dir self.dump_step = self.prod_dump_step self.saving_dir = self.production_dir self.no_steps = self.production_steps self.parse(self.phase) elif self.phase == "magnetization": self.no_dumps = self.mag_no_dumps self.dump_dir = self.mag_dump_dir self.dump_step = self.mag_dump_step self.saving_dir = self.magnetization_dir self.no_steps = self.magnetization_steps self.parse(self.phase) else: self.parse() completed_steps = self.dump_step * (self.no_dumps - 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8)) fsz = 16 if publication:"PUBstyle") gs = GridSpec(3, 7) # Temperature plots T_delta_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0:2]) T_main_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3, 0:2]) T_hist_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3, 2]) # Energy plots E_delta_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 4:6]) E_main_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3, 4:6]) E_hist_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3, 6]) else: gs = GridSpec(4, 8) Info_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:4, 0:2]) # Temperature plots T_delta_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2:4]) T_main_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 2:4]) T_hist_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 4]) # Energy plots E_delta_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 5:7]) E_main_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 5:7]) E_hist_plot = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 7]) # Grab the current rcParams so that I can restore it later current_rcParams = plt.rcParams.copy() # Update rcParams with the necessary values plt.rc("font", size=fsz) # controls default text sizes plt.rc("axes", titlesize=fsz) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc("axes", labelsize=fsz) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=fsz - 2) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=fsz - 2) # fontsize of the tick labels # Grab the color line list from the plt cycler. I will used this in the hist plots color_from_cycler = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] # ------------------------------------------- Temperature -------------------------------------------# # Calculate Temperature plot's labels and multipliers time_mul, temp_mul, time_prefix, temp_prefix, time_lbl, temp_lbl = plot_labels( self.dataframe["Time"], self.dataframe["Temperature"], "Time", "Temperature", self.units ) # Rescale quantities time = time_mul * self.dataframe["Time"] Temperature = temp_mul * self.dataframe["Temperature"] T_desired = temp_mul * self.T_desired # Temperature moving average T_cumavg = Temperature.expanding().mean() # Temperature deviation and its moving average Delta_T = (Temperature - T_desired) * 100 / T_desired Delta_T_cum_avg = Delta_T.expanding().mean() # Temperature Main plot T_main_plot.plot(time, Temperature, alpha=0.7) T_main_plot.plot(time, T_cumavg, label="Moving Average") T_main_plot.axhline(T_desired, ls="--", c="r", alpha=0.7, label="Desired T") T_main_plot.legend(loc="best") T_main_plot.set(ylabel="Temperature" + temp_lbl, xlabel="Time" + time_lbl) # Temperature Deviation plot T_delta_plot.plot(time, Delta_T, alpha=0.5) T_delta_plot.plot(time, Delta_T_cum_avg, alpha=0.8) T_delta_plot.set(xticks=[], ylabel=r"Deviation [%]") # This was a failed attempt to calculate the theoretical Temperature distribution. # Gaussian T_dist = scp_stats.norm(loc=T_desired, scale=Temperature.std()) # Histogram plot sns_histplot(y=Temperature, bins="auto", stat="density", alpha=0.75, legend="False", ax=T_hist_plot) T_hist_plot.set(ylabel=None, xlabel=None, xticks=[], yticks=[]) T_hist_plot.plot(T_dist.pdf(Temperature.sort_values()), Temperature.sort_values(), color=color_from_cycler[1]) # ------------------------------------------- Total Energy -------------------------------------------# # Calculate Energy plot's labels and multipliers time_mul, energy_mul, _, _, time_lbl, energy_lbl = plot_labels( self.dataframe["Time"], self.dataframe["Total Energy"], "Time", "Energy", self.units ) Energy = energy_mul * self.dataframe["Total Energy"] # Total Energy moving average E_cumavg = Energy.expanding().mean() # Total Energy Deviation and its moving average Delta_E = (Energy - Energy.iloc[0]) * 100 / Energy.iloc[0] Delta_E_cum_avg = Delta_E.expanding().mean() # Energy main plot E_main_plot.plot(time, Energy, alpha=0.7) E_main_plot.plot(time, E_cumavg, label="Moving Average") E_main_plot.axhline(Energy.mean(), ls="--", c="r", alpha=0.7, label="Avg") E_main_plot.legend(loc="best") E_main_plot.set(ylabel="Total Energy" + energy_lbl, xlabel="Time" + time_lbl) # Deviation Plot E_delta_plot.plot(time, Delta_E, alpha=0.5) E_delta_plot.plot(time, Delta_E_cum_avg, alpha=0.8) E_delta_plot.set(xticks=[], ylabel=r"Deviation [%]") # (Failed) Attempt to calculate the theoretical Energy distribution # In an NVT ensemble Energy fluctuation are given by sigma(E) = sqrt( k_B T^2 C_v) # where C_v is the isothermal heat capacity # Since this requires a lot of prior calculation I skip it and just make a Gaussian E_dist = scp_stats.norm(loc=Energy.mean(), scale=Energy.std()) # Histogram plot sns_histplot(y=Energy, bins="auto", stat="density", alpha=0.75, legend="False", ax=E_hist_plot) # Grab the second color since the first is used for histplot E_hist_plot.plot(E_dist.pdf(Energy.sort_values()), Energy.sort_values(), color=color_from_cycler[1]) E_hist_plot.set(ylabel=None, xlabel=None, xticks=[], yticks=[]) if not publication: dt_mul, _, _, _, dt_lbl, _ = plot_labels( process.integrator.dt, self.dataframe["Total Energy"], "Time", "Energy", self.units ) # Information section Info_plot.axis([0, 10, 0, 10]) Info_plot.grid(False) Info_plot.text(0.0, 10, "Job ID: {}".format(self.job_id)) Info_plot.text(0.0, 9.5, "Phase: {}".format(self.phase.capitalize())) Info_plot.text(0.0, 9.0, "No. of species = {}".format(len(self.species_num))) y_coord = 8.5 for isp, sp in enumerate(process.species): if != "electron_background": Info_plot.text(0.0, y_coord, "Species {} : {}".format(isp + 1, Info_plot.text(0.0, y_coord - 0.5, " No. of particles = {} ".format(sp.num)) Info_plot.text( 0.0, y_coord - 1.0, " Temperature = {:.2f} {}".format(temp_mul * sp.temperature, temp_lbl) ) y_coord -= 1.5 y_coord -= 0.25 delta_t = dt_mul * process.integrator.dt if info_list is None: integrator_type = { "equilibration": process.integrator.equilibration_type, "magnetization": process.integrator.magnetization_type, "production": process.integrator.production_type, } info_list = [f"Total $N$ = {process.parameters.total_num_ptcls}"] if process.integrator.thermalization: info_list.append(f"Thermostat: {process.integrator.thermostat_type}") info_list.append(f" Berendsen rate = {process.integrator.thermalization_rate:.2f}") eq_cycles = int( process.parameters.equilibration_steps * process.integrator.dt * process.parameters.total_plasma_frequency ) to_append = [ f"Equilibration cycles = {eq_cycles}", f"Potential: {process.potential.type}", f" Coupling Const = {process.parameters.coupling_constant:.2e}", f" Tot Force Error = {process.potential.force_error:.2e}", f"Integrator: {integrator_type[self.phase]}", ] [info_list.append(info) for info in to_append] if integrator_type[self.phase] == "langevin": info_list.append(f"langevin gamma = {process.integrator.langevin_gamma:.4e}") prod_cycles = int( process.parameters.production_steps * process.integrator.dt * process.parameters.total_plasma_frequency ) to_append = [ f" $\Delta t$ = {delta_t:.2f} {dt_lbl}", # "Step interval = {}".format(self.dump_step), # "Step interval time = {:.2f} {}".format(self.dump_step * delta_t, dt_lbl), f"Completed steps = {completed_steps}", f"Total steps = {self.no_steps}", f"{100 * completed_steps / self.no_steps:.2f} % Completed", # "Completed time = {:.2f} {}".format(completed_steps * delta_t / dt_mul * time_mul, time_lbl), f"Production time = {self.no_steps * delta_t / dt_mul * time_mul:.2f} {time_lbl}", f"Production cycles = {prod_cycles}", ] [info_list.append(info) for info in to_append] for itext, text_str in enumerate(info_list): Info_plot.text(0.0, y_coord, text_str) y_coord -= 0.5 Info_plot.axis("off") if not publication: fig.tight_layout() # Saving if figname: fig.savefig(os_path_join(self.saving_dir, figname + "_" + self.job_id + ".png")) else: fig.savefig(os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "Plot_EnsembleCheck_" + self.job_id + ".png")) if show: # Restore the previous rcParams plt.rcParams = current_rcParams
[docs]class VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction(Observable): """Velocity Auto-correlation function."""
[docs] def __init__(self): super(VelocityAutoCorrelationFunction, self).__init__() self.__name__ = "vacf" self.__long_name__ = "Velocity AutoCorrelation Function" self.acf_observable = True
[docs] @setup_doc def setup(self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, **kwargs): super().setup_init(params, phase=phase, no_slices=no_slices) self.update_args(**kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, **kwargs): # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) self.update_finish()
[docs] @compute_doc def compute(self): t0 = self.timer.current() self.calc_slices_data() self.average_slices_data() self.save_hdf() tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("VACF Calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - t0))
[docs] def calc_slices_data(self): """Calculate the vacf for each slice and add the data to the acf_slices dataframe.""" start_slice = 0 end_slice = self.slice_steps * self.dump_step time = zeros(self.slice_steps) for isl in range(self.no_slices): print(f"\nCalculating vacf for slice {isl + 1}/{self.no_slices}.") # Parse the particles from the dump files vel = zeros((self.dimensions, self.total_num_ptcls, self.slice_steps)) # for it, dump in enumerate( tqdm(range(start_slice, end_slice, self.dump_step), desc="Read in data", disable=not self.verbose) ): datap = load_from_restart(self.dump_dir, dump) time[it] = datap["time"] for d in range(self.dimensions): vel[d, :, it] = datap["vel"][:, d] # if isl == 0: self.dataframe["Time"] = time self.dataframe_slices["Time"] = time self.dataframe_acf["Time"] = time self.dataframe_acf_slices["Time"] = time # Return an array of shape( num_species, dim + 1, slice_steps) vacf = calc_vacf(vel, self.species_num) for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): sp_vacf_str = f"{sp1} " + self.__name__.swapcase() for d in range(self.dimensions): self.dataframe_acf_slices[sp_vacf_str + f"_{self.dim_labels[d]}_slice {isl}"] = vacf[i, d, :] self.dataframe_acf_slices[sp_vacf_str + f"_Total_slice {isl}"] = vacf[i, -1, :] start_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step end_slice += self.slice_steps * self.dump_step
[docs] def average_slices_data(self): """Average the data from all the slices and add it to the dataframe.""" # Average the stuff for i, sp1 in enumerate(self.species_names): sp_vacf_str = f"{sp1} " + self.__name__.swapcase() for d in range(self.dimensions): dl = self.dim_labels[d] dcol_str = [sp_vacf_str + f"_{dl}_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[sp_vacf_str + f"_{dl}_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dcol_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[sp_vacf_str + f"_{dl}_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[dcol_str].std(axis=1) tot_col_str = [sp_vacf_str + f"_Total_slice {isl}" for isl in range(self.no_slices)] self.dataframe_acf[sp_vacf_str + "_Total_Mean"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].mean(axis=1) self.dataframe_acf[sp_vacf_str + "_Total_Std"] = self.dataframe_acf_slices[tot_col_str].std(axis=1)
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print observable parameters for help in choice of simulation parameters.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("Data saved in: \n", self.filename_acf_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.dataframe_acf") print("\nNo. of slices = {}".format(self.no_slices)) print("No. dumps per slice = {}".format(int(self.slice_steps / self.dump_step))) print( "Time interval of autocorrelation function = {:.4e} [s] ~ {} w_p T".format( self.dt * self.slice_steps, int(self.dt * self.slice_steps * self.total_plasma_frequency) ) )
[docs]class VelocityDistribution(Observable): """ Moments of the velocity distributions defined as .. math:: \\langle v^{\\alpha} \\rangle = \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} d v \\, f(v) v^{2 \\alpha}. Attributes ---------- no_bins: int Number of bins used to calculate the velocity distribution. plots_dir: str Directory in which to store Hermite coefficients plots. species_plots_dirs : list, str Directory for each species where to save Hermite coefficients plots. max_no_moment: int Maximum number of moments = :math:`\\alpha`. Default = 6. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(VelocityDistribution, self).__init__() self.max_no_moment = None self.__name__ = "vd" self.__long_name__ = "Velocity Distribution"
[docs] def setup( self, params, phase: str = None, no_slices: int = None, hist_kwargs: dict = None, max_no_moment: int = None, multi_run_average: bool = None, dimensional_average: bool = None, runs: int = 1, curve_fit_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs, ): """ Assign attributes from simulation's parameters. Parameters ---------- params : sarkas.core.Parameters Simulation's parameters. phase : str, optional Phase to compute. Default = 'production'. no_slices : int, optional max_no_moment : int, optional Maximum number of moments to calculate. Default = 6. hist_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``histogram`` for the calculation of the distributions. curve_fit_kwargs: dict, optional Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to ``scipy.curve_fit`` for fitting of Hermite coefficients. **kwargs : These will overwrite any :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` or default :class:`` attributes and/or add new ones. """ super().setup_init(params, phase=phase, multi_run_average=multi_run_average, runs=runs, no_slices=no_slices) self.update_args(hist_kwargs, max_no_moment, curve_fit_kwargs, **kwargs)
[docs] @arg_update_doc def update_args(self, hist_kwargs: dict = None, max_no_moment: int = None, curve_fit_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs): if curve_fit_kwargs: self.curve_fit_kwargs = curve_fit_kwargs # Check on hist_kwargs if hist_kwargs: # Is it a dictionary ? if not isinstance(hist_kwargs, dict): raise TypeError("hist_kwargs not a dictionary. Please pass a dictionary.") # Did you pass a single dictionary for multispecies? for key, value in hist_kwargs.items(): # The elements of hist_kwargs should be lists if not isinstance(hist_kwargs[key], list): hist_kwargs[key] = [value for i in range(self.num_species)] self.hist_kwargs = hist_kwargs # Default number of moments to calculate if max_no_moment: self.max_no_moment = max_no_moment else: self.max_no_moment = 6 # Update the attribute with the passed arguments self.__dict__.update(kwargs.copy()) # Create the directory where to store the computed data # First the name of the observable saving_dir = os_path_join(self.postprocessing_dir, "VelocityDistribution") if not os_path_exists(saving_dir): mkdir(saving_dir) # then the phase self.saving_dir = os_path_join(saving_dir, self.phase.capitalize()) if not os_path_exists(self.saving_dir): mkdir(self.saving_dir) # Directories in which to store plots self.plots_dir = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "Plots") if not os_path_exists(self.plots_dir): mkdir(self.plots_dir) # Paths where to store the dataframes if self.multi_run_average: self.filename_csv = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "VelocityDistribution.csv") self.filename_hdf = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "VelocityDistribution.h5") else: self.filename_csv = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "VelocityDistribution_" + self.job_id + ".csv") self.filename_hdf = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "VelocityDistribution_" + self.job_id + ".h5") if hasattr(self, "max_no_moment"): self.moments_dataframe = None self.mom_df_filename_csv = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "Moments_" + self.job_id + ".csv") if hasattr(self, "max_hermite_order"): self.hermite_dataframe = None self.herm_df_filename_csv = os_path_join(self.saving_dir, "HermiteCoefficients_" + self.job_id + ".csv") # some checks if not hasattr(self, "hermite_rms_tol"): self.hermite_rms_tol = 0.05 self.species_plots_dirs = None # Need this for pretty print # Calculate the dimension of the velocity container # 2nd Dimension of the raw velocity array self.dim = 1 if self.dimensional_average else self.dimensions # range(inv_dim) for the loop over dimension self.inv_dim = self.dimensions if self.dimensional_average else 1 self.prepare_histogram_args() self.save_pickle()
[docs] def compute(self, compute_moments: bool = False, compute_Grad_expansion: bool = False): """ Calculate the moments of the velocity distributions and save them to a pandas dataframes and csv. Parameters ---------- hist_kwargs : dict, optional Dictionary with arguments to pass to ``numpy.histogram``. **kwargs : These will overwrite any :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` or default :class:`` attributes and/or add new ones. """ # Print info to screen self.pretty_print() # Grab simulation data time, vel_raw = self.grab_sim_data() # Normality test self.normality_tests(time=time, vel_data=vel_raw) # Make the velocity distribution self.create_distribution(vel_raw, time) # Calculate velocity moments if compute_moments: self.compute_moments(parse_data=False, vel_raw=vel_raw, time=time) # if compute_Grad_expansion: self.compute_hermite_expansion(compute_moments=False)
[docs] def normality_tests(self, time, vel_data): """ Calculate the Shapiro-Wilks test for each timestep from the raw velocity data. Parameters ---------- time: vel_data Returns ------- """ no_dim = vel_data.shape[1] stats_df_columns = ( "Time", *[ "{}_{}_{}".format(sp, d, st) for sp in self.species_names for _, d in zip(range(no_dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]) for st in ["s", "p"] ], ) stats_mat = zeros((len(time), len(self.species_num) * no_dim * 2 + 1)) for it, tme in enumerate(time): stats_mat[it, 0] = tme for d, ds in zip(range(no_dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): for sp, sp_start in enumerate(self.species_index_start[:-1]): # Calculate the correct start and end index for storage sp_end = self.species_index_start[sp + 1] statcs, p_value = scp_stats.shapiro(vel_data[it, d, sp_start:sp_end]) stats_mat[it, 1 + 6 * sp + 2 * d] = statcs stats_mat[it, 1 + 6 * sp + 2 * d + 1] = p_value self.norm_test_df = DataFrame(stats_mat, columns=stats_df_columns) self.norm_test_df.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([tuple(c.split("_")) for c in stats_df_columns])
[docs] def prepare_histogram_args(self): # Initialize histograms arguments if not hasattr(self, "hist_kwargs"): self.hist_kwargs = {"density": [], "bins": [], "range": []} # Default values bin_width = 0.05 # Range of the histogram = (-wid * vth, wid * vth) wid = 5 # The number of bins is calculated from default values of bin_width and wid no_bins = int(2.0 * wid / bin_width) # Calculate thermal speed from energy/temperature data. try: energy_fle = self.prod_energy_filename if self.phase == "production" else self.eq_energy_filename energy_df = read_csv(energy_fle, index_col=False, encoding="utf-8") if self.num_species > 1: vth = zeros(self.num_species) for sp, (sp_mass, sp_name) in enumerate(zip(self.species_masses, self.species_names)): vth[sp] = sqrt(energy_df["{} Temperature".format(sp_name)].mean() * self.kB / sp_mass) else: vth = sqrt(energy_df["Temperature"].mean() * self.kB / self.species_masses) except FileNotFoundError: # In case you are using this in PreProcessing stage vth = sqrt(self.kB * self.T_desired / self.species_masses) self.vth = vth.copy() # Create the default dictionary of histogram args default_hist_kwargs = {"density": [], "bins": [], "range": []} if self.num_species > 1: for sp in range(self.num_species): default_hist_kwargs["density"].append(True) default_hist_kwargs["bins"].append(no_bins) default_hist_kwargs["range"].append((-wid * vth[sp], wid * vth[sp])) else: default_hist_kwargs["density"].append(True) default_hist_kwargs["bins"].append(no_bins) default_hist_kwargs["range"].append((-wid * vth[0], wid * vth[0])) # Now do some checks. # Check for numpy.histogram args in kwargs must_have_keys = ["bins", "range", "density"] for k, key in enumerate(must_have_keys): try: # Is it empty? if len(self.hist_kwargs[key]) == 0: self.hist_kwargs[key] = default_hist_kwargs[key] except KeyError: self.hist_kwargs[key] = default_hist_kwargs[key] # Ok at this point I have a dictionary whose elements are list. # I want the inverse a list whose elements are dicts self.list_hist_kwargs = [] for indx in range(self.num_species): another_dict = {} # Loop over the keys and grab the species value for key, values in self.hist_kwargs.items(): another_dict[key] = values[indx] self.list_hist_kwargs.append(another_dict)
[docs] def create_distribution(self, vel_raw: ndarray = None, time: ndarray = None): """ Calculate the velocity distribution of each species and save the corresponding dataframes. Parameters ---------- vel_raw: ndarray, optional Container of particles velocity at each time step. time: ndarray, optional Time array. """ print("\nCreating velocity distributions ...") tinit = self.timer.current() no_dumps = vel_raw.shape[0] no_dim = vel_raw.shape[1] # I want a Hierarchical dataframe # Example: # Ca Yb Ca Yb Ca Yb # X X Y Y Z Z # 1.54e-03 -2.54e+22 3.54e+00 1 2 1.54e-03 -2.54e+22 3.54e+00 1 2 1.54e-03 -2.54e+22 3.54e+00 1 2 # This has 3 rows of columns. The first identifies the species, The second the axis, # and the third the value of the bin_edge # This can be easily obtained from pandas dataframe MultiIndex. But first I will create a dataframe # from a huge matrix. The columns of this dataframe will be # Ca_X_1.54e-03 Ca_X_-2.54e+22 Ca_X_3.54e+00 Yb_X_1 Yb_X_2 Ca_Y_1.54e-03 Ca_Y_-2.54e+22 Ca_Y_3.54e+00 Yb_Y_1 ... # using MultiIndex.from_tuples([tuple(c.split("_")) for c in df.columns]) I can create a hierarchical df. # This is because I can access the data as # df['Ca']['X'] # >>> 1.54e-03 -2.54e+22 3.54e+00 # >>> Time # >>> 0 -1.694058 1.217008 -0.260678 # with the index = to my time array. # see # Columns full_df_columns = [] # At the first time step I will create the columns list. dist_matrix = zeros((len(time), self.dim * (self.hist_kwargs["bins"].sum() + self.num_species))) # The +1 at the end is because I decided to add a column containing the timestep # For convenience save the bin edges somewhere else. The columns of the dataframe are string. This will give # problems when plotting. # Use a dictionary since the arrays could be different lengths self.species_bin_edges = {} for k in self.species_names: # Initialize the sub-dictionary self.species_bin_edges[k] = {} for it in range(no_dumps): for d, ds in zip(range(no_dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): indx_0 = 0 for indx, (sp_name, sp_start) in enumerate(zip(self.species_names, self.species_index_start)): # Calculate the correct start and end index for storage sp_end = self.species_index_start[indx + 1] bin_count, bin_edges = histogram(vel_raw[it, d, sp_start:sp_end], **self.list_hist_kwargs[indx]) # Executive decision: Center the bins bin_loc = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) # Create the second_column_row the dataframe if it == 0: # Create the column array full_df_columns.append(["{}_{}_Time".format(sp_name, ds)]) full_df_columns.append(["{}_{}_{:6e}".format(sp_name, ds, be) for be in bin_loc]) self.species_bin_edges[sp_name][ds] = bin_edges # Ok. Now I have created the bins columns' names # Time to insert in the huge matrix. indx_1 = indx_0 + 1 + len(bin_count) dist_matrix[it, indx_0] = time[it] dist_matrix[it, indx_0 + 1 : indx_1] = bin_count indx_0 = indx_1 # Alright. The matrix is filled now onto the dataframe # First let's flatten the columns array. This is because I have something like this # Example: Binary Mixture with 3 H bins per axis and 2 He bins per axis # columns =[['H_X', 'H_X', 'H_X'], ['He_X', 'He_X'], ['H_Y', 'H_Y', 'H_Y'], ['He_Y', 'He_Y'] ... Z-axis] # Flatten with list(concatenate(columns).flat) # Now has become # first_column_row=['H_X', 'H_X', 'H_X', 'He_X', 'He_X', 'H_Y', 'H_Y', 'H_Y', 'He_Y', 'He_Y' ... Z-axis] # I think this is easier to understand than using nested list comprehension # see full_df_columns = list(concatenate(full_df_columns).flat) self.dataframe = DataFrame(dist_matrix, columns=full_df_columns) # Save it self.dataframe.to_csv(self.filename_csv, encoding="utf-8", index=False) # Hierarchical DataFrame self.hierarchical_dataframe = self.dataframe.copy() self.hierarchical_dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.hierarchical_dataframe.columns] ) self.hierarchical_dataframe.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf, key=self.__name__, encoding="utf-8") tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("Velocity distribution calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit))
[docs] def compute_moments(self, parse_data: bool = False, vel_raw: ndarray = None, time: ndarray = None): """Calculate and save moments of the distribution. Parameters ---------- parse_data: bool Flag for reading data. Default = False. If False, must pass ``vel_raw`` and ``time``. If True it will parse data from simulations dumps. vel_raw: ndarray, optional Container of particles velocity at each time step. time: ndarray, optional Time array. """ self.moments_dataframe = DataFrame() self.moments_hdf_dataframe = DataFrame() if parse_data: time, vel_raw = self.grab_sim_data() self.moments_dataframe["Time"] = time print("\nCalculating velocity moments ...") tinit = self.timer.current() moments, ratios = calc_moments(vel_raw, self.max_no_moment, self.species_index_start) tend = self.timer.current() self.time_stamp("Velocity moments calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit)) # Save the dataframe if self.dimensional_average: for i, sp in enumerate(self.species_names): self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_X_Time".format(sp)] = time for m in range(self.max_no_moment): self.moments_dataframe["{} {} moment".format(sp, m + 1)] = moments[i, :, :, m][:, 0] self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_X_{} moment".format(sp, m + 1)] = moments[i, :, :, m][:, 0] for m in range(self.max_no_moment): self.moments_dataframe["{} {} moment ratio".format(sp, m + 1)] = ratios[i, :, :, m][:, 0] self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_X_{}-2 ratio".format(sp, m + 1)] = ratios[i, :, :, m][:, 0] else: for i, sp in enumerate(self.species_names): for d, ds in zip(range(self.dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_Time".format(sp, ds)] = time for m in range(self.max_no_moment): self.moments_dataframe["{} {} moment axis {}".format(sp, m + 1, ds)] = moments[i, :, d, m][:, 0] self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_{} moment".format(sp, ds, m + 1)] = moments[i, :, :, m][:, 0] for d, ds in zip(range(self.dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_Time".format(sp, ds)] = time for m in range(self.max_no_moment): self.moments_dataframe["{} {} moment ratio axis {}".format(sp, m + 1, ds)] = ratios[i, :, d, m][ :, 0 ] self.moments_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_{}-2 ratio ".format(sp, ds, m + 1)] = ratios[i, :, d, m][:, 0] self.moments_dataframe.to_csv(self.filename_csv, index=False, encoding="utf-8") # Hierarchical DF Save # Make the columns self.moments_hdf_dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.moments_hdf_dataframe.columns] ) # Save the df in the hierarchical df with a new key/group self.moments_hdf_dataframe.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf, mode="a", key="velocity_moments", encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def compute_hermite_expansion(self, compute_moments: bool = False): """ Calculate and save Hermite coefficients of the Grad expansion. Parameters ---------- compute_moments: bool Flag for calculating velocity moments. These are needed for the hermite calculation. Default = True. Notes ----- This is still in the development stage. Do not trust the results. It requires more study in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. """ from scipy.optimize import curve_fit self.hermite_dataframe = DataFrame() self.hermite_hdf_dataframe = DataFrame() if compute_moments: self.compute_moments(parse_data=True) if not hasattr(self, "hermite_rms_tol"): self.hermite_rms_tol = 0.05 self.hermite_dataframe["Time"] = self.moments_dataframe["Time"].copy() self.hermite_sigmas = zeros((self.num_species, self.dim, len(self.hermite_dataframe["Time"]))) self.hermite_epochs = zeros((self.num_species, self.dim, len(self.hermite_dataframe["Time"]))) hermite_coeff = zeros( (self.num_species, self.dim, self.max_hermite_order + 1, len(self.hermite_dataframe["Time"])) ) print("\nCalculating Hermite coefficients ...") tinit = self.timer.current() for sp, sp_name in enumerate(tqdm(self.species_names, desc="Species")): for it, t in enumerate(tqdm(self.hermite_dataframe["Time"], desc="Time")): # Grab the thermal speed from the moments vrms = self.moments_dataframe["{} 2 moment".format(sp_name)].iloc[it] # Loop over dimensions. No tensor availability yet for d, ds in zip(range(self.dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): # Grab the distribution from the hierarchical df dist = self.hierarchical_dataframe[sp_name][ds].iloc[it, 1:] # Grab and center the bins v_bins = 0.5 * (self.species_bin_edges[sp_name][ds][1:] + self.species_bin_edges[sp_name][ds][:-1]) cntrl = True j = 0 # This is a routine to calculate the hermite coefficient in the case of non-equilibrium simulations. # In non-equilibrium we cannot define a temperature. This is because the temperature is defined from # the rms width of a Gaussian distribution. In non-equilibrium we don't have a Gaussian, thus the # first thing to do is to find the underlying Gaussian in our distribution. This is what this # iterative procedure is for. while cntrl: # Normalize norm = trapz(dist, x=v_bins / vrms) # Calculate the hermite coeff h_coeff = calculate_herm_coeff(v_bins / vrms, dist / norm, self.max_hermite_order) # Fit the rms only to the Grad expansion. This finds the underlying Gaussian res, _ = curve_fit( # the lambda func is because i need to fit only rms not the h_coeff lambda x, rms: grad_expansion(x, rms, h_coeff), v_bins / vrms, dist / norm, self.curve_fit_kwargs, ) vrms *= res[0] if abs(1.0 - res[0]) < self.hermite_rms_tol: cntrl = False self.hermite_sigmas[sp, d, it] = vrms self.hermite_epochs[sp, d, it] = j hermite_coeff[sp, d, :, it] = h_coeff j += 1 tend = self.timer.current() for sp, sp_name in enumerate(self.species_names): for d, ds in zip(range(self.dim), ["X", "Y", "Z"]): for h in range(self.max_hermite_order): self.hermite_dataframe["{} {} {} Hermite coeff".format(sp_name, ds, h)] = hermite_coeff[sp, d, h, :] if h == 0: self.hermite_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_Time".format(sp_name, ds, h)] = hermite_coeff[sp, d, h, :] self.hermite_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_RMS".format(sp_name, ds, h)] = self.hermite_sigmas[sp, d, :] self.hermite_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_epoch".format(sp_name, ds, h)] = self.hermite_epochs[sp, d, :] else: self.hermite_hdf_dataframe["{}_{}_{} coeff".format(sp_name, ds, h)] = hermite_coeff[sp, d, h, :] # Save the CSV self.hermite_dataframe.to_csv(self.herm_df_filename_csv, index=False, encoding="utf-8") # Make the columns self.hermite_hdf_dataframe.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples( [tuple(c.split("_")) for c in self.hermite_hdf_dataframe.columns] ) # Save the df in the hierarchical df with a new key/group self.hermite_hdf_dataframe.to_hdf(self.filename_hdf, mode="a", key="hermite_coefficients", encoding="utf-8") self.time_stamp("Hermite expansion calculation", self.timer.time_division(tend - tinit))
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print information in a user-friendly way.""" print("\n\n{:=^70} \n".format(" " + self.__long_name__ + " ")) print("CSV dataframe saved in:\n\t ", self.filename_csv) print("HDF5 dataframe saved in:\n\t ", self.filename_hdf) print("Data accessible at: self.dataframe, self.hierarchical_dataframe, self.species_bin_edges") print("\nMulti run average: ", self.multi_run_average) print("No. of runs: ", self.runs) print( "Size of the parsed velocity array: {} x {} x {}".format( self.no_dumps, self.dim, self.runs * self.inv_dim * self.total_num_ptcls ) ) print("\nHistograms Information:") for sp, (sp_name, dics) in enumerate(zip(self.species_names, self.list_hist_kwargs)): if sp == 0: print("Species: {}".format(sp_name)) else: print("\nSpecies: {}".format(sp_name)) print("No. of samples = {}".format(self.species_num[sp] * self.inv_dim * self.runs)) print("Thermal speed: v_th = {:.6e} ".format(self.vth[sp]), end="") print("[cm/s]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m/s]") for key, values in dics.items(): if key == "range": print( "{} : ( {:.2f}, {:.2f} ) v_th," "\n\t( {:.4e}, {:.4e} ) ".format(key, *values / self.vth[sp], *values), end="", ) print("[cm/s]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m/s]") else: print("{}: {}".format(key, values)) bin_width = abs(dics["range"][1] - dics["range"][0]) / (self.vth[sp] * dics["bins"]) print("Bin Width = {:.4f}".format(bin_width)) if hasattr(self, "max_no_moment"): print("\nMoments Information:") print("CSV dataframe saved in:\n\t ", self.mom_df_filename_csv) print("Data accessible at: self.moments_dataframe, self.moments_hdf_dataframe") print("Highest moment to calculate: {}".format(self.max_no_moment)) if hasattr(self, "max_hermite_order"): print("\nGrad Expansion Information:") print("CSV dataframe saved in:\n\t ", self.herm_df_filename_csv) print("Data accessible at: self.hermite_dataframe, self.hermite_hdf_dataframe") print("Highest order to calculate: {}".format(self.max_hermite_order)) print("RMS Tolerance: {:.3f}".format(self.hermite_rms_tol))
@njit def calc_Sk(nkt, k_list, k_counts, species_np, no_dumps): """ Calculate :math:`S_{ij}(k)` at each saved timestep. Parameters ---------- nkt : numpy.ndarray, complex Density fluctuations of all species. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) k_list : List of :math:`k` indices in each direction with corresponding magnitude and index of ``k_counts``. Shape=(``no_ka_values``, 5) k_counts : numpy.ndarray Number of times each :math:`k` magnitude appears. species_np : numpy.ndarray Array with number of particles of each species. no_dumps : int Number of dumps. Returns ------- Sk_all : numpy.ndarray Array containing :math:`S_{ij}(k)`. Shape=(``no_Sk``, ``no_ka_values``, ``no_dumps``) """ no_sk = int(len(species_np) * (len(species_np) + 1) / 2) Sk_raw = zeros((no_sk, len(k_counts), no_dumps)) pair_indx = 0 for ip, si in enumerate(species_np): for jp in range(ip, len(species_np)): sj = species_np[jp] dens_const = 1.0 / sqrt(si * sj) for it in range(no_dumps): for ik, ka in enumerate(k_list): indx = int(ka[-1]) nk_i = nkt[ip, it, ik] nk_j = nkt[jp, it, ik] Sk_raw[pair_indx, indx, it] += real(nk_i.conjugate() * nk_j) * dens_const / k_counts[indx] pair_indx += 1 return Sk_raw
[docs]def calc_Skw(nkt, ka_list, species_np, no_dumps, dt, dump_step): """ Calculate the Fourier transform of the correlation function of ``nkt``. Parameters ---------- nkt : complex, numpy.ndarray Particles' density or velocity fluctuations. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_k_list``) ka_list : list List of :math:`k` indices in each direction with corresponding magnitude and index of ``ka_counts``. Shape=(``no_ka_values``, 5) species_np : numpy.ndarray Array with one element giving number of particles. no_dumps : int Number of dumps. dt : float Time interval. dump_step : int Snapshot interval. Returns ------- Skw_all : numpy.ndarray DSF/CCF of each species and pair of species. Shape = (``no_skw``, ``no_ka_values``, ``no_dumps``) """ # Fourier transform normalization: norm = dt / Total time norm = dt / sqrt(no_dumps * dt * dump_step) # number of independent observables no_skw = int(len(species_np) * (len(species_np) + 1) / 2) # DSF # Skw = zeros((no_skw, len(ka_counts), no_dumps)) Skw_all = zeros((no_skw, len(ka_list), no_dumps)) pair_indx = 0 for ip, si in enumerate(species_np): for jp in range(ip, len(species_np)): sj = species_np[jp] dens_const = 1.0 / sqrt(si * sj) for ik, ka in enumerate(ka_list): # indx = int(ka[-1]) nkw_i = fft(nkt[ip, :, ik]) * norm nkw_j = fft(nkt[jp, :, ik]) * norm Skw_all[pair_indx, ik, :] = fftshift(real(nkw_i.conjugate() * nkw_j) * dens_const) # Skw[pair_indx, indx, :] += Skw_all[pair_indx, ik, :] / ka_counts[indx] pair_indx += 1 return Skw_all
@njit def calc_elec_current(vel, sp_charge, sp_num): """ Calculate the total electric current and electric current of each species. Parameters ---------- vel: numpy.ndarray Particles' velocities. sp_charge: numpy.ndarray Charge of each species. sp_num: numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. Returns ------- Js : numpy.ndarray Electric current of each species. Shape = (``no_species``, ``no_dim``, ``no_dumps``) Jtot : numpy.ndarray Total electric current. Shape = (``no_dim``, ``no_dumps``) """ no_dumps = vel.shape[1] no_dim = vel.shape[0] Js = zeros((sp_num.shape[0], no_dim, no_dumps)) Jtot = zeros((no_dim, no_dumps)) sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 for s, (q_sp, n_sp) in enumerate(zip(sp_charge, sp_num)): # Find the index of the last particle of species s sp_end += n_sp # Calculate the current of each species Js[s, :, :] = q_sp * vel[:, :, sp_start:sp_end].sum(axis=-1) # Add to the total current Jtot[:, :] += Js[s, :, :] sp_start += n_sp return Js, Jtot
[docs]def calc_moments(dist, max_moment, species_index_start): """ Calculate the moments of the (velocity) distribution. Parameters ---------- dist: numpy.ndarray Distribution of each time step. Shape = (``no_dumps``, ``dim``, ``runs * inv_dim * total_num_ptlcs``) max_moment: int Maximum moment to calculate species_index_start: numpy.ndarray Array containing the start index of each species. The last value is equivalent to dist.shape[-1] Returns ------- moments: numpy.ndarray Moments of the distribution. Shape=( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``dim``, ``max_moment`` ) ratios: numpy.ndarray Ratios of each moments with respect to the expected Maxwellian value. Shape=( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_dim``, ``max_moment - 1``) Notes ----- See these `equations <,Moments>`_ """ # from scipy.stats import moment as scp_moment from scipy.special import gamma as scp_gamma no_species = len(species_index_start) no_dumps = dist.shape[0] dim = dist.shape[1] moments = zeros((no_species, no_dumps, dim, max_moment)) ratios = zeros((no_species, no_dumps, dim, max_moment)) for indx, sp_start in enumerate(species_index_start[:-1]): # Calculate the correct start and end index for storage sp_end = species_index_start[indx + 1] for mom in range(max_moment): moments[indx, :, :, mom] = scp_stats.moment(dist[:, :, sp_start:sp_end], moment=mom + 1, axis=2) # sqrt( <v^2> ) = standard deviation = moments[:, :, :, 1] ** (1/2) for mom in range(max_moment): pwr = mom + 1 const = 2.0 ** (pwr / 2) * scp_gamma((pwr + 1) / 2) / sqrt(pi) ratios[:, :, :, mom] = moments[:, :, :, mom] / (const * moments[:, :, :, 1] ** (pwr / 2.0)) return moments, ratios
@njit def calc_nk(pos_data, k_list): """ Calculate the instantaneous microscopic density :math:`n(k)` defined as .. math:: n_{A} ( k ) = \\sum_i^{N_A} \\exp [ -i \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf r_{i} ] Parameters ---------- pos_data : numpy.ndarray Particles' position scaled by the box lengths. Shape = ( ``no_dumps``, ``no_dim``, ``tot_no_ptcls``) k_list : list List of :math:`k` indices in each direction with corresponding magnitude and index of ``ka_counts``. Shape=(``no_ka_values``, 5) Returns ------- nk : numpy.ndarray Array containing :math:`n(k)`. """ nk = zeros(len(k_list), dtype=complex128) for ik, k_vec in enumerate(k_list): kr_i = 2.0 * pi * (k_vec[0] * pos_data[:, 0] + k_vec[1] * pos_data[:, 1] + k_vec[2] * pos_data[:, 2]) nk[ik] = (exp(-1j * kr_i)).sum() return nk
[docs]def calc_nkt(fldr, slices, dump_step, species_np, k_list, verbose): """ Calculate density fluctuations :math:`n(k,t)` of all species. .. math:: n_{A} ( k, t ) = \\sum_i^{N_A} \\exp [ -i \\mathbf k \\cdot \\mathbf r_{i}(t) ] where :math:`N_A` is the number of particles of species :math:`A`. Parameters ---------- fldr : str Name of folder containing particles data. slices : tuple, int Initial, final step number of the slice, total number of slice steps. dump_step : int Snapshot interval. species_np : numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. k_list : list List of :math: `k` vectors. Return ------ nkt : numpy.ndarray, complex Density fluctuations. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) """ # Read particles' position for times in the slice nkt = zeros((len(species_np), slices[2], len(k_list)), dtype=complex128) for it, dump in enumerate(tqdm(range(slices[0], slices[1], dump_step), disable=not verbose)): data = load_from_restart(fldr, dump) pos = data["pos"] sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 for i, sp in enumerate(species_np): sp_end += sp nkt[i, it, :] = calc_nk(pos[sp_start:sp_end, :], k_list) sp_start += sp return nkt
[docs]def calc_pressure_tensor(vel, virial, species_mass, species_np, box_volume, dimensions): """ Calculate the pressure tensor. Parameters ---------- pos : numpy.ndarray Particles' positions. vel : numpy.ndarray Particles' velocities. acc : numpy.ndarray Particles' accelerations. species_mass : numpy.ndarray Mass of each species. species_np : numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. box_volume : float Volume of simulation's box. Returns ------- pressure : float Scalar Pressure i.e. trace of the pressure tensor pressure_tensor : numpy.ndarray Pressure tensor. Shape(``no_dim``,``no_dim``) """ sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 # Rescale vel of each particle by their individual mass for sp, num in enumerate(species_np): sp_end += num vel[sp_start:sp_end, :] *= sqrt(species_mass[sp]) sp_start += num pressure_kin = (vel.transpose() @ vel) / box_volume pressure_pot = virial.sum(axis=-1) / box_volume pressure_tensor = pressure_kin + pressure_pot # .trace is not supported by numba. hence no njit pressure = pressure_tensor.trace() / dimensions return pressure, pressure_kin, pressure_pot, pressure_tensor
@njit def calc_statistical_efficiency(observable, run_avg, run_std, max_no_divisions, no_dumps): """ Todo: Parameters ---------- observable run_avg run_std max_no_divisions no_dumps Returns ------- """ tau_blk = zeros(max_no_divisions) sigma2_blk = zeros(max_no_divisions) statistical_efficiency = zeros(max_no_divisions) for i in range(2, max_no_divisions): tau_blk[i] = int(no_dumps / i) for j in range(i): t_start = int(j * tau_blk[i]) t_end = int((j + 1) * tau_blk[i]) blk_avg = observable[t_start:t_end].mean() sigma2_blk[i] += (blk_avg - run_avg) ** 2 sigma2_blk[i] /= i - 1 statistical_efficiency[i] = tau_blk[i] * sigma2_blk[i] / run_std**2 return tau_blk, sigma2_blk, statistical_efficiency # @jit Numba doesn't like scipy.signal
[docs]def calc_diff_flux_acf(vel, sp_num, sp_conc, sp_mass): """ Calculate the diffusion fluxes and their autocorrelations functions in each direction. Parameters ---------- vel : numpy.ndarray Particles' velocities. Shape = (``dimensions``, ``no_dumps``, ``total_num_ptcls``) sp_num: numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. sp_conc: numpy.ndarray Concentration of each species. sp_mass: numpy.ndarray Particle's mass of each species. Returns ------- J_flux: numpy.ndarray Diffusion fluxes. Shape = ( (``num_species - 1``), ``dimensions`` , ``no_dumps``) jr_acf: numpy.ndarray Relative Diffusion flux autocorrelation function. Shape = ( (``num_species - 1``) x (``num_species - 1``), ``no_dim + 1``, ``no_dumps``) """ no_dim = vel.shape[0] no_dumps = vel.shape[1] no_species = len(sp_num) # number of independent fluxes = no_species - 1, # number of acf of ind fluxes = no_species - 1 ^2 no_jc_acf = int((no_species - 1) * (no_species - 1)) # Current of each species in each direction and at each timestep tot_vel = zeros((no_species, no_dim, no_dumps)) sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 # Calculate the total center of mass velocity (tot_com_vel) # and the center of mass velocity of each species (com_vel) for i, ns in enumerate(sp_num): sp_end += ns tot_vel[i, :, :] = vel[:, :, sp_start:sp_end].sum(axis=-1) # tot_com_vel += mass_densities[i] * com_vel[i, :, :] / tot_mass_dens sp_start += ns # Diffusion Fluxes J_flux = zeros((no_species - 1, no_dim, no_dumps)) # Relative Diffusion fluxes for ACF and Transport calc jr_flux = zeros((no_species - 1, no_dim, no_dumps)) # Relative diff flux acf jr_acf = zeros((no_jc_acf, no_dim + 1, no_dumps)) m_bar = sp_mass @ sp_conc # the diffusion fluxes from eq.(3.5) in Zhou J Phs Chem for i, m_alpha in enumerate(sp_mass[:-1]): # Flux for j, m_beta in enumerate(sp_mass): delta_ab = 1 * (m_beta == m_alpha) J_flux[i, :, :] += (m_bar * delta_ab - sp_conc[i] * m_beta) * tot_vel[j, :, :] jr_flux[i, :, :] += (delta_ab - sp_conc[i]) * tot_vel[j, :, :] J_flux[i, :, :] *= m_alpha / m_bar indx = 0 # Remember to change this for 3+ species # binary_const = ( m_bar/ )**2 # Calculate the correlation function in each direction for i, sp1_flux in enumerate(jr_flux): for j, sp2_flux in enumerate(jr_flux): for d in range(no_dim): # Calculate the correlation function and add it to the array jr_acf[indx, d, :] = correlationfunction(sp1_flux[d, :], sp2_flux[d, :]) # Calculate the total correlation function by summing the three directions jr_acf[indx, -1, :] += jr_acf[indx, d, :] indx += 1 return J_flux, jr_acf
# @jit Numba doesn't like Scipy
[docs]def calc_vacf(vel, sp_num): """ Calculate the velocity autocorrelation function of each species and in each direction. Parameters ---------- vel : numpy.ndarray Particles' velocities stored in a 3D array with shape = (D x Np x Nt). D = cartesian dimensions, Np = Number of particles, Nt = number of dumps. sp_num: numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. Returns ------- vacf: numpy.ndarray Velocity autocorrelation functions. Shape= (No_species, D + 1, Nt) """ no_dim = vel.shape[0] no_dumps = vel.shape[2] vacf = zeros((len(sp_num), no_dim + 1, no_dumps)) # Calculate the vacf of each species in each dimension for d in range(no_dim): sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 for sp, n_sp in enumerate(sp_num): sp_end += n_sp # Temporary species vacf sp_vacf = zeros(no_dumps) # Calculate the vacf for each particle of species sp for ptcl in range(sp_start, sp_end): # Calculate the correlation function and add it to the array ptcl_vacf = correlationfunction(vel[d, ptcl, :], vel[d, ptcl, :]) # Add this particle vacf to the species vacf and normalize by the time origins sp_vacf += ptcl_vacf # Save the species vacf for dimension i vacf[sp, d, :] = sp_vacf / n_sp # Save the total vacf vacf[sp, -1, :] += sp_vacf / n_sp # Move to the next species first particle position sp_start += n_sp return vacf
@njit def calc_vk(pos_data, vel_data, k_list): """ Calculate the instantaneous longitudinal and transverse velocity fluctuations. Parameters ---------- pos_data : numpy.ndarray Particles' position. Shape = ( ``no_dumps``, 3, ``tot_no_ptcls``) vel_data : numpy.ndarray Particles' velocities. Shape = ( ``no_dumps``, 3, ``tot_no_ptcls``) k_list : list List of :math:`k` indices in each direction with corresponding magnitude and index of ``ka_counts``. Shape=(``no_ka_values``, 5) Returns ------- vkt : numpy.ndarray Array containing longitudinal velocity fluctuations. vkt_i : numpy.ndarray Array containing transverse velocity fluctuations in the :math:`x` direction. vkt_j : numpy.ndarray Array containing transverse velocity fluctuations in the :math:`y` direction. vkt_k : numpy.ndarray Array containing transverse velocity fluctuations in the :math:`z` direction. """ # Longitudinal vk = zeros(len(k_list), dtype=complex128) # Transverse vk_i = zeros(len(k_list), dtype=complex128) vk_j = zeros(len(k_list), dtype=complex128) vk_k = zeros(len(k_list), dtype=complex128) for ik, k_vec in enumerate(k_list): # Calculate the dot product and cross product between k, r, and v kr_i = 2.0 * pi * (k_vec[0] * pos_data[:, 0] + k_vec[1] * pos_data[:, 1] + k_vec[2] * pos_data[:, 2]) k_dot_v = 2.0 * pi * (k_vec[0] * vel_data[:, 0] + k_vec[1] * vel_data[:, 1] + k_vec[2] * vel_data[:, 2]) k_cross_v_i = 2.0 * pi * (k_vec[1] * vel_data[:, 2] - k_vec[2] * vel_data[:, 1]) k_cross_v_j = -2.0 * pi * (k_vec[0] * vel_data[:, 2] - k_vec[2] * vel_data[:, 0]) k_cross_v_k = 2.0 * pi * (k_vec[0] * vel_data[:, 1] - k_vec[1] * vel_data[:, 0]) # Microscopic longitudinal current vk[ik] = (k_dot_v * exp(-1j * kr_i)).sum() # Microscopic transverse current vk_i[ik] = (k_cross_v_i * exp(-1j * kr_i)).sum() vk_j[ik] = (k_cross_v_j * exp(-1j * kr_i)).sum() vk_k[ik] = (k_cross_v_k * exp(-1j * kr_i)).sum() return vk, vk_i, vk_j, vk_k
[docs]def calc_vkt(fldr, slices, dump_step, species_np, k_list, verbose): r""" Calculate the longitudinal and transverse velocities fluctuations of all species. Longitudinal .. math:: \lambda_A(\mathbf{k}, t) = \sum_i^{N_A} \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{v}_{i}(t) \exp [ - i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{i}(t) ] Transverse .. math:: \\tau_A(\mathbf{k}, t) = \sum_i^{N_A} \mathbf{k} \\times \mathbf{v}_{i}(t) \exp [ - i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}_{i}(t) ] where :math:`N_A` is the number of particles of species :math:`A`. Parameters ---------- fldr : str Name of folder containing particles data. slices : tuple, int Initial, final step number of the slice, number of steps per slice. dump_step : int Timestep interval saving. species_np : numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. k_list : list List of :math: `k` vectors. Returns ------- vkt : numpy.ndarray, complex Longitudinal velocity fluctuations. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) vkt_perp_i : numpy.ndarray, complex Transverse velocity fluctuations along the :math:`x` axis. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) vkt_perp_j : numpy.ndarray, complex Transverse velocity fluctuations along the :math:`y` axis. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) vkt_perp_k : numpy.ndarray, complex Transverse velocity fluctuations along the :math:`z` axis. Shape = ( ``no_species``, ``no_dumps``, ``no_ka_values``) """ # Read particles' position for all times no_dumps = slices[2] vkt_par = zeros((len(species_np), no_dumps, len(k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_perp_i = zeros((len(species_np), no_dumps, len(k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_perp_j = zeros((len(species_np), no_dumps, len(k_list)), dtype=complex128) vkt_perp_k = zeros((len(species_np), no_dumps, len(k_list)), dtype=complex128) for it, dump in enumerate(tqdm(range(slices[0], slices[1], dump_step), disable=not verbose)): data = load_from_restart(fldr, dump) pos = data["pos"] vel = data["vel"] sp_start = 0 sp_end = 0 for i, sp in enumerate(species_np): sp_end += sp vkt_par[i, it, :], vkt_perp_i[i, it, :], vkt_perp_j[i, it, :], vkt_perp_k[i, it, :] = calc_vk( pos[sp_start:sp_end, :], vel[sp_start:sp_end], k_list ) sp_start += sp return vkt_par, vkt_perp_i, vkt_perp_j, vkt_perp_k
[docs]def grad_expansion(x, rms, h_coeff): """ Calculate the Grad expansion as given by eq.(5.97) in Liboff Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray Array of the scaled velocities rms : float RMS width of the Gaussian. h_coeff: numpy.ndarray Hermite coefficients without the division by factorial. Returns ------- _ : numpy.ndarray Grad expansion. """ gaussian = exp(-0.5 * (x / rms) ** 2) / (sqrt(2.0 * pi * rms**2)) herm_coef = h_coeff / [factorial(i) for i in range(len(h_coeff))] hermite_series = hermite_e.hermeval(x, herm_coef) return gaussian * hermite_series
[docs]def calculate_herm_coeff(v, distribution, maxpower): r""" Calculate Hermite coefficients by integrating the velocity distribution function. That is .. math:: a_i = \int_{-\\infty}^{\infty} dv \, He_i(v)f(v) Parameters ---------- v : numpy.ndarray Range of velocities. distribution: numpy.ndarray Velocity histogram. maxpower: int Hermite order Returns ------- coeff: numpy.ndarray Coefficients :math:`a_i` """ coeff = zeros(maxpower + 1) for i in range(maxpower + 1): hc = zeros(1 + i) hc[-1] = 1.0 Hp = hermite_e.hermeval(v, hc) coeff[i] = trapz(distribution * Hp, x=v) return coeff
[docs]def kspace_setup(box_lengths, angle_averaging, max_k_harmonics, max_aa_harmonics): """ Calculate all allowed :math:`k` vectors. Parameters ---------- max_k_harmonics : numpy.ndarray Number of harmonics in each direction. box_lengths : numpy.ndarray Length of each box's side. angle_averaging : str Flag for calculating all the possible `k` vector directions and magnitudes. Default = 'principal_axis' max_aa_harmonics : numpy.ndarray Maximum `k` harmonics in each direction for angle average. Returns ------- k_arr : list List of all possible combination of :math:`(n_x, n_y, n_z)` with their corresponding magnitudes and indexes. k_counts : numpy.ndarray Number of occurrences of each triplet :math:`(n_x, n_y, n_z)` magnitude. k_unique : numpy.ndarray Magnitude of the unique allowed triplet :math:`(n_x, n_y, n_z)`. """ if angle_averaging == "full": # The first value of k_arr = [0, 0, 0] first_non_zero = 1 # Obtain all possible permutations of the wave number arrays k_arr = [ array([i / box_lengths[0], j / box_lengths[1], k / box_lengths[2]]) for i in range(max_k_harmonics[0] + 1) for j in range(max_k_harmonics[1] + 1) for k in range(max_k_harmonics[2] + 1) ] harmonics = [ array([i, j, k], dtype=int) for i in range(max_k_harmonics[0] + 1) for j in range(max_k_harmonics[1] + 1) for k in range(max_k_harmonics[2] + 1) ] elif angle_averaging == "principal_axis": # The first value of k_arr = [1, 0, 0] first_non_zero = 0 # Calculate the k vectors along the principal axis only k_arr = [array([i / box_lengths[0], 0, 0]) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[0] + 1)] harmonics = [array([i, 0, 0], dtype=int) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[0] + 1)] k_arr = np_append(k_arr, [array([0, i / box_lengths[1], 0]) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[1] + 1)], axis=0) harmonics = np_append(harmonics, [array([0, i, 0], dtype=int) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[1] + 1)], axis=0) k_arr = np_append(k_arr, [array([0, 0, i / box_lengths[2]]) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[2] + 1)], axis=0) harmonics = np_append(harmonics, [array([0, 0, i], dtype=int) for i in range(1, max_k_harmonics[2] + 1)], axis=0) elif angle_averaging == "custom": # The first value of k_arr = [0, 0, 0] first_non_zero = 1 # Obtain all possible permutations of the wave number arrays up to max_aa_harmonics included k_arr = [ array([i / box_lengths[0], j / box_lengths[1], k / box_lengths[2]]) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[0] + 1) for j in range(max_aa_harmonics[1] + 1) for k in range(max_aa_harmonics[2] + 1) ] harmonics = [ array([i, j, k], dtype=int) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[0] + 1) for j in range(max_aa_harmonics[1] + 1) for k in range(max_aa_harmonics[2] + 1) ] # Append the rest of k values calculated from principal axis k_arr = np_append( k_arr, [array([i / box_lengths[0], 0, 0]) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[0] + 1, max_k_harmonics[0] + 1)], axis=0, ) harmonics = np_append( harmonics, [array([i, 0, 0], dtype=int) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[0] + 1, max_k_harmonics[0] + 1)], axis=0, ) k_arr = np_append( k_arr, [array([0, i / box_lengths[1], 0]) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[1] + 1, max_k_harmonics[1] + 1)], axis=0, ) harmonics = np_append( harmonics, [array([0, i, 0], dtype=int) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[1] + 1, max_k_harmonics[1] + 1)], axis=0, ) k_arr = np_append( k_arr, [array([0, 0, i / box_lengths[2]]) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[2] + 1, max_k_harmonics[2] + 1)], axis=0, ) harmonics = np_append( harmonics, [array([0, 0, i], dtype=int) for i in range(max_aa_harmonics[2] + 1, max_k_harmonics[2] + 1)], axis=0, ) # Compute wave number magnitude - don't use |k| (skipping first entry in k_arr) # The round off is needed to avoid ka value different beyond a certain significant digit. It will break other parts # of the code otherwise. k_mag = sqrt((array(k_arr) ** 2).sum(axis=1)[..., None]) harm_mag = sqrt((array(harmonics) ** 2).sum(axis=1)[..., None]) for i, k in enumerate(k_mag[:-1]): if abs(k - k_mag[i + 1]) < 2.0e-5: k_mag[i + 1] = k # Add magnitude to wave number array k_arr = concatenate((k_arr, k_mag), 1) # Add magnitude to wave number array harmonics = concatenate((harmonics, harm_mag), 1) # Sort from lowest to highest magnitude ind = argsort(k_arr[:, -1]) k_arr = k_arr[ind] harmonics = harmonics[ind] # Count how many times a |k| value appears k_unique, k_counts = unique(k_arr[first_non_zero:, -1], return_counts=True) # Generate a 1D array containing index to be used in S array k_index = repeat(range(len(k_counts)), k_counts)[..., None] # Add index to k_array k_arr = concatenate((k_arr[int(first_non_zero) :, :], k_index), 1) harmonics = concatenate((harmonics[int(first_non_zero) :, :], k_index), 1) return k_arr, k_counts, k_unique, harmonics
[docs]def load_from_restart(fldr, it): """ Load particles' data from dumps. Parameters ---------- fldr : str Folder containing dumps. it : int Timestep to load. Returns ------- data : dict Particles' data. """ file_name = os_path_join(fldr, "checkpoint_" + str(it) + ".npz") data = load(file_name, allow_pickle=True) return data
[docs]def plot_labels(xdata, ydata, xlbl, ylbl, units): """ Create plot labels with correct units and prefixes. Parameters ---------- xdata: numpy.ndarray X values. ydata: numpy.ndarray Y values. xlbl: str String of the X quantity. ylbl: str String of the Y quantity. units: str 'cgs' or 'mks'. Returns ------- xmultiplier: float Scaling factor for X data. ymultiplier: float Scaling factor for Y data. xprefix: str Prefix for X units label yprefix: str Prefix for Y units label. xlabel: str X label units. ylabel: str Y label units. """ if isinstance(xdata, (ndarray, Series)): xmax = xdata.max() else: xmax = xdata if isinstance(ydata, (ndarray, Series)): ymax = ydata.max() else: ymax = ydata # Find the correct Units units_dict = UNITS[1] if units == "cgs" else UNITS[0] if units == "cgs" and xlbl == "Length": xmax *= 1e2 if units == "cgs" and ylbl == "Length": ymax *= 1e2 # Use scientific notation. This returns a string x_str = format_float_scientific(xmax) y_str = format_float_scientific(ymax) # Grab the exponent x_exp = 10.0 ** (float(x_str[x_str.find("e") + 1 :])) y_exp = 10.0 ** (float(y_str[y_str.find("e") + 1 :])) # Find the units' prefix by looping over the possible values xprefix = "none" xmul = -1.5 # This is a 10 multiplier i = 1.0 while xmul < 0: for key, value in PREFIXES.items(): ratio = i * x_exp / value if abs(ratio - 1) < 1.0e-6: xprefix = key xmul = 1 / value i /= 10 # find the prefix yprefix = "none" ymul = -1.5 i = 1.0 while ymul < 0: for key, value in PREFIXES.items(): ratio = i * y_exp / value if abs(ratio - 1) < 1.0e-6: yprefix = key ymul = 1 / value i /= 10.0 if "Energy" in ylbl: yname = "Energy" else: yname = ylbl if "Pressure" in ylbl: yname = "Pressure" else: yname = ylbl if yname in units_dict: ylabel = " [" + yprefix + units_dict[yname] + "]" else: ylabel = "" if "Energy" in xlbl: xname = "Energy" else: xname = xlbl if "Pressure" in xlbl: xname = "Pressure" else: xname = xlbl if xname in units_dict: xlabel = " [" + xprefix + units_dict[xname] + "]" else: xlabel = "" return xmul, ymul, xprefix, yprefix, xlabel, ylabel
[docs]def col_mapper(keys, vals): return dict(zip(keys, vals))