Source code for sarkas.core

Module containing the three basic classes: Parameters, Particles, Species.

from copy import deepcopy
from numpy import array, cross, float64, int64, ndarray, pi, rint, sqrt, tanh, zeros
from scipy.constants import physical_constants
from scipy.linalg import norm

from .plasma import Species
from .utilities.exceptions import ParticlesError

[docs]class Parameters: """ Class containing all the constants and physical constants of the simulation. Parameters ---------- dic : dict, optional Dictionary to be copied. Attributes ---------- a_ws : float Wigner-Seitz radius. Calculated from the ``total_num_density`` . equilibration_steps : int Total number of equilibration timesteps. eq_dump_step : int Equilibration dump interval. magnetization_steps : int Total number of magnetization timesteps. mag_dump_step : int Magnetization dump interval. production_steps : int Total number of production timesteps. prod_dump_step : int Production dump interval. box_volume : float Volume of simulation box. pbox_volume : float Volume of initial particle box. dimensions : int Number of non-zero dimensions. Default = 3. fourpie0: float Electrostatic constant :math:`4\\pi \\epsilon_0`. num_species : int Number of species. kB : float Boltzmann constant obtained from ``scipy.constants``. hbar : float Reduced Planck's constant. hbar2 : float Square of reduced Planck's constant. a0 : float Bohr Radius. c0 : float Speed of light. qe : float Elementary charge. me : float Electron mass. eps0 : float Vacuum electrical permittivity. eV2K : float Conversion factor from eV to Kelvin obtained from ``scipy.constants``. J2erg : float Conversion factor from Joules to erg. Needed for cgs units. QFactor : float Charge Factor defined as :math:`\mathcal Q = \sum_{i}^{N} q_{i}^2` . Lx : float Box length in the :math:`x` direction. Ly : float Box length in the :math:`y` direction. Lz : float Box length in the :math:`z` direction. e1 : float Unit vector in the :math:`x` direction. e2 : float Unit vector in the :math:`y` direction. e3 : float Unit vector in the :math:`z` direction. LPx : float Initial particle box length in the :math:`x` direction. LPy : float Initial particle box length in the :math:`y` direction. LPz : float Initial particle box length in the :math:`z` direction. ep1 : float Unit vector of the initial particle box in the :math:`x` direction. ep2 : float Unit vector of the initial particle box in the :math:`y` direction. ep3 : float Unit vector of the initial particle box in the :math:`z` direction. input_file : str YAML Input file with all the simulation's parameters. T_desired : float Target temperature for the equilibration phase. species_num : numpy.ndarray Number of particles of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_concentrations : numpy.ndarray Concentration of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_temperatures : numpy.ndarray Initial temperature of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_masses : numpy.ndarray Mass of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_charges : numpy.ndarray Charge of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_names : list Name of each species. Len = (``num_species``) species_plasma_frequencies : numpy.ndarray Plasma Frequency of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) species_num_dens : numpy.ndarray Number density of each species. Shape = (``num_species``) total_ion_temperature : float Total initial ion temperature calculated as `` = species_concentration @ species_temperatures``. total_net_charge : float Total charge in the system. total_num_density : float Total number density. Calculated from the sum of :attr:`Species.number_density`. total_num_ptcls : int Total number of particles. Calculated from the sum of :attr:`Species.num`. measure : bool Flag for production phase. verbose : bool Flag for screen output. simulations_dir : str Name of directory where to store simulations. job_dir : str Directory name of the current job/run production_dir : str Directory name where to store simulation's files of the production phase. Default = 'Production'. equilibration_dir : str Directory name where to store simulation's file of the equilibration phase. Default = 'Equilibration'. preprocessing_dir : str Directory name where to store preprocessing files. Default = "PreProcessing". postprocessing_dir : str Directory name where to store postprocessing files. Default = "PostProcessing". prod_dump_dir : str Directory name where to store production phase's simulation's checkpoints. Default = 'dumps'. eq_dump_dir : str Directory name where to store equilibration phase's simulation's checkpoints. Default = 'dumps'. job_id : str Appendix of all simulation's files. log_file : str Filename of the simulation's log. np_per_side : numpy.ndarray Number of particles per simulation's box side. The product of its components should be equal to ``total_num_ptcls``. pre_run : bool Flag for preprocessing phase. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dic: dict = None) -> None: self.particles_input_file = None self.load_perturb = 0.0 self.initial_lattice_config = "simple_cubic" self.load_rejection_radius = None self.load_halton_bases = None self.load_method = None self.potential_type = None self.units = None self.electron_magnetic_energy = None self.input_file = None # Sim box geometry self.Lx = 0.0 self.Ly = 0.0 self.Lz = 0.0 self.LPx = 0.0 self.LPy = 0.0 self.LPz = 0.0 self.e1 = None self.e2 = None self.e3 = None self.ep1 = None self.ep2 = None self.ep3 = None self.box_lengths = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.pbox_lengths = array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.box_volume = 0.0 self.pbox_volume = 0.0 self.dimensions = 3 # Physical Constants and conversion units self.J2erg = 1.0e7 # erg/J self.eps0 = physical_constants["vacuum electric permittivity"][0] self.fourpie0 = 4.0 * pi * self.eps0 = physical_constants["proton mass"][0] = physical_constants["electron mass"][0] self.qe = physical_constants["elementary charge"][0] self.hbar = physical_constants["reduced Planck constant"][0] self.hbar2 = self.hbar**2 self.c0 = physical_constants["speed of light in vacuum"][0] self.eV2K = physical_constants["electron volt-kelvin relationship"][0] self.eV2J = physical_constants["electron volt-joule relationship"][0] self.a0 = physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] self.kB = physical_constants["Boltzmann constant"][0] self.kB_eV = physical_constants["Boltzmann constant in eV/K"][0] self.a_ws = 0.0 # Phases self.equilibration_phase = True self.electrostatic_equilibration = True self.magnetization_phase = False self.production_phase = True # Timing self.equilibration_steps = 0 self.production_steps = 0 self.magnetization_steps = 0 self.eq_dump_step = 1 self.prod_dump_step = 1 self.mag_dump_step = 1 # Control self.job_id = None self.job_dir = None self.log_file = None self.measure = False self.magnetized = False self.plot_style = None self.pre_run = False self.simulations_dir = "Simulations" self.production_dir = "Production" self.magnetization_dir = "Magnetization" self.equilibration_dir = "Equilibration" self.preprocessing_dir = "PreProcessing" self.postprocessing_dir = "PostProcessing" self.prod_dump_dir = "dumps" self.eq_dump_dir = "dumps" self.mag_dump_dir = "dumps" self.verbose = True self.restart_step = None self.np_per_side = None self.num_species = 1 self.magnetic_field = None self.species_lj_sigmas = None self.species_names = None self.species_num = None self.species_num_dens = None self.species_concentrations = None self.species_temperatures = None self.species_temperatures_eV = None self.species_masses = None self.species_charges = None self.species_plasma_frequencies = None self.species_cyclotron_frequencies = None self.species_couplings = None self.coupling_constant = 0.0 self.total_num_density = 0.0 self.total_num_ptcls = 0 self.total_plasma_frequency = 0.0 self.total_debye_length = 0.0 self.total_mass_density = 0.0 self.total_ion_temperature = 0.0 self.T_desired = 0.0 self.total_net_charge = 0.0 self.QFactor = 0.0 self.average_charge = None self.average_mass = None self.hydrodynamic_frequency = None if dic: self.from_dict(dic)
def __repr__(self): sortedDict = dict(sorted(self.__dict__.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lower())) disp = "Parameters( \n" for key, value in sortedDict.items(): disp += "\t{} : {}\n".format(key, value) disp += ")" return disp def __copy__(self): """Make a shallow copy of the object using copy by creating a new instance of the object and copying its __dict__.""" # Create a new object _copy = type(self)(dic=self.__dict__) return _copy def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}): """ Make a deepcopy of the object. Parameters ---------- memodict: dict Dictionary of id's to copies Returns ------- _copy: :class:`sarkas.core.Parameters` A new Parameters class. """ id_self = id(self) # memorization avoids unnecessary recursion _copy = memodict.get(id_self) if _copy is None: _copy = type(self)() # Make a deepcopy of the mutable arrays using numpy copy function for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): _copy.__dict__[k] = deepcopy(v, memodict) return _copy
[docs] def calc_coupling_constant(self, species: list): """ Calculate the coupling constant of each species and the total coupling constant. For more information see the theory pages. Parameters ---------- species: list List of ``sarkas.plasma.Species`` objects. """ z_avg = (self.species_charges.transpose()) @ self.species_concentrations for i, sp in enumerate(species): const = self.fourpie0 * self.kB sp.calc_coupling(self.a_ws, z_avg, const) self.species_couplings[i] = sp.coupling self.coupling_constant += sp.concentration * sp.coupling
[docs] def calc_electron_properties(self, species: list): """Check whether the electrons are a dynamical species or not.""" # Check for electrons as dynamical species if "e" not in self.species_names: electrons = { "name": "electron_background", "number_density": ( self.species_charges.transpose() @ self.species_concentrations * self.total_num_density / self.qe ), } if hasattr(self, "electron_temperature_eV"): electrons["temperature_eV"] = self.electron_temperature_eV electrons["temperature"] = self.eV2K * self.electron_temperature_eV elif hasattr(self, "electron_temperature"): electrons["temperature"] = self.electron_temperature electrons["temperature_eV"] = self.electron_temperature / self.eV2K else: electrons["temperature"] = self.total_ion_temperature electrons["temperature_eV"] = self.total_ion_temperature / self.eV2K electrons["mass"] = electrons["Z"] = -1.0 electrons["charge"] = electrons["Z"] * self.qe electrons["spin_degeneracy"] = 2.0 electrons["num"] = (self.species_num.T @ self.species_charges / self.qe).astype(int64) e_species = Species(electrons) e_species.copy_params(self) e_species.calc_ws_radius() e_species.calc_plasma_frequency() e_species.calc_debye_length() e_species.calc_landau_length() if self.magnetized: b_mag = norm(self.magnetic_field) # magnitude of B if self.units == "cgs": b_mag /= self.c0 e_species.calc_cyclotron_frequency(magnetic_field_strength=b_mag) # Electron should be the last species if not dynamical species.append(e_species) else: # Electron should be the first species if dynamical e_species = species[0] e_species.calc_debroglie_wavelength() e_species.calc_quantum_attributes(spin_statistics="fermi-dirac") # Electron WS radius e_species.a_ws = (3.0 / (4.0 * pi * e_species.number_density)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) # Brueckner parameters = e_species.a_ws / self.a0 # Other electron parameters e_species.degeneracy_parameter = self.kB * e_species.temperature / e_species.Fermi_energy e_species.relativistic_parameter = self.hbar * e_species.Fermi_wavenumber / ( * self.c0) # Eq. 1 in Murillo Phys Rev E 81 036403 (2010) e_species.coupling = e_species.charge**2 / ( self.fourpie0 * e_species.Fermi_energy * e_species.a_ws * sqrt(1.0 + e_species.degeneracy_parameter**2) ) # Warm Dense Matter Parameter, Eq.3 in Murillo Phys Rev E 81 036403 (2010) e_species.wdm_parameter = 2.0 / (e_species.degeneracy_parameter + 1.0 / e_species.degeneracy_parameter) e_species.wdm_parameter *= 2.0 / (e_species.coupling + 1.0 / e_species.coupling) if self.magnetized: # Inverse temperature for convenience beta_e = 1.0 / (self.kB * e_species.temperature) e_species.magnetic_energy = self.hbar * e_species.cyclotron_frequency tan_arg = 0.5 * self.hbar * e_species.cyclotron_frequency * beta_e # Perpendicular correction e_species.horing_perp_correction = (e_species.plasma_frequency / e_species.cyclotron_frequency) ** 2 e_species.horing_perp_correction *= 1.0 - tan_arg / tanh(tan_arg) e_species.horing_perp_correction += 1 # Parallel correction e_species.horing_par_correction = 1 - (self.hbar * beta_e * e_species.plasma_frequency) ** 2 / 12.0 # Quantum Anisotropy Parameter e_species.horing_delta = e_species.horing_perp_correction - 1 e_species.horing_delta += (self.hbar * beta_e * e_species.cyclotron_frequency) ** 2 / 12.0 e_species.horing_delta /= e_species.horing_par_correction
[docs] def calc_parameters(self, species: list): """ Assign the parsed parameters. Parameters ---------- species : list List of :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species` . """ self.set_species_attributes(species) self.create_species_arrays(species) if self.magnetized: self.magnetic_field = array(self.magnetic_field, dtype=float) self.calc_magnetic_parameters(species) self.sim_box_setup()
[docs] def calc_magnetic_parameters(self, species: list): """ Calculate cyclotron frequency in case of a magnetized simulation. Parameters ---------- species: list, List of :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species`. """ self.species_cyclotron_frequencies = zeros(self.num_species) for i, sp in enumerate(species): b_mag = norm(self.magnetic_field) if self.units == "cgs": b_mag /= self.c0 sp.calc_cyclotron_frequency(magnetic_field_strength=b_mag) sp.beta_c = sp.cyclotron_frequency / sp.plasma_frequency self.species_cyclotron_frequencies[i] = sp.cyclotron_frequency
[docs] def check_units(self) -> None: """Adjust default physical constants for cgs unit system and check for LJ potential.""" # Physical constants if self.units == "cgs": self.kB *= self.J2erg self.c0 *= 1e2 # cm/s *= 1e3 # Coulomb to statCoulomb conversion factor. See C2statC = 1.0e-01 * self.c0 self.hbar = self.J2erg * self.hbar self.hbar2 = self.hbar**2 self.qe *= C2statC *= 1.0e3 self.eps0 = 1.0 self.fourpie0 = 1.0 self.a0 *= 1e2 if self.potential_type == "lj": self.fourpie0 = 1.0 self.species_lj_sigmas = zeros(self.num_species)
[docs] def create_species_arrays(self, species: list): """ Get species information into arrays for the postprocessing part. Parameters ---------- species : list List of :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species` . """ self.num_species = len(species) # Initialize the arrays containing species attributes. This is needed for postprocessing self.species_names = [] self.species_num = zeros(self.num_species, dtype=int64) self.species_num_dens = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_concentrations = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_temperatures = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_temperatures_eV = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_masses = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_charges = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_plasma_frequencies = zeros(self.num_species) self.species_couplings = zeros(self.num_species) if self.potential_type == "lj": self.species_lj_sigmas = zeros(self.num_species) # Initialization of attributes self.total_num_ptcls = 0 self.total_num_density = 0.0 wp_tot_sq = 0.0 lambda_D = 0.0 for i, sp in enumerate(species): self.total_num_ptcls += sp.num self.total_num_density += sp.number_density self.species_concentrations[i] = sp.concentration self.species_names.append( self.species_num[i] = sp.num self.species_masses[i] = sp.mass self.species_num_dens[i] = sp.number_density self.species_temperatures_eV[i] = sp.temperature_eV self.species_temperatures[i] = sp.temperature self.species_charges[i] = sp.charge self.species_plasma_frequencies[i] = sp.plasma_frequency self.QFactor += sp.QFactor / self.fourpie0 wp_tot_sq += sp.plasma_frequency**2 lambda_D += sp.debye_length**2 if self.potential_type == "lj": self.species_lj_sigmas[i] = sp.sigma self.total_mass_density = self.species_masses.transpose() @ self.species_num_dens # Calculate total quantities self.total_net_charge = (self.species_charges.transpose()) @ self.species_num self.total_plasma_frequency = sqrt(wp_tot_sq) self.total_debye_length = sqrt(lambda_D) # Transform the list of species names into an array self.species_names = array(self.species_names) self.total_ion_temperature = (self.species_concentrations.transpose()) @ self.species_temperatures # Redundancy!!! self.T_desired = self.total_ion_temperature self.average_charge = (self.species_charges.transpose()) @ self.species_concentrations self.average_mass = (self.species_masses.transpose()) @ self.species_concentrations # Hydrodynamic Frequency self.hydrodynamic_frequency = sqrt( 4.0 * pi * self.average_charge**2 * self.total_num_density / (self.fourpie0 * self.average_mass) )
[docs] def from_dict(self, input_dict: dict) -> None: """ Update attributes from input dictionary. Parameters ---------- input_dict: dict Dictionary to be copied. """ self.__dict__.update(input_dict)
[docs] def pretty_print(self): """ Print simulation parameters in a user-friendly way. """ print("\nSIMULATION AND INITIAL PARTICLE BOX:") if hasattr(self, "rand_seed"): print("Random Seed = ", self.rand_seed) print(f"Units: {self.units}") print(f"No. of non-zero box dimensions = {self.dimensions}") print(f"Wigner-Seitz radius = {self.a_ws:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") box_a = self.box_lengths / self.a_ws print(f"Box side along x axis = {box_a[0]:.6e} a_ws = {self.box_lengths[0]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Box side along y axis = {box_a[1]:.6e} a_ws = {self.box_lengths[1]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Box side along z axis = {box_a[2]:.6e} a_ws = {self.box_lengths[2]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Box Volume = {self.box_volume:.6e} ", end="") if self.dimensions == 3: print("[cm^3]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m^3]") else: print("[cm^2]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m^2]") pbox_a = self.pbox_lengths / self.a_ws print(f"Initial particle box side along x axis = {pbox_a[0]:.6e} a_ws = {self.pbox_lengths[0]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Initial particle box side along y axis = {pbox_a[1]:.6e} a_ws = {self.pbox_lengths[1]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Initial particle box side along z axis = {pbox_a[2]:.6e} a_ws = {self.pbox_lengths[2]:.6e} ", end="") print("[cm]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m]") print(f"Initial particle box Volume = {self.pbox_volume:.6e} ", end="") if self.dimensions == 3: print("[cm^3]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m^3]") else: print("[cm^2]" if self.units == "cgs" else "[m^2]") print(f"Boundary conditions: {self.boundary_conditions}") if self.magnetized: print("\nMAGNETIC FIELD:") print(f"Magnetic Field = {self.magnetic_field}", end="") print("[Tesla]" if self.units == "mks" else "[Gauss]") print(f"Magnetic Field Magnitude = {norm(self.magnetic_field):.4e} ", end="") print("[Tesla]" if self.units == "mks" else "[Gauss]") print(f"Magnetic Field Unit Vector = {self.magnetic_field / norm(self.magnetic_field)}") restart = self.load_method restart_step = self.restart_step if self.restart_step else 0 wp_dt = self.total_plasma_frequency * self.dt # Print Time steps information phase_dict = { "eq": ["equilibration", "equilibration_steps", "eq_dump_step"], "ma": ["magnetization", "magnetization_steps", "mag_dump_step"], "pr": ["production", "production_steps", "prod_dump_step"], } # Check for restart simulations if restart[-7:] == "restart": phase_ls = phase_dict[restart[:2]] phase = phase_ls[0] steps = self.__dict__[phase_ls[1]] dump_step = self.__dict__[phase_ls[2]] print(f"Restart step: {restart_step}") print(f"Total {phase} steps = {steps}") print(f"Total {phase} time = {steps * self.dt:.4e} [s] ~ {int(steps * wp_dt)} w_p T_prod ") print(f"snapshot interval step = {dump_step}") print(f"snapshot interval time = {dump_step * self.dt:.4e} [s] = {dump_step * wp_dt:.4f} w_p T_snap") print(f"Total number of snapshots = {int(steps / dump_step)}") else: for (key, phase_ls) in phase_dict.items(): phase = phase_ls[0] steps = self.__dict__[phase_ls[1]] dump_step = self.__dict__[phase_ls[2]] if key == "mg" and not self.magnetized: continue else: print(f"\n{phase.capitalize()}: \nNo. of {phase} steps = {steps}") print(f"Total {phase} time = {steps * self.dt:.4e} [s] ~ {int(steps * wp_dt)} w_p T_eq") print(f"snapshot interval step = {dump_step}") print(f"snapshot interval time = {dump_step * self.dt:.4e} [s] = {dump_step * wp_dt:.4f} w_p T_snap") print(f"Total number of snapshots = {int(steps / dump_step)}")
[docs] def set_species_attributes(self, species: list): """ Set species attributes that have not been defined in the input file. Parameters ---------- species: list, List of :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species`. """ # Loop over species and assign missing attributes # Collect species properties in single arrays tot_num_ptcls = 0 for i, sp in enumerate(species): tot_num_ptcls += sp.num # Calculate the mass of the species from the atomic weight if given if sp.atomic_weight: # Choose between atomic mass constant or proton mass # u = const.physical_constants["atomic mass constant"][0] sp.mass = * sp.atomic_weight else: sp.atomic_weight = sp.mass / # Calculate the mass of the species from the mass density if given if sp.mass_density: Av = physical_constants["Avogadro constant"][0] sp.number_density = sp.mass_density * Av / sp.atomic_weight if not hasattr(sp, "number_density"): raise AttributeError(f"\nSpecies {} number density not defined") # Calculate the temperature in K if eV has been provided and vice versa if sp.temperature_eV: sp.temperature = self.eV2K * sp.temperature_eV else: # Convert to eV and save sp.temperature_eV = sp.temperature / self.eV2K # Calculate the species charge based on the inputs if sp.charge: sp.Z = sp.charge / self.qe elif sp.Z: sp.charge = sp.Z * self.qe elif sp.epsilon: # Lennard-Jones potentials don't have charge but have the equivalent epsilon. sp.charge = sqrt(sp.epsilon) sp.Z = 1.0 else: sp.charge = 0.0 sp.Z = 0.0 if sp.mass_density is None: sp.mass_density = sp.mass * sp.number_density # Q^2 factor see eq.(2.10) in Ballenegger et al. J Chem Phys 128 034109 (2008). sp.QFactor = sp.num * sp.charge**2 # In case of LJ this is zero sp.copy_params(self) sp.calc_ws_radius() sp.calc_plasma_frequency() sp.calc_debye_length() sp.calc_landau_length() # Calculate species concentrations for i, sp in enumerate(species): sp.concentration = float(sp.num / tot_num_ptcls)
[docs] def setup(self, species) -> None: """ Setup simulations' parameters. Parameters ---------- species : list List of :class:`sarkas.plasma.Species` objects. """ self.check_units() self.calc_parameters(species) self.calc_coupling_constant(species) self.calc_electron_properties(species)
[docs] def sim_box_setup(self): """Calculate initial particle's and simulation's box parameters.""" # Simulation Box Parameters # Wigner-Seitz radius calculated from the total number density # Calculate initial particle's and simulation's box parameters if self.np_per_side: if not isinstance(self.np_per_side, ndarray): self.np_per_side = array(self.np_per_side, dtype=int64) if rint( != self.total_num_ptcls: raise ParticlesError("Number of particles per dimension does not match total number of particles.") if self.dimensions != 3: new_array = zeros(3, dtype=int64) for d in range(self.dimensions): new_array[d] = self.np_per_side[d] del self.np_per_side self.np_per_side = new_array.copy() self.pbox_lengths = self.np_per_side / self.total_num_density ** (1.0 / self.dimensions) else: self.pbox_lengths = zeros(3, dtype=float64) self.np_per_side = zeros(3, dtype=int64) for d in range(self.dimensions): self.pbox_lengths[d] = (self.total_num_ptcls / self.total_num_density) ** (1.0 / self.dimensions) self.np_per_side[d] = rint(self.total_num_ptcls ** (1.0 / self.dimensions)) self.LPx, self.LPy, self.LPz = self.pbox_lengths.ravel() # The following if are needed if you define Lx, Ly, Lz in the input file if self.Lx == 0.0: self.box_lengths[0] = self.pbox_lengths[0] self.Lx = self.box_lengths[0] else: self.box_lengths[0] = self.Lx if self.Ly == 0.0: self.box_lengths[1] = self.pbox_lengths[1] self.Ly = self.box_lengths[1] else: self.box_lengths[1] = self.Ly if self.Lz == 0.0: self.box_lengths[2] = self.pbox_lengths[2] self.Lz = self.box_lengths[2] else: self.box_lengths[2] = self.Lz # Dev Note: The following are useful for future geometries. # Dev Note: Do we really need it? self.e1 = array([self.Lx, 0.0, 0.0]) self.e2 = array([0.0, self.Ly, 0.0]) self.e3 = array([0.0, 0.0, self.Lz]) self.ep1 = array([self.LPx, 0.0, 0.0]) self.ep2 = array([0.0, self.LPy, 0.0]) self.ep3 = array([0.0, 0.0, self.LPz]) if self.dimensions == 3: self.a_ws = (3.0 / (4.0 * pi * self.total_num_density)) ** (1.0 / 3.0) self.box_volume = abs(cross(self.e1, self.e2).dot(self.e3)) self.pbox_volume = abs(cross(self.ep1, self.ep2).dot(self.ep3)) elif self.dimensions == 2: self.a_ws = 1.0 / sqrt(pi * self.total_num_density) self.box_volume = abs(cross(self.e1, self.e2)[-1]) self.pbox_volume = abs(cross(self.ep1, self.ep2)[-1]) else: self.a_ws = 2.0 / self.total_num_density self.box_volume = self.Lx self.pbox_volume = self.LPx