Source code for sarkas.potentials.core

Module handling the potential class.
from copy import deepcopy
from fmm3dpy import hfmm3d, lfmm3d
from numpy import array, int64, ndarray, pi, sqrt, tanh
from warnings import warn

from ..utilities.exceptions import AlgorithmWarning
from ..utilities.fdints import fdm1h, invfd1h
from .force_pm import force_optimized_green_function as gf_opt
from .force_pm import update as pm_update
from .force_pp import update as pp_update
from .force_pp import update_0D as pp_update_0D

[docs]class Potential: r""" Parameters specific to potential choice. Attributes ---------- a_rs : float Short-range cutoff to deal with divergence of the potential for r -> 0. box_lengths : array Pointer to :attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.box_lengths`. box_volume : float Pointer to :attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.box_volume`. force_error : float Force error due to the choice of the algorithm. fourpie0 : float Coulomb constant :math:`4 \pi \epsilon_0`. kappa : float Inverse screening length. linked_list_on : bool Flag for choosing the Linked cell list algorithm. matrix : numpy.ndarray Matrix of potential's parameters. measure : bool Flag for calculating the histogram for the radial distribution function. It is set to `False` during equilibration phase and changed to `True` during production phase. method : str Algorithm method. Choices = `["PP", "PPPM", "FMM", "Brute"]`. \n `"PP"` = Linked Cell List (default). `"PPPM"` = Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh. `"FMM"` = Fast Multipole Method. `"Brute"` = corresponds to calculating the distance between all pair of particles within a distance :math:`L/2`. pbox_lengths : numpy.ndarray Pointer to :attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.pbox_lengths` pbox_volume : float Pointer to :attr:`sarkas.core.Parameters.pbox_lengths` pppm_on : bool Flag for turning on the PPPM algorithm. QFactor : float Sum of the squared of the charges. rc : float Cutoff radius for the Linked Cell List algorithm. screening_length_type : str Choice of ways to calculate the screening length. \n Choices = `[thomas-fermi, tf, debye, debye-huckel, db, moliere, custom, unscreened]`. \n Default = thomas-fermi screening_length : float Value of the screening length. total_net_charge : float Sum of all the charges. type : str Type of potential. \n Choices = [`"coulomb"`, `"egs"`, `"lennardjones"`, `"moliere"`, `"qsp"`]. """ a_rs: float = 0.0 box_lengths: ndarray = None box_volume: float = 0.0 force_error: float = 0.0 fourpie0: float = 0.0 kappa: float = None linked_list_on: bool = True matrix: ndarray = None measure: bool = False method: str = "pp" pbox_lengths: ndarray = None pbox_volume: float = 0.0 pppm_on: bool = False pppm_aliases: ndarray = array([3, 3, 3], dtype=int64) pppm_alpha_ewald: float = 0.0 pppm_cao: ndarray = array([3, 3, 3], dtype=int64) pppm_mesh: ndarray = array([8, 8, 8], dtype=int64) pppm_h_array: ndarray = array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=float) pppm_pm_err: float = 0.0 pppm_pp_err: float = 0.0 QFactor: float = 0.0 rc: float = None num_species: ndarray = None screening_length_type: str = "thomas-fermi" screening_length: float = None species_charges: ndarray = None species_masses: ndarray = None total_net_charge: float = 0.0 total_num_density: float = 0.0 total_num_ptcls: float = 0.0 type: str = "yukawa" def __copy__(self): """ Make a shallow copy of the object using copy by creating a new instance of the object and copying its __dict__. """ # Create a new object _copy = type(self)() # copy the dictionary _copy.from_dict(input_dict=self.__dict__) return _copy def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): """ Make a deepcopy of the object. Parameters ---------- memodict: dict Dictionary of id's to copies Returns ------- _copy: :class:`sarkas.potentials.core.Potential` A new Potential class. """ id_self = id(self) # memorization avoids unnecessary recursion _copy = memodict.get(id_self) if _copy is None: _copy = type(self)() # Make a deepcopy of the mutable arrays using numpy copy function for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): _copy.__dict__[k] = deepcopy(v, memodict) return _copy def __repr__(self): sortedDict = dict(sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())) disp = "Potential( \n" for key, value in sortedDict.items(): disp += "\t{} : {}\n".format(key, value) disp += ")" return disp
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_electron_properties(params): """Calculate electronic parameters. See Electron Properties webpage in documentation website. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` Simulation's parameters. """ warn( "Deprecated feature. It will be removed in the v2.0.0 release. \n" "Use parameters.calc_electron_properties(species). You need to pass the species list.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) twopi = 2.0 * pi spin_degeneracy = 2.0 # g in the notes # Inverse temperature for convenience beta_e = 1.0 / (params.kB * params.electron_temperature) # Plasma frequency params.electron_plasma_frequency = sqrt( 4.0 * pi * params.qe**2 * params.electron_number_density / (params.fourpie0 * ) params.electron_debye_length = sqrt( params.fourpie0 / (4.0 * pi * params.qe**2 * params.electron_number_density * beta_e) ) # de Broglie wavelength params.electron_deBroglie_wavelength = sqrt(twopi * params.hbar2 * beta_e / lambda3 = params.electron_deBroglie_wavelength**3 # Landau length 4pi e^2 beta. The division by fourpie0 is needed for MKS units params.electron_landau_length = 4.0 * pi * params.qe**2 * beta_e / params.fourpie0 # chemical potential of electron gas/(kB T), obtained by inverting the density equation. params.electron_dimensionless_chemical_potential = invfd1h( lambda3 * sqrt(pi) * params.electron_number_density / 4.0 ) # Thomas-Fermi length obtained from compressibility. See eq.(10) in Ref. [3]_ lambda_TF_sq = lambda3 / params.electron_landau_length lambda_TF_sq /= spin_degeneracy / sqrt(pi) * fdm1h(params.electron_dimensionless_chemical_potential) params.electron_TF_wavelength = sqrt(lambda_TF_sq) # Electron WS radius params.electron_WS_radius = (3.0 / (4.0 * pi * params.electron_number_density)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # Brueckner parameters params.electron_rs = params.electron_WS_radius / params.a0 # Fermi wave number params.electron_Fermi_wavenumber = (3.0 * pi**2 * params.electron_number_density) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # Fermi energy params.electron_Fermi_energy = params.hbar2 * params.electron_Fermi_wavenumber**2 / (2.0 * # Other electron parameters params.electron_degeneracy_parameter = params.kB * params.electron_temperature / params.electron_Fermi_energy params.electron_relativistic_parameter = params.hbar * params.electron_Fermi_wavenumber / ( * params.c0) # Eq. 1 in Murillo Phys Rev E 81 036403 (2010) params.electron_coupling = params.qe**2 / ( params.fourpie0 * params.electron_Fermi_energy * params.electron_WS_radius * sqrt(1 + params.electron_degeneracy_parameter**2) ) # Warm Dense Matter Parameter, Eq.3 in Murillo Phys Rev E 81 036403 (2010) params.wdm_parameter = 2.0 / (params.electron_degeneracy_parameter + 1.0 / params.electron_degeneracy_parameter) params.wdm_parameter *= 2.0 / (params.electron_coupling + 1.0 / params.electron_coupling) if params.magnetized: b_mag = sqrt((params.magnetic_field**2).sum()) # magnitude of B if params.units == "cgs": params.electron_cyclotron_frequency = params.qe * b_mag / params.c0 / else: params.electron_cyclotron_frequency = params.qe * b_mag / params.electron_magnetic_energy = params.hbar * params.electron_cyclotron_frequency tan_arg = 0.5 * params.hbar * params.electron_cyclotron_frequency * beta_e # Perpendicular correction params.horing_perp_correction = (params.electron_plasma_frequency / params.electron_cyclotron_frequency) ** 2 params.horing_perp_correction *= 1.0 - tan_arg / tanh(tan_arg) params.horing_perp_correction += 1 # Parallel correction params.horing_par_correction = 1 - (params.hbar * beta_e * params.electron_plasma_frequency) ** 2 / 12.0 # Quantum Anisotropy Parameter params.horing_delta = params.horing_perp_correction - 1 params.horing_delta += (params.hbar * beta_e * params.electron_cyclotron_frequency) ** 2 / 12 params.horing_delta /= params.horing_par_correction
[docs] def calc_screening_length(self, species): # Consistency self.screening_length_type = self.screening_length_type.lower() if self.screening_length_type in ["thomas-fermi", "tf"]: # Check electron properties if hasattr(self, "electron_temperature_eV"): self.electron_temperature = self.eV2K * self.electron_temperature_eV else: self.electron_temperature = species[-1].temperature self.screening_length = species[-1].ThomasFermi_wavelength elif self.screening_length_type in ["debye", "debye-huckel", "dh"]: self.screening_length = species[-1].debye_length elif self.screening_length_type in ["kappa", "from_kappa"]: self.screening_length = self.a_ws / self.kappa elif self.screening_length_type in ["custom"]: if self.screening_length is None: raise AttributeError("potential.screening_length not defined!") if not self.screening_length and not self.kappa: warn("You have not defined the screening_length nor kappa. I will use the Thomas-Fermi length") self.screening_length_type = "thomas-fermi" self.screening_length = species[-1].ThomasFermi_wavelength
[docs] def copy_params(self, params): """ Copy necessary parameters. Parameters ---------- params: :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` Simulation's parameters. """ self.measure = params.measure self.units = params.units self.dimensions = params.dimensions # Copy needed parameters self.box_lengths = params.box_lengths.copy() self.pbox_lengths = params.pbox_lengths.copy() self.box_volume = params.box_volume self.pbox_volume = params.pbox_volume # Needed physical constants self.fourpie0 = params.fourpie0 self.a_ws = params.a_ws self.kB = params.kB self.eV2K = params.eV2K self.eV2J = params.eV2J self.hbar = params.hbar self.QFactor = params.QFactor self.T_desired = params.T_desired self.coupling_constant = params.coupling_constant self.total_num_ptcls = params.total_num_ptcls self.total_net_charge = params.total_net_charge self.total_num_density = params.total_num_density self.num_species = params.num_species self.species_charges = params.species_charges.copy() self.species_masses = params.species_masses.copy() if self.type == "lj": self.species_lj_sigmas = params.species_lj_sigmas.copy()
[docs] def from_dict(self, input_dict: dict) -> None: """ Update attributes from input dictionary. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Dictionary to be copied. """ self.__dict__.update(input_dict)
[docs] def method_pretty_print(self): """Print algorithm information.""" print("\nALGORITHM: ", self.method) # PP section if self.method != "fmm": print(f"rcut = {self.rc / self.a_ws:.4f} a_ws = {self.rc:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") pp_cells = (self.box_lengths / self.rc).astype(int) print(f"No. of PP cells per dimension = {pp_cells}") ptcls_in_loop = int(self.total_num_density * (self.dimensions * self.rc) ** self.dimensions) print(f"No. of particles in PP loop = {ptcls_in_loop}") dim_const = (self.dimensions + 1) / 3.0 * pi pp_neighbors = int(self.total_num_density * dim_const * self.rc**self.dimensions) print(f"No. of PP neighbors per particle = {pp_neighbors}") if self.method == "pppm": # PM Section print(f"Charge assignment orders: {self.pppm_cao}") print(f"FFT aliases: {self.pppm_aliases}") print(f"Mesh: {self.pppm_mesh}") print( f"Ewald parameter alpha = {self.pppm_alpha_ewald * self.a_ws:.4f} / a_ws = {self.pppm_alpha_ewald:.6e} ", end="", ) print("[1/cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[1/m]") h_a = self.pppm_h_array / self.a_ws print(f"Mesh width = {h_a[0]:.4f}, {h_a[1]:.4f}, {h_a[2]:.4f} a_ws") print( f" = {self.pppm_h_array[0]:.4e}, {self.pppm_h_array[1]:.4e}, {self.pppm_h_array[2]:.4e} ", end="", ) print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") halpha = self.pppm_h_array * self.pppm_alpha_ewald inv_halpha = (1.0 / halpha).astype(int) print(f"Mesh size * Ewald_parameter (h * alpha) = {halpha[0]:.4f}, {halpha[1]:.4f}, {halpha[2]:.4f} ") print(f" ~ 1/{inv_halpha[0]}, 1/{inv_halpha[1]}, 1/{inv_halpha[2]}") print(f"PP Force Error = {self.pppm_pp_err:.6e}") print(f"PM Force Error = {self.pppm_pm_err:.6e}") print(f"Tot Force Error = {self.force_error:.6e}")
[docs] def method_setup(self): """Setup algorithm's specific parameters.""" # Check for cutoff radius if not self.method == "fmm": self.linked_list_on = True # linked list on mask = self.box_lengths > 0.0 min_length = self.box_lengths[mask].min() if not self.rc: warn( f"\nThe cut-off radius is not defined. I will use the brute force method.", category=AlgorithmWarning, ) self.rc = min_length / 2.0 self.linked_list_on = False # linked list off if self.rc > min_length / 2.0: warn( f"\nThe cut-off radius is larger than half of the minimum box length. " f"I will use the brute force method.", # f"L_min/ 2 = {0.5 * min_length:.4e} will be used as rc", category=AlgorithmWarning, ) self.rc = min_length / 2.0 self.linked_list_on = False # linked list off if self.a_rs != 0.0: warn("\nShort-range cut-off enabled. Use this feature with care!", category=AlgorithmWarning) # renaming if self.method == "p3m": self.method == "pppm" # Compute pppm parameters if self.method == "pppm": self.pppm_on = True self.pppm_setup() else: self.linked_list_on = False self.pppm_on = False if self.type == "coulomb": self.force_error = self.fmm_precision else: self.force_error = self.fmm_precision
[docs] def pppm_setup(self): """Calculate the pppm parameters.""" # Change lists to numpy arrays for Numba compatibility if isinstance(self.pppm_mesh, list): self.pppm_mesh = array(self.pppm_mesh, dtype=int64) elif not isinstance(self.pppm_mesh, ndarray): raise TypeError(f"pppm_mesh is a {type(self.pppm_mesh)}. Please pass a list or numpy array.") # Mesh array should be 3 even in 2D if not len(self.pppm_mesh) == 3: raise AlgorithmWarning( f"len(potential.pppm_mesh) = {len(self.pppm_mesh)}.\n" f"The PPPM mesh array should be of length 3 even in non 3D simulations." ) if isinstance(self.pppm_aliases, list): self.pppm_aliases = array(self.pppm_aliases, dtype=int64) elif not isinstance(self.pppm_aliases, ndarray): raise TypeError(f"pppm_aliases is a {type(self.pppm_aliases)}. Please pass a list or numpy array.") # In case you pass one number and not a list if isinstance(self.pppm_cao, int): caos = array([1, 1, 1], dtype=int64) * self.pppm_cao self.pppm_cao = caos.copy() elif isinstance(self.pppm_cao, list): self.pppm_cao = array(self.pppm_cao, dtype=int64) elif not isinstance(self.pppm_cao, ndarray): raise TypeError(f"pppm_cao is a {type(self.pppm_cao)}. Please pass a list or numpy array.") if self.pppm_cao.max() > 7: raise AttributeError("\nYou have chosen a charge assignment order bigger than 7. Please choose a value <= 7") # pppm parameters self.pppm_h_array = self.box_lengths / self.pppm_mesh # To avoid division by zero mask = self.pppm_h_array == 0.0 self.pppm_h_array[mask] = 1.0 self.pppm_h_volume = # To avoid unnecessary loops self.pppm_aliases[mask] = 0 # Pack constants together for brevity in input list kappa = 1.0 / self.screening_length if self.type == "yukawa" else 0.0 constants = array([kappa, self.pppm_alpha_ewald, self.fourpie0]) # Calculate the Optimized Green's Function self.pppm_green_function, self.pppm_kx, self.pppm_ky, self.pppm_kz, self.pppm_pm_err = gf_opt( self.box_lengths, self.pppm_h_array, self.pppm_mesh, self.pppm_aliases, self.pppm_cao, constants ) # Complete PM Force error calculation self.pppm_pm_err *= sqrt(self.total_num_ptcls) * self.a_ws**2 * self.fourpie0 self.pppm_pm_err /= self.box_volume ** (2.0 / 3.0) # Total Force Error self.force_error = sqrt(self.pppm_pm_err**2 + self.pppm_pp_err**2)
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """Print potential information in a user-friendly way.""" print("\nPOTENTIAL: ", self.type) self.pot_pretty_print(potential=self) self.method_pretty_print()
[docs] def setup(self, params, species) -> None: """Setup the potential class. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` Simulation's parameters. """ # Enforce consistency self.type = self.type.lower() self.method = self.method.lower() self.copy_params(params) self.type_setup(species) self.method_setup()
[docs] def type_setup(self, species): # Update potential-specific parameters # Coulomb potential if self.type == "coulomb": if self.method == "pp": warn("Use the PP method with care for pure Coulomb interactions.", category=AlgorithmWarning) from .coulomb import pretty_print_info, update_params self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) elif self.type == "yukawa": # Yukawa potential from .yukawa import pretty_print_info, update_params self.calc_screening_length(species) self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) elif self.type == "egs": # exact gradient-corrected screening (EGS) potential from .egs import pretty_print_info, update_params self.calc_screening_length(species) self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) elif self.type == "lj": # Lennard-Jones potential from .lennardjones import pretty_print_info, update_params self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) elif self.type == "moliere": # Moliere potential from .moliere import pretty_print_info, update_params self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) elif self.type == "qsp": # QSP potential from .qsp import pretty_print_info, update_params self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self, species) elif self.type == "hs_yukawa": # Hard-Sphere Yukawa from .hs_yukawa import update_params self.calc_screening_length(species) self.pot_update_params = update_params update_params(self) self.pot_pretty_print = pretty_print_info
[docs] def update_linked_list(self, ptcls): """ Calculate the pp part of the acceleration. Parameters ---------- ptcls : :class:`sarkas.particles.Particles` Particles data. """ ptcls.potential_energy, ptcls.acc, ptcls.virial = pp_update( ptcls.pos,, ptcls.masses, self.box_lengths, self.rc, self.matrix, self.force, self.measure, ptcls.rdf_hist, ) if self.type != "lj": # Mie Energy of charged systems # J-M.Caillol, J Chem Phys 101 6080(1994) https: // / 10.1063 / 1.468422 dipole = ptcls.charges @ ptcls.pos ptcls.potential_energy += 2.0 * pi * (dipole**2).sum() / (3.0 * self.box_volume * self.fourpie0)
[docs] def update_brute(self, ptcls): """ Calculate particles' acceleration and potential brutally. Parameters ---------- ptcls: :class:`sarkas.particles.Particles` Particles data. """ ptcls.potential_energy, ptcls.acc, ptcls.virial = pp_update_0D( ptcls.pos,, ptcls.masses, self.box_lengths, self.rc, self.matrix, self.force, self.measure, ptcls.rdf_hist, ) if self.type != "lj": # Mie Energy of charged systems # J-M.Caillol, J Chem Phys 101 6080(1994) https: // / 10.1063 / 1.468422 dipole = ptcls.charges @ ptcls.pos ptcls.potential_energy += 2.0 * pi * (dipole**2).sum() / (3.0 * self.box_volume * self.fourpie0)
[docs] def update_pm(self, ptcls): """Calculate the pm part of the potential and acceleration. Parameters ---------- ptcls : :class:`sarkas.particles.Particles` Particles' data """ U_long, acc_l_r = pm_update( ptcls.pos, ptcls.charges, ptcls.masses, self.pppm_mesh, self.pppm_h_array, self.pppm_h_volume, self.box_volume, self.pppm_green_function, self.pppm_kx, self.pppm_ky, self.pppm_kz, self.pppm_cao, ) # Ewald Self-energy U_long += self.QFactor * self.pppm_alpha_ewald / sqrt(pi) # Neutrality condition U_long += -pi * self.total_net_charge**2.0 / (2.0 * self.box_volume * self.pppm_alpha_ewald**2) ptcls.potential_energy += U_long ptcls.acc += acc_l_r
[docs] def update_pppm(self, ptcls): """Calculate particles' potential and accelerations using pppm method. Parameters ---------- ptcls : :class:`sarkas.particles.Particles` Particles' data. """ self.update_linked_list(ptcls) self.update_pm(ptcls)
[docs] def update_fmm_coulomb(self, ptcls): """Calculate particles' potential and accelerations using FMM method. Parameters ---------- ptcls : sarkas.core.Particles Particles' data """ out_fmm = lfmm3d(eps=self.fmm_precision, sources=ptcls.pos.transpose(), charges=ptcls.charges, pg=2) potential_energy = ptcls.charges @ out_fmm.pot.real / self.fourpie0 acc = -(ptcls.charges * out_fmm.grad.real / ptcls.masses) / self.fourpie0 ptcls.acc = acc.transpose() return potential_energy
[docs] def update_fmm_yukawa(self, ptcls): """Calculate particles' potential and accelerations using FMM method. Parameters ---------- ptcls : sarkas.core.Particles Particles' data """ out_fmm = hfmm3d( eps=self.fmm_precision, zk=1j / self.screening_length, sources=ptcls.pos.transpose(), charges=ptcls.charges, pg=2, ) potential_energy = ptcls.charges @ out_fmm.pot.real / self.fourpie0 acc = -(ptcls.charges * out_fmm.grad.real / ptcls.masses) / self.fourpie0 ptcls.acc = acc.transpose() return potential_energy